If you’ve never heard or read that word before, you probably think I had my hands on the wrong keys of my keyboard.
Here’s a name you might recognize better: Mexican Hairless dog.
The Xoloitzcuintli, is a unique hypoallergenic dog breed, both in looks and in its hypoallergenic qualities.
Learn about their temperament, lifespan and where you can find the puppies and older ones.
All About the Xoloitzcuintli
The Mexican Hairless is a hypoallergenic dog breed that is fairly uncommon in the states. However, for those suffering with allergies, this is the absolute best choice for them.
The only hair on this dog at all is a Mohawk on the top of its head.
Since allergies can be triggered by shedding, skin cells, or urine collected on hair, this breed is perfect for people with allergies. It has no hair, after all!
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History of the Xoloitzcuintli
Did you know that the Xoloitzcuintli is an ancient breed that was deeply revered by the Aztecs? That should give you an idea of just how far back their history extends. Check out a few interesting facts about the Xoloritzcuintli history.
- Their very name shows you just how important they were to their people. “Xolotl” is an Aztec god. The “itzcuintli” part means “dog.”
- The word Xoloitzcuintli combines “Xolotl,” the Aztec god of lightening and death, with “itzcuintli,” the Aztec word for dog.
- These dogs were thought to have a deep connection with the spiritual world!
- Xolos are the oldest domesticated dog in the Americas, spanning back 3,000 years.
Want to know more about the Xolo’s history? Check out this article on Mexonline.
Xoloitzcuintli Looks & Temperament
What does the Xoloitzcuintli Look Like?
The look of the Mexican Hairless is quite unique. As mentioned above, it has no hair except for a Mohawk on the top of its head. Some owners even shave that off!
- It also has squinty eyes and a wrinkly face. At first glance, you might think this hypoallergenic dog breed is ugly, but take a closer look.
- This breed has a wonderful body shape. It is long, well muscled with a deep chest, and has an attractive, wedge shaped head. I find them quite handsome.
- The Mexican Hairless also comes in three sizes: small, medium, and large. With these sizes, it will fit into almost anyone’s lifestyle.
Related: Totally Naked Hypoallergenic Dogs: The Hairless Breeds
Xoloitzcuintli Temperament
Generally speaking, this hypoallergenic dog breed is kind and loving.
- It is aloof with strangers, but loves its people.
- It generally picks a favorite in the family, but it will not snub the rest of its “pack.” It has a calm nature, so it’s not one to dash around the house, knocking over lamps and end tables.
- While the Mexican Hairless is a family dog, and good with children – especially those it’s been raised with – it doesn’t tolerate the rough stuff. So closely supervise interaction of toddlers and overly rambunctious children with your Mexican Hairless.
- It is good with other dogs if it knows them, and unless it feels threatened, it will most likely have no problems with dogs it doesn’t know.
- The Mexican Hairless is a primal breed. It has a high prey drive and protective instincts, so you need to be prepared for that if you consider getting one. It WILL chase anything that moves, including the neighbor’s cat, so a fenced in yard is a must.
- In addition, it can be highly protective with a “bite now, ask questions later” attitude if it feels its people are threatened. Socialization is absolutely required with this breed.
Exercise Requirements
The Mexican Hairless may be calm indoors, but it still needs to get its considerable energy out.
- This breed is high energy, and it needs lots of exercise.
- The easiest way to do this is with a fenced in yard.
- If you can’t do that or don’t want to, you’re in for some very long walks.
- This hypoallergenic dog would also do well on a run if you’re a jogger.
Where to Find Xoloitzcuintli Puppies
Ready to adopt a Xoloitzcuintli? Since they are rare dogs, adopting one is a bit trickier than adopting a pit bull or another one of the most common breeds found in shelters. Still, rescues should be your first choice.
Finding Xoloitzcuintli in shelters
As I said, it’s going to be tricky, but it’s doable!
- Your first call should be to your local ASPCA, Humane Society, or other dog rescue center. You would be surprised at the number of pure-breed dogs found in shelters.
- If that doesn’t work out, try searching for breed-specific rescue groups near you. Just type in Xoloitzcuintli rescue + your zip code. You can also try PetFinder.
- Still can’t find a Xoloitzcuintli available for adoption? Branch out even further and search for nationwide rescues. Many of them have “relay” systems in place to get a dog from one state to another. Basically, one person drives the dog to the next in the relay, and so on until they reach you.
Finding reputable Xoloitzcuintli breeders
While adoption should always be your first choice, sometimes that’s just not possible with rare breeds like the Xoloitzcuintli. If you have your heart set on getting a puppy, you’ll want to make sure you’re choosing a reputable breeder.
- I highly suggest checking out the AKC listing for breeders. There are only six on the list, but they are scattered all around the US so it’s easier to find one closer to you.
- The Xoloitzcuintli Club of America also has a breeders directory that’s a bit more extensive.
Even if you go with a recommended breeder from one of these great sources, it’s still important to do your research and make sure they are an ethical breeder.
Things to Know Before Getting a Xolo
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If you decide to get a Mexican Hairless remember a few things.
- Fence in the yard and be vigilant with training. If you can’t fence your entire yard, get a nice-sized dog playpen
- In addition to that, bathe it once a week with a high quality aloe and oatmeal shampoo to keep its skin healthy and reduce shedding of skin cells.
- Last but not least, make adoption your first option. There are internet rescue sights out there for a hypoallergenic dog even this unique.
A Unique Hypoallergenic Dog Breed, to Say the Least
This hypoallergenic dog breed is unique by any standard. Its lack of hair, makes it a great choice for an allergy sufferer.
That lack of fur also gives it a quite distinctive look. Another unique quality of the breed is its three sizes. This hypoallergenic dog is one of a kind all the way around.
Do you have a Xoloitzcuintli? What do you love about this hypoallergenic dog breed?
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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