If you want to know what dog breed bites the most, you’ve come to the right place. While it may not surprise you that the Pit Bull is the answer to the question of what dog breed bites the most, we need to look at it more deeply than just reported bites.
What Dog Breed Bites the Most and Why
The Pit Bull is the resounding answer to the question of what dog breed bites the most. Most likely, that doesn’t surprise you. It seems like whenever you turn on the news, you see stories of Pit Bulls attacking people. But what the news never covers is why it happened? They want the bite story because people watch it. People don’t care about the why. The why is boring. So let’s take a look at why the Pit Bull is king of what dog breed bites the most.
The lineage of the Pit Bull is one reason it’s always first on the list of what dog breed bites the most. Way back in human kind’s more barbaric history, dog fighting was a generally accepted form of entertainment. No one thought twice about it. The Pit Bull was bred specifically for that purpose. It’s no surprise when you look at a Pit. It’s entire body is corded muscle, and it’s jaws are powerful and huge.
Through the years, dog fighting has – thankfully – been seen for what it is. A barbaric practice. And over those years, the Pit Bull’s other traits have been allowed to come forward. Those traits being friendly, loving, and good-natured. The Pit Bulls that you see on the news have either been trained specifically for dog fighting, as guard dogs, or have not been properly socialized.
Another reason that Pit Bulls are always at the front of the what dog breed bites the most pack is training. Either specific training or a lack of it. Although dog fighting is no longer an accepted form of entertainment, some disgusting, deplorable people still engage in it. And because of the Pit Bull’s strength, it’s still the dog of choice for this practice.
Like any dog, a Pit Bull can be trained to be a vicious killer. The difference is the level of damage a Pit can inflict. They have tremendous bite force and extremely powerful bodies. So it only stands to reason that if they’re trained to be aggressive, they’ll be good at it.
Also, like any dog, a lack of training can result in a bite. While dog fighting may by and large be a thing of the past, the Pit Bull can still have animal aggressive tendencies. These can generally be tamed with training and socialization, but without it… Well, you end up with a Pit Bull on the news.
Pits are Great Dogs, but They Can Have Horrible Owners
What you don’t hear about on the news is a footnote to the stories of bitings. You don’t hear an anchor say what a tragedy it is that the Pit in question wasn’t trained properly. You don’t hear how Pit Bulls can be incredibly loving companions rather than leaders on the what dog bites the most board.
Pit Bulls ARE wonderful dogs. When properly trained and socialized – as any dog should be – they are incredibly friendly and loving. They have wonderful personalities, and while they enjoy a good romp in the yard, these dogs also don’t realize that they aren’t lap dogs. Pit Bulls love their families, and they love children. In fact, the Pit Bull is nicknamed the “Nanny Dog” because of their love and devotion to the children of the family.
All of that being said, Pit Bulls respond to training as any other dog would. If a Pit Bull is trained to be well-behaved and socialized properly, they are one of the best family pets around. If they’re trained in an environment of vicious violence, they will be viciously violent. That’s why they’re tops on the list of what dog breed bites the most – because people have made them that way.
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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