Thinking about using washable dog diapers but not sure if they’re worth the hassle?
Compared to cleaning up after your pooch, they just may be the best thing to happen since puppy pads!
Whether you’ve got a puppy just starting the potty training journey, an adolescent in heat, or a senior dog with a health condition, these diapers can really help deal the messier parts of dog parenting.
Let’s talk about the benefits of washable dog diapers so you can see for yourself!
What are the benefits of washable dog diapers?
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Housetraining a dog requires patience and commitment, and it’s not something that happens overnight. But what could you do to avoid a mess in the house in the meantime? After all, you don’t want to spend your day cleaning after the dog.
Have you considered dog diapers? They might come in handy while you’re still teaching your puppy where he is supposed to do his business, or you don’t feel like getting up during the night to let the dog out.
Just like human diapers, dog ones come in a variety of sizes, colors, and designs. But your first choice would be between disposable and washable ones
. That’s a common conundrum for all parents – human or pet. So, we’re going to weigh the pros and cons and see what the benefits of washable dog diapers are.
Keeping furniture clean
Washable diapers are not only useful for housetraining a new puppy. They can be of great assistance if you have an intact female dog. Unlike cats, dogs have a “menstruation cycle” when they go in heat. The female estrus cycle repeats twice a year and has four stages. Your dog will bleed during the first one for approximately ten days.
While females do keep themselves clean, you still might find bloody splotches all around the house, especially if she likes to sleep on the bed or the couch. Moreover, marble floors are easy to clean with a mop and a bucket, but carpets and leather are a different matter. So, it’s handy to keep a few washable diapers around if you don’t plan on spaying your dog.
Also, as your dog gets old, he might have troubles controlling his bladder resulting in more wet puddles around the house or soaked dog beds. While most dogs respond well to medical treatment, you might still need a diaper to keep bedding and carpets dry.
Low cost
At first glance, washable dog diapers look more expensive than disposable once. However, since you’ll be using them over and over again, they are cheaper in the long run. You’ll have to spend a little more at the beginning to build a stash of diapers, but it’s worth it.
A grown dog pees 4-6 times a day on average, so you’ll need around six disposable diapers a day or around 180 a month. Of course, the number will go way up if we’re talking about a puppy or an elderly dog with a medical condition. As you can imagine, your monthly expenses will also raise drastically.
So, it logical that a washable diaper will be a better choice if your dog needs to wear a diaper on a regular basis or for an extended period. Of course, you’ll have to wash them and deal with the icky factor, which is what would put most people off.
Quality material
Disposable diapers are flimsy. They are not made to last, and as a result, you might tear one as you’re trying to put it on the dog. Washable diapers are sturdier because they’re meant to last longer, and your dog might have a harder time shredding it to pieces with his teeth.
Another thing you should consider is that disposable diapers are made similarly to those made for babies. It means that they contain gels and chemicals to make them more absorbent and mask the smell. However, your dog might be allergic to these components and end up with a diaper rash.
Washable diapers, on the other hand, don’t contain harmful substances that could irritate your dog’s bottom. So as long as you change the diaper regularly, your dog will be comfortable and dry. What’s more, washable diapers are “green,” because they are reusable. You won’t be contributing to Earth’s pollution.
When is it appropriate to use a diaper?
Dogs who don’t have a medical condition, which prevents them from controlling their bladder, shouldn’t be wearing a diaper full-time. Dog diapers can be a short-term solution for:
- Menstruating female dogs in heat
- Recovery after a surgery
- Traveling by car or plane
- Staying in hotels
- Visiting friends
Diapers should not be an alternative to house training. For once, the dog might be uncomfortable wearing a diaper all day long, and he might find a way to take it off. Then you’ll have a big mess on your hands. Second, it might not be so easy to put a diaper on your dog as you think and it can turn into a struggle.
The conclusion is that washable dog diapers are an excellent idea as long as you use them appropriately and not as a replacement for housetraining. What’s more, you don’t really have to buy special dog ones. You can use human diapers as long as you’re able to cut a hole for the tail and measure your dog’s size correctly.
What do you think of the benefits of dog washable diapers? Have you used one? Why? Share your opinion in the comments.
I’ve grown up surrounded by animals – dogs, cats, cows, goats, sheep, and horses and that has shaped me into what I am today – a crazy cat lady who always has a place for one more cat (or a dog). I’ve got two female cats – Kitty and Roni, and two tomcats – Blacky and Shaggy, but I also feed my neighbors’ cats when they come for a visit. I just can’t say no to them.
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