Top 5 Best Dog Breeds that Fight Depression



Ben Ro
Picture of Ben Ro

Ben Ro


My name is Ben Roberts, and I’ve been writing about animals for many years. Honestly, I couldn’t ask for a much better job, considering I’ve been around animals all my life. I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t at least one cat or dog inside my home. Currently, I’m a proud owner of a Beagle and a Pitbull who make sure my life is never dull.

Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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We all know that having a pet can help relieve symptoms of depression, but do some do it better than others? Read on to learn about the best dog breeds that fight depression!

DogVills is your trusted resource for all things related to responsible dog ownership. With a clear mission to enrich the lives of both dogs and their owners, we combine passion and expertise to provide valuable insights, tips, and advice for a happier, healthier bond with your furry friend.

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What are the best dog breeds that fight depression?

We all know that pets are natural fighters against depression

As someone who struggles with anxiety, I can attest to this fact.

My dogs always know how to relax or cheer me up.

However, some dogs are a little better at this than others.

Read on to find out which dogs breed are depression fighting superstars!

5 Best Dogs Breeds that Fight Depression

Each of the five following dog breeds are notorious for being extremely helpful to people who are fighting depression.

And it comes from them having natural ability to read our emotions and feelings . Pretty cool right?


Related: Can Dogs Really Sense Our Pain?

1. French Bulldogs

We all know that having a pet can help relieve symptoms of depression, but do some do it better than others? Read on to learn about the best dog breeds that fight depression!

Being an incredible sociable companion, the French Bulldog’s hands down one of the best fighters against depression.

I mean, have you ever seen one that didn’t seem like it was having the time of their life?

  • Honestly, I’m always a little jealous when I see someone with one of these funny creatures.
  • But as someone who refuses to get a dog from anywhere other than a rescue or shelter, it doesn’t seem like I’m ever going to get one.
  • See, these dogs are rarely, if ever, found at shelters for a simple reason: nobody gives them up. And it’s because of their wonderful personality.
  • Plus, they’re incredibly low-maintenance animals that are remarkably portable and adaptable to any circumstance.
  • For instance, if you want to take them out in public, they’ll be the stars of whatever social gathering you attend. If you’re going to stay in and sleep all day, they’re down for that too.

In other words, no matter the situation, this dog will be there to try and make you feel better. And that’s why they’re the perfect dog to lead off this list.


Related: Are Any of the Bulldog Breeds Hypoallergenic?


2. Labrador Retrievers

We all know that having a pet can help relieve symptoms of depression, but do some do it better than others? Read on to learn about the best dog breeds that fight depression!

As the biggest breed on the list, the Labrador Retriever has something else that’s big: their heart.

  • See, I grew up having a Labrador Retriever, and there’s wasn’t a day that past where my dog Leo didn’t do something to make me smile.
  • And on those days where I wasn’t feeling my best, he’d be right there by my side. It was like he knew exactly what I needed to get me through whatever was making me upset.
  • It also helps that there’s nothing on earth happier than one of these dogs, which is entirely infectious. Their sense of happiness just becomes impossible to avoid when you’re around it.
  • Even if you try your hardest, there’s just something about these dogs that forces you to be happy. If something’s going to be forced on me, I’m pretty sure being happy is something I wouldn’t mind.

Overall, it’s borderline crazy how well-suited they’re to help people fight against the awful experience that is depression.

Don’t believe me? Watch this video , and you’ll immediately understand how well-suited these dogs are to be depression fighting superstars.

Related: Top 5 Reasons Why Labradors Make Great Service Dogs

3. Pugs

Are pugs hypoallergenic? Find out the answer to this question and learn everything you need to know about one of the world's most popular dog breeds!

Another dog breed I had the pleasure of growing up with, the Pug, is an unstoppable force of cuteness . Honestly, these smushed faced dogs are just an absolute treasure to be around.

I mean, It’s utterly impossible to not smile around them. And even if you try to stay down in the dumps, these dogs will not stand for it.

  • See, the best thing about this dog breed is their stubbornness.  If they see something they don’t like, they won’t hesitate to let you know or fix the issue.
  • For example, if you’re moping around your house, this dog will do anything and everything to try and brighten your day.
  • They might jump up on your leg, lick your face, cuddle, chase their tail, etc.
  • Basically, they’ll do anything they can to get a smile on your face. With this in mind, it’s no surprise these dogs are routinely on lists such as this one.

These are genuinely depression fighting superstars that anyone feeling down could benefit from interacting with; if I could, I’d bring a Pug with me everywhere.

They’re just that fun and fabulous to be around.

4. Poodles

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There are a lot of reasons for Poodles being on this list, but the primary one is they’re incredibly cute. I mean, you can’t look at a poodle and not smile: it’s impossible.

However, they do possess some other traits that make them well-suited for helping with depression.

  • First off, poodles are well-known for being “quite loyal and typically bond quickly with family members ”.
  • In other words, if these dogs sense you’re sad or depressed, they’ll try everything in their power to make you feel better.
  • See, they have an undeniable need to people please like certain labs do. This need and loyalty makes them incredibly qualified to help a person deal with their depression or any other mental health issue such as anxiety.
  • Plus, poodles are insanely smart, which has landed many of them jobs as a service dog. They’re very quick to pick up on commands and learn tricks in a rapid time frame.

Although there’s one poodle trait I personally am not too fond of, they’re very high-maintenance with their grooming needs. See, poodles’ hair keeps growing and growing.

If you don’t keeping up with their grooming, their fur can get a little out of control.


Related: Poodle 10 Absolutely Precious Poodle Dog Names You’ll Adore

5. Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Not all Bully breeds are created equally. So what's the difference between an American Staffordshire Terrier vs, the Pit Bull? Find out.

Our last dog breed is the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

  • These highly energetic dogs will make sure you get up and get outside. If you don’t, they’ll let you know about it by doing zooms around the house.
  • And when they’re doing this, you’ll be hard pressed to keep yourself from smiling. It’s a tough thing to be unhappy around a staffy.
  • I remember when my friend used to have his staffy and I was always so jealous of how incredible his dog was at being sociable.
  • Honestly, there wasn’t one person whose day wasn’t brightened when they meet that dog. No matter the person, this dog always knew how to infect them with his sense of happiness.

Additionally, unlike like poodles, staffies are extraordinarily low-maintenance. All you have to do is make sure they have a lot of walks, and these dogs will bring you nothing but happiness.

In the end, if you’re in the need of a pick me up, looking into adopting one of these dogs; you won’t regret it!

Do you have any other picks for the best dog breeds that fight depression? Share below!


  • My name is Ben Roberts, and I’ve been writing about animals for many years. Honestly, I couldn’t ask for a much better job, considering I’ve been around animals all my life. I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t at least one cat or dog inside my home. Currently, I’m a proud owner of a Beagle and a Pitbull who make sure my life is never dull.

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Picture of Ben Ro

Ben Ro


My name is Ben Roberts, and I’ve been writing about animals for many years. Honestly, I couldn’t ask for a much better job, considering I’ve been around animals all my life. I can’t remember a time when there wasn’t at least one cat or dog inside my home. Currently, I’m a proud owner of a Beagle and a Pitbull who make sure my life is never dull.
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