11 Dog Breeds That Look Like Foxes: Which One is Right for You?



Olfa Turki
Picture of Olfa Turki

Olfa Turki


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Looking for dogs that look like foxes? Amazingly, there are quite a few of them! Check out the top 11!

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Looking for dogs that look like foxes and wolves? Amazingly, there are quite a few of them! Check out the top 11 & learn about their amazing traits & temperament!

Top 11 Dog breeds That Look Like Foxes

  1. The Finnish Spitz:

  2. Dhole

  3. Indian Spitz

  4. Korean Jindo Dogs

  5. Alaskan Klee Kai

  6. Japanese Shiba Inu

  7. Volpino Italiano

  8. American Eskimo dog

  9. Long-Haired Chihuahua

  10. Icelandic Sheepdog

  11. Khugsa Dog


Surprisingly, domesticated dogs, foxes, and wolves have many of the same traits and characteristics. They resemble each other so much that, sometimes, you may be misled. Having a tamed fox isn’t possible. But, it is possible to have a dog that looks an awful lot like a little fox! The following are the top 11 dogs that typically resemble foxes and wolves. Let’s check them out!

1. The Finnish Spitz:

The Finnish Spitz is a breed based from Finland and is popularly known as ‘Bark Hunters.’ They are specialized in hunting. Barking is the indication given by the dog to tell us that it has found a prey during hunting. It has a well built, commanding ears, red skin which gives them a look like a fox. It is a wise, alive, and energetic dog that tends to be protective and indifferent with strangers.


2. Dhole:

Red dog or Red fox dog is the common name given for the Dhole, otherwise known as Indian Wild dog.  This red fox looking dog has comes from Central, South, and South-east Asia.  If you take a deep notice, African Wild dogs have a similarity with the Dhole. They are so powerful that they can fight with an animal ten times their size. They can run up-to a speed of 36 Miles per hour. You could find these dogs only in a group of 10 to 12, as they are tested to be highly affable. It’s also sad to know that they come in the endangered list.

3. Indian Spitz:

Indian Spitz is a type of dog, which is extraordinarily brilliant. They are medium-sized domestic dogs that could mostly be seen in houses. The climate of the Indian subcontinent keeps changing, and surprisingly this breed of dogs adapt to the changes much efficiently. The Indian Spitz quite easily looks like the German breed of Spitz. They do not mingle well with the other pets but get to have fun with the family and kids around them. The Kennel Club of India has a special recognition for this type of dog as a distinct Indian breed.

4. Korean Jindo Dogs:

Jindo dogs have their ancestral connections from Korea. They are medium-sized, active and muscular dogs and are in almost any color; mostly white, yellow, red. These are determined dogs with an incredible presence of mind. These types of dogs are confined to their area and not much sociable. It needs regular walking or exercise, and it wouldn’t be a herculean task for its master, as it would love to spend time with its owner. These dogs tend to get adamant if they do not get sufficient exercise.

5. Alaskan Klee Kai:

In the 1970’s, the idea for developing a small sized version of the Huskie breed of dogs was innovated. And thus, the Alaskan Klee Kai breed was made. Most kennel clubs around the world recognized this breed 18 years from then. They have the usual traits and qualities present in a dog – active, compliant, fun-loving. But they constrain themselves from strangers and outsiders. White is the primary color that could be found in this breed; mixed with other colors like black, red, etc. A red and white Alaskan Klee Kai resembles exactly the red fox and is on the verge of being endangered.


6. Japanese Shiba Inu:

Shiba Inu is another Spitz breed from Japan. They are one among the ancient races and are initially trained for hunting. These types of dogs are always on the lookout, bold and tend to be brave. They are loving, good hearted, easily trainable, and courageous dogs. These dogs are very sociable and behave actively with kids, family and even strangers. Don’t confuse this pooch with other dogs that look like a Shiba Inu! While the Akita, for example, is very similar, it has a completely different personality!

Speaking of this fox-like pup, I’ve seen a lot of people asking “Do Shibas bark?” The short answer: yes, of course! Just about all dogs bark! The Shiba doesn’t bark much, though, and when it does, just about everyone knows it! They have a very distinct (and very loud) scream that kind of sounds like they’re being tortured!


7. Volpino Italiano:

Volpino Italiano is another Spitz type of dogs based from Italy. It is comparatively small in size with other dogs but is always put up as guard dogs. They are loyal to their masters and never let an intruder in their house.

In 1965, they were on the edge of being extinct with only five dogs of this breed being alive. But, initiatives were taken up, and in the year 2006, about 2000 dogs were present. In the same year, it was taken notice by the UK Kennel Club. They quite popularly resemble the white Arctic fox.

8. American Eskimo dog:

Widely renowned to be a circus dog, these Spitz-family based dogs originated in the Germany and later, brought to America in the late 1930’s. They are good companions and go well around families trustworthily. They are protective and devoted to their owners. They bark a lot and quite alien- natured towards any stranger who happens to enter their master’s territory.


9. Long-Haired Chihuahua:

It is a well-known fact that Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs in the world. They best suit owners who are old as they require minimal exercise and are best suited for warm climates. They enjoy playing with toys. They are much hairy and are two types in the US – long-coated and short coated.

10. Icelandic Sheepdog

Icelandic Sheepdog is very healthy and energetic. As the name suggests, this dog originated from Iceland. They don’t like it when they are left alone and expect someone always by their sides. Quite often, they are mistaken for a fox if they are found to be roaming on the streets. Being friendly and outward, towards other creatures around it is one of their key traits.

11. Khugsa Dog

Originating from the United States, the Khugsa dogs are very hyperactive and tend to learn things quickly. Some of their traits are – sharp, swift and lively. They love to travel a lot just like the humans and with their long legs; they carry heavy weights for long distances. They are much self-centered and independent, making them vulnerable. It possesses the wild nature and not advisable to families, for growing a dog of this breed in their houses. They look much similar to the wolves.

So, these are the top rated 11 dogs that resemble a fox. Did any of them surprise you? Do you have a dog that looks like a fox? Share your thoughts below!




Picture of Olfa Turki

Olfa Turki


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