Being a dog owner is one of the best parts of life, no matter what breed of dog you call your furry friend.
However, owning a blue nose pitbull can be an experience! Pit bulls often get a bad rap for being aggressive, scary and even deadly.
Responsible pet owners know that proper training of any breed of dog will result in a pup that is socialized, calm and loyal to his/her owner.
If you own a blue nose pitbull, you definitely understand some things that other dog parents don’t!
Here are 10 things that only blue nose pit owners understand.
Also, this post is meant to be fun and show some blue nose love.
We’re not saying that bluenose pitbulls are different breeds than red nose pits. Or any other color nose or coat for that matter. 😀
7 Things Only Blue Nose Pit Owners Can Understand
1. The bad feeling when other pet owners keep their dog away from yours.
A lot of dog owners are under the impression that pit bulls will attack other dogs.
There is no worse feeling than coming across dog owners who don’t want to let their dog socialize with yours, just because of your dog’s breed.
2. Having to be aware of certain laws
In some states in the U.S. as well as in outside countries, there are certain laws against owning pit bulls.
If you own a blue nose pit, you’re probably well aware of the laws that apply to your pup.
3. The love-hate relationship with pit bulls
In the dog world, you will rarely come across someone who feels indifferent about pit bulls.
Instead, you’re forced to deal with people who absolutely hate the breed and those who are obsessed. There is no middle ground!
4. Pitbulls are awesome cuddlers
As the owner of a blue nose pit, you know just how perfect of a cuddler your dog is!
Despite their reputation, pit bulls are big babies and want nothing more than to snuggle their owners.
5. Their goofy faces
Pitbulls, aside from being big babies, are even bigger goofballs!
Pits make some of the cutest and funniest faces that we’ve ever seen a dog make.
6. They’re the perfect workout partners
Pitbulls look muscular and bulky but in reality, they are extremely fast and are hardworking.
If you own a blue nose pit, you know just how athletic your pup is!
7. They just want to be loved!
Like any other dog, including other bully breeds, pitbulls just want to be loved and accepted!
We hope that more people are inspired to learn about the breed and embrace pit bulls for the awesome pups they are.