The Pug is a popular breed in the U.S., and as a result, I see lots of questions in the forums asking if the breed is hypoallergenic.
The short answer is no.
The Pug is a breed that is distinctly non-hypoallergenic.
Although it has short hair, it sheds a decent amount, and as such, it’s not in the hypoallergenic category.
Related: Complete List of Small Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds – Toy Breed
The Pug – A Cutie but Not for Those With Allergies
I can see why so many people are scouring the web to find out if the Pug is hypoallergenic. This is a great breed! This breed is equally happy to have a short game of tug of war as it is to binge-watch Netflix on the couch with you. The breed craves companionship, and don’t even get me started on that face. The Pug is cute squared. However, it’s not hypoallergenic.
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Even hypoallergenic dogs aren’t hypoallergenic in the truest sense of the word. Rather, a hypoallergenic dog is one that doesn’t shed or that sheds very, very little. While most people think that dog hair is what they’re allergic to, that isn’t true. Dog hair on its own is relatively benign to a person with dog allergies. What gets allergy sufferers like myself is what sticks to the hair.
What we allergy sufferers are actually allergic to is a dog’s saliva, skin cells, and urine. Unless you let your dog lick you all the time, the majority of these offending allergens are trapped on your dog’s fur. With a shedding dog, those allergens are introduced into the air of your home and onto your home’s surfaces. When a dog sheds, skin cells are also sloughed off. That dog hair is also covered with dried microscopic droplets of saliva and sometimes urine, depending upon where the hair was shed from. When this hair sheds, the allergens are introduced into the air and onto furniture. So a shedding dog is no bueno for anyone with allergies to dogs.
Related: Best Pug Names
The Pug is Cute, but it’s Not Hypoallergenic
All of this brings us back to the Pug. This cutie patootie may be the most adorable breed you’ve ever seen, but it’s a nightmare for someone with allergies. The pug sheds and those fine, pointy hairs stick to everything. This means that you have allergens well and truly ground into every part of your house.
If you’re looking for an adorable dog that lives for human contact and is just as happy to play as it is to chill on the couch, then the Pug is for you. If you’re looking for a canine companion who won’t set you into an allergic downward spiral, look to another breed other than the Pug. =(
If you’re looking for one of the best small dogs for kids, look no further. I have the breed for you. The Pug! Aside from being absolutely adorable, Pugs are one of the best dogs for kids because they are equal parts couch potatoes and energetic dynamos.
Related: Dog Adoption Tips for Finding Your New Best Friend
Are Pugs Good With Kids?
The Pug is one of those breeds that was practically made for kids. They are even-tempered, friendly, love to play, and love their people. Although they aren’t what you’d call athletes, they are strong sturdy dogs with an intense desire to run and explore. And after all of that running and exploring, they love to sack out and have a nice long nap with their owners. They really were tailor-made for the kiddos.
As I said, the Pug has a great disposition. A charming and lovable breed, they thrive on mental stimulation. This makes Pugs the perfect small dogs for kids because they enjoy a good game of fetch, rope tug, a GENTLE wrestling match, and generally being hams. Pugs are one of those dogs who thoroughly enjoy being happy and making their people happy, so when you pair them with a child, you get best buddies for life.
Another thing that makes Pugs great dogs for kids is their general health. Generally speaking, Pugs are an extremely healthy breed, so if you have a Pug puppy and a baby they’re going to have many many years together. In addition to those happy years for the kids, you’re going to have happy years because the Pug usually doesn’t come down with ailments that are difficult and/or expensive to treat.
The worst thing you have to worry about with a Pug is their weight. The Pug is a breed that is very prone to obesity, so never feed it table food or overfeed it with its regular food or treats. If you keep your Pug in shape, you’re looking at a very healthy breed, indeed.
Another reason that Pugs are one of the best small dogs for kids is their ease of care. Although Pugs shed, they require very little grooming. This makes them the perfect dogs for kids because you can teach the kiddos how to care for their dog. All you really need is a weekly washing with a high-quality aloe and oatmeal shampoo and regular nail trimming. If you start your Pug early, you can do both of those things at home.
With their combination of goofy playfulness and their willingness to sack out on the couch for movie time, Pugs make great companions and are the perfect dogs for kids. With a Pug, your child can get out and play and then come in for a nice long nap, and do it all with their very best friend – the family Pug. Sadly, though, if you need a dog that’s both hypoallergenic AND good with kids, the pug isn’t your guy.
Do you have one of these cuties? Tell us your thoughts on the pug!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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