If you think tiny hypoallergenic dogs are the giants of cuteness, then you might like the Teacup Yorkie. These little darlings have all the wonderful qualities of their larger counterparts. Be prepared, though, because they also have all the problems of larger Yorkies.
Teacup Yorkie – The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Teacup Yorkies have all the wonderful personality traits of their larger counterparts. That’s because there really isn’t a Teacup Yorkie breed. Teacups are just Yorkies which are much smaller than normal Yorkies. This can be by accident – or more recently – by purposefully breeding them.
The Good
Totes Adorbs: Yeah. I went there. Teacup Yorkies are adorable. There’s really no getting around that. These little guys are the kind of dog that turns people into babbling idiots. In a good way. When people see a Teacup, they instantly scoop it up and all the silly, baby words start pouring out. It’s hilarious.
Personality: Teacup Yorkies, just like their larger counterparts, are a fearless, adventurous breed. They love attention from their owners, and they love to explore and generally take in everything life has to offer.
Hypoallergenic: The Teacup Yorkie is classified as hypoallergenic, which means they will be extremely easy on any allergy suffer’s system. That’s a big plus for anyone with allergies who wants an indoor dog.
The Bad
Tiny Titans: Teacup Yorkies may not know how tiny they are, but their owners should always remember it. Owners have to be extra careful with their Teacup Yorkies. These pups have no fear but make bite-sized snacks in a dog fight. They are also so tiny that something as simple as tripping over them could result in a trip to the vet. Any and everything that can hurt regular sized Yorkies is so much more dangerous for Teacup Yorkies.
The Adorable Factor: I know I already put this in the positive column, but the cuteness of Teacup Yorkies is a double edged sword, and it goes back to their size. The first thing a little kid – and many adults – is going to want to do when they sea a Teacup is snatch it up. If your dog is familiar with the adults, that’s one thing. Kids are another thing. A three foot fall to hardwood or concrete could mean serious bodily injury to a Teacup, especially a puppy.
Health Issues: Teacup Yorkies have all the physical problems of normal sized Yorkies, and they have them in spades. Yorkies of all sizes are known to have frequent digestion issues, which means you’ll more than likely be investing in special food. The Teacup Yorkie also suffers from another malady common to micro breeds: hypoglycemia. This means that you’ll have to feed the little pooch frequently and be vigilant about watching for any signs of severely low blood sugar.
The Ugly
Health Issues: The health issues of Teacup Yorkies can go from bad to ugly quickly. Especially with their propensity for hypoglycemia. The sensitive digestive tract common to the bread coupled with hypoglycemia can be a recipe for disaster. If a Teacup Yorkie has a GI issue and doesn’t want to eat, it must be addressed immediately. It can lead to sever hypoglycemia, and in severe cases, death.
Unscrupulous Breeders: Again, Teacup Yorkies are not a real breed. They’re just teeny tiny Yorkies. However, Teacup Yorkies have become extremely popular which has lead to breeders attempting to produce them. That in itself is not great, since micro breeds are always, always unhealthy. When you add breeders that care more about money than their dogs, you have a real problem. When you buy from a bad breeder, you promote unhealthy, unkind conditions for their breed stock. You’re also very likely to come home with a walking medical catastrophe. So if you get a Teacup Yorkie, thoroughly research your breeder.
Teacup Yorkies – Tiny Titans That can be Laid Low
Teacup Yorkies are one of the most adorable little pups out there. They are becoming more and more popular because of their cute factor of 1,000%, and because they’re hypoallergenic.
That being said, don’t get one. Micro breeds in general are unhealthy. They’re unhealthy because they’re a genetic abnormality. You don’t want to breed abnormalities. It just leads to even more problems. That in itself is enough for me not to advocate the purchase of Teacup Yorkies, but there’s more. Teacup Yorkies are extremely fragile and prone to a plethora of health issues. So you have to be prepared to be a vigilant owner with no qualms about dropping some serious dough for your dog’s health at least a few times in its lifetime.
Teacup Yorkies are cute, but they’re just tiny little Yorkies. If you like the look of the Teacup Yorkie, do yourself a favor, and just get a regular Yorkie. They are just as adorable as a Teacup Yorkie, but they have fewer health issues, and they aren’t as fragile.
Remember, when you’re looking for any pet, make adoption your first option. You can almost always find the breed you’re looking for at a local or online shelter.
Do you have any questions about the teacup Yorkie that I missed? Share in the comments.
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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