100 Strong Dog Names For Pitbulls



Andreea Juganaru
Picture of Andreea Juganaru

Andreea Juganaru


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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If you're looking for strong dog names for pitbulls, we've got you covered! These 100 ideas are every bit as mighty as the breed itself! Take a look!

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If you’re looking for strong dog names for pitbulls, we’ve got you covered!

A mighty breed like the pit deserves a name that’s every bit as powerful.

Take a look at our favorite ideas for both boys and girls!

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Strong Male Dog Names For Pitbulls

If you're looking for strong dog names for pitbulls, we've got you covered! These 100 ideas are every bit as mighty as the breed itself! Take a look!
  1. Anax – in Greek this name means ‘military ruler.’
  2. Baron – after the English royalty title.
  3. Brahman – a member of the highest Hindu castle.
  4. Caesar – after Julius Caesar.
  5. El Cid – the Spanish for ‘the lord.’
  6. Denali – in Sanskrit it means ‘the great one.’
  7. Dauphin – French for ‘the son of the king.’
  8. Duke – after the English royal title.
  9. Earl – an old English rank.
  10. Gentry – name of French origin meaning ‘noble.’
  11. Kaiser – the name of a German emperor.
  12. Khan – a Mongol ‘lord.’
  13. Knight – a basic English rank.
  14. Laird – Scottish rank above Esquire.
  15. Malik – Arabic name meaning ‘king.’
  16. Magnus – Scandinavian name meaning ‘house of might.’
  17. Noble – for a noble and strong pup.
  18. Paladin – a legendary warrior.
  19. Patrizio – the Italian ‘patrician.’
  20. Perandor – in Albanian this name means ’emperor.’
  21. Rajah – Indian name meaning ‘ruler.’
  22. Ramesses – Egyptian name following ‘Pharaoh.’
  23. Rex – in Latin this name means ‘king.’
  24. Regis – the Latin name meaning ‘the king.’
  25. Rian – Gaelic name meaning ‘little king.’
  26. Ruari – means ‘red king’ in Scottish.
  27. Semper Fi – for the one who is always faithful.
  28. Shah – the Persian name for ‘the one who rules.’
  29. Sharif – Arabic name for ‘tribal protector.’
  30. Sheikh – meaning Arabic royalty.
  31. Spartan – after the mighty Greek warriors.
  32. Sultan – meaning Arabic king.
  33. Tenno – in Japanese it means ‘sovereign.’
  34. Valor – means ‘bravery.’
  35. Worthy – because your pup is definitely worth it!
  36. Besnick – Albanian name meaning ‘loyal.’
  37. Cal – French for ‘faithful.’
  38. Caleb – Hebrew name meaning ‘faithful.’
  39. Damon – it means ‘loyal’ in Greek.
  40. Fidel – in Latin this name means ‘loyal.’
  41. Fido – Latin name meaning ‘loyal.’
  42. Leal – in English this name means ‘loyal.’
  43. Shield – Celtic name meaning ‘loyal..’
  44. Truman – English name meaning ‘faithful.’
  45. Waren – it means ‘loyal’ in German.
  46. Oskar – Hebrew name meaning ‘divine strength.’
  47. Ekon – African name meaning ‘strong.’
  48. Conall – it means ‘strong-willed’ in Gaelic.
  49. Andrei – Russian name meaning ‘strong.’
  50. Neron – it means ‘strong’ in Spanish.

Hard to choose a favorite, but we’re partial to Damon. It just has such a strong ring to it, don’t you think?

Strong Female Dog Names For Pitbulls

If you're looking for strong dog names for pitbulls, we've got you covered! These 100 ideas are every bit as mighty as the breed itself! Take a look!
  1. Abira – Hebrew name meaning ‘strength.’
  2. Adira – Hebrew name meaning ‘strong.’
  3. Amari – this is the African name meaning ‘strong.’
  4. Artemis – the Greek goddess of wilderness.
  5. Arya – from the famous Game of Thrones character.
  6. Athena – the Greek goddess of wisdom.
  7. Audie – this name means ‘noble strength’ in English.
  8. Audrey – English name meaning ‘noble strength.’
  9. Banshee – the queen of the Undead.
  10. Beretta – after the Green Berets.
  11. Brianne – the fearless Game of Thrones fighter.
  12. Cobra – after the deadly snake.
  13. Cruella – perfect name for a grey Pitbull.
  14. Duchess – because strength can be noble.
  15. Ebba – German name meaning ‘animal strength.’
  16. Filomena – a great Greek dog name for ‘friend of strength.’
  17. Gesa – Dutch name meaning ‘strength of a spear.’
  18. Ghost – the Game of Thrones wolf.
  19. Hera – after the mother of the Gods.
  20. Isa – German name meaning ‘strong-willed.’
  21. Isla – in German, this name means ‘strong-willed.’
  22. Ivy – after the famous Poison Ivy.
  23. Jayce – the Cherokee name for ‘strong.’
  24. Jett – after the biblical name of Joseph.
  25. Kaori – in Japanese this means ‘strength.’
  26. Kari – French name, meaning ‘strong.’
  27. Karla – in French this name means ‘strong.’
  28. Lara – after the very cool Lara Croft.
  29. Lenna – English name meaning ‘strength of a lion.’
  30. Maili – Irish name for a ‘battle maiden.’
  31. Mansa – in Mali, this means ’emperor.’
  32. Marza – this name means ‘princess.’
  33. Maude – the German for ‘mighty battler.’
  34. Megan – American name meaning ‘capable.’
  35. Millie – meaning ‘strong worker.’
  36. Nina – American name meaning ‘strong.’
  37. Phantom – a very cool name for a pitbull.
  38. Queen – because your pup is powerful like a queen.
  39. Quinn – after Harley Quinn.
  40. Raja – this is the Indian word for ‘ruler.’
  41. Rogue – for a very cool pup.
  42. Sabre – after the legendary Sabre Tooth Tiger.
  43. Shylah – Irish name meaning ‘strong.’
  44. Sonya – the Mortal Kombat legend.
  45. Storm – after the X-Men famous character.
  46. Ursula – a very cool name for any Pitbull.
  47. Valentina – Latin name meaning ‘strong.’
  48. Valkyrie – from Odin’s handmaids.
  49. Xena – after the Warrior Princess.
  50. Zelda – the famous princess.

From the girl’s list, we love Valkyrie! They’re literally among the strongest women in all of mythology.

What are your favorite strong dog names for pitbulls? Share below!



Picture of Andreea Juganaru

Andreea Juganaru


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