Pitbull discrimination is a big problem in this country.
Because of poorly bred Pits with aggressive tendencies and irresponsible owners who don’t properly train and monitor their animals, Pitbull discrimination is still a widespread thing.
Today, we’ll give you some tips on how you can educate the people around you!
Pitbull Discrimination: Dispelling the Myth of the Man Eater
There are a couple of key ways you can help dispel the myth of the man eating Pitbull, and I encourage you to do them. Pitbulls are a wonderful breed that get a terrible rap in this country. In fact, there are communities where it’s illegal to own a Pitbull.
If you ever encounter anyone who seems nervous around your Pitbull or who outright asks you about the breed, educate them on this wonderful dog. The path to ending Pitbull discrimination begins with education. Just like any other discrimination.
Yes, Pitbulls were originally bred to be violent animals. They were used in a sport called bull baiting, so their breeders wanted an animal who was powerful, tenacious, and more than willing to mix it up with an animal five times its size. However, those days are long gone, and the aggressiveness has slowly but surely been bred out of these animals.
Pitbulls are now known as the consummate family dog. They’ve even been called “the nanny dog” due to their extreme patience with and love for children. Pitbulls are loving, loyal, and love people. With proper socialization, most Pitbulls are fine with other animals. That’s why it’s so important educate people on this breed to help end Pitbull discrimination.
Related: Pitbull Puppy Training Tips: Training Them to be Nice
Show Them How Great Your Pitbull Is
One of the ways people get over fear is to see that the thing they fear is not something to BE feared. Train your Pitbulll puppy early, and train it well. Make sure it knows commands such as sit, stay, heel, and come. These commands are important for having a well behaved Pitbull, which, in turn, is important to ending Pitbull discrimination. A Pitbull who isn’t well behaved – no matter how friendly it is – can be a frightening thing.
Related: Pitbull Puppy Training Tips – Pitbull Puppy 101
I’ll never forget a Pit that we brought in from our local shelter to be spayed at the vet. She was a sweetheart. I mean, she was absolutely the best Pitbull I’ve ever encountered. She wouldn’t hurt a fly. Although she was such a great dog, her intake papers said she was aggressive, and that she had been shot and tazered.
We found out later that she’d been trained in Spanish, so she didn’t understand commands in English. As near as we can figure – based on that fact as well as the area where she was found – she charged a police officer to say hello. The officer must have thought she was attacking, and that’s how she got shot and tazered. =( So make sure your Pitbull is SUPER well behaved. A well behaved Pitbull is the ambassador for ending Pitbull discrimination.
Doing Your Part to End Pitbull Discrimination
It’s up to all of us to end Pitbull discrimination. Most of the people spearheading this discrimination have never even seen a Pitbull. They’re just going by the stories they see on the news – which are the exception and not the rule. You can do your part to help end Pitbull discrimination by have a well behaved Pitbull and educating the people around you on this wonderful breed.
Do you have any stories about a wonderful pitbull in your life? More ideas on how to end pitbull discrimination? We’d love to hear from you! Talk to us in the comments!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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