Get Rid of that Nasty Skunk Smell on Dogs



Olfa Turki
Picture of Olfa Turki

Olfa Turki


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Getting rid of skunk smell on your dog is definitely a challenge! Check out what works and what really is just a myth, + how to avoid it in the 1st place!

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Very little will send you into a frenzy faster than realizing you’re faced with figuring out how to get rid of skunk smell on your dog.

It’s pretty much the nastiest smell ever, isn’t it?

Sure, some people actually like the smell of skunk, but even those people will usually agree that skunk smell combined with dog smell is just…yuck.

So how to do you get rid of skunk smell on your dog?

Read on to find out what works and what really doesn’t.

Related: How to Get Rid of Dog Smell

Getting Rid of Skunk Smell on Your Dog

What does not work

Before we talk about what works to get rid of skunk smell on your dog,  let’s chat about what doesn’t work.

First and foremost, tomato juice pretty much doesn’t do much on your dog. While tomato juice will most likely soak through the skunk spray oils, it will not get rid of the smell completely. Aside from that, it’s incredibly messy!

So why go with an old wives tale solution that barely works AND has the potential to make your house look like an Olive Garden exploded in it?

Another not-so-good solution: a mixture of water and vinegar may mask the scent of the skunk spray but that is pretty much all it will do.

Keep them outdoors

You don’t want to bring that awful skunk smell in the house, so if at all possible, leave your dog outdoors until you get the smell out. It’s easier to get rid of skunk smell on your dog than it is to get rid of it on your dog, your carpet, your sofa and everything else that odor permeates.

Check their eyes for skunk spray irritation:

Check your dog’s eyes to see if they are red or irritated from the skunk spray. If they are, rinse their eyes with cool water.

Also, it is important to note that skunks can carry rabies, so you want to check to make sure your dog has not been bitten by the skunk.

Note the bolded “can” there.

Not all skunks carry rabies, so if your dog has been bitten (which is pretty uncommon, since that stink is their defense), don’t freak out.

Just call your vet and get your dog seen asap.

What does work:

The best thing to get rid of skunk smell is a mixture of 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of dish soap.

  • You want to be sure that you wear rubber gloves when using this solution.
  • Also, ensure you keep the solution out of the eyes of your dog.
  • Apply the solution to their fur and massage the solution into the fur.
  • Rinse the dog immediately and thoroughly.
  • You don’t want to leave the solution on the fur too long since this may cause bleaching.
  • After this is complete, wash your dog with their normal shampoo and thoroughly rinse again.
  • Then, just dry the dog with a towel and they will be once again smelling like the sweet dog they are.

Getting rid of skunk smell on your dog is no picnic, that’s for sure!

The best way to get rid of it? Avoid it in the first place.

Walk your dog during daylight hours or in well-lit places. If you smell the tell-tale signs of a nearby skunk near your fenced-in yard, call your dog inside. Keep your dog’s run away from wood piles and other areas that skunks like to make their dens in. This is a pretty good article about avoiding skunks, so check it out.

Has your dog ever had a run in with these little guys? How did you get rid of skunk smell on your dog? Tell us in the comments!



Picture of Olfa Turki

Olfa Turki


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