While everyone loves a rambunctious puppy, there is nothing better than owning a senior dog. Older dogs are very low key and much easier to take care of. They have already been trained and socialized. Another benefit is that senior dogs typically aren’t too interested in chewing every little thing they can get a hold of. If your dog is getting older or if you are considering adopting a senior dog, there are definitely certain items you will want to make sure you have around the house. Here are 7 must-haves to ensure you are able to give your senior dog the best life possible!
7 Senior Dog Checklist Must-Haves
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1. Orthopedic bed. Orthopedic beds may be more expensive than your average dog bed but these beds are perfect for senior dogs. Senior dogs need as much support and cushion as possible and orthopedic beds provide just that.
2. Nail grinder. A nail grinder is especially important for senior dogs. You want to ensure that your dog’s nails are properly trimmed so that he/she can walk. Too long of nails on a senior dog creates a higher risk of the dog injuring himself when walking.
3. Joint care vitamins. Just like humans, as dogs age, their bones age with them. To ensure that your pups bones remain healthy and strong, supplement his/her diet with joint care vitamins. You can find these at most pet stores.
4. Dental items. Proper dental care for dogs is crucial on day one but it’s even more important that you brush your dogs teeth during senior years. Bad hygiene can lead to not only bad breath but heart issues. Talk to your vet to determine which items you need most. If you’ve been brushing Fido’s teeth his whole life, you’re probably already in good shape and have what you need. Otherwise, you may need special dental care items.
5. Soft toys. Senior dogs can sometimes have brittle or unhealthy teeth. This means that giving your dog soft toys to play with is best. Nylabones and stuffed toys
are great options. Pet stores sell plenty of toys meant for senior dogs.
6. Senior pet food. Many companies make pet food for all periods of a dog’s life. When your dog reaches the senior stage, it’s important to feed your dog senior dog food. This food is typically enriched with the necessary vitamins and minerals for a healthy dog.
7. Doggy ramp/stairs. A doggy ramp or stairs are a safe way to allow your senior dog to lay in bed or to lay on the couch. With potentially weakened bones, you don’t want to allow your dog to jump on and off high surfaces. Stairs or a ramp will keep your pup safe.