This is a story of caring people and a dog with a lot of will and determination. A pit bull was found by Casey Lawrence, a real estate agent in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Lawrence was showing property when she got lost and happened upon the dog on the side of Vernsdale Road in Rock Hill on Wednesday, May 11, 2016.
Pit Bull Used as Bait Dog Gets Second Chance at Life
The pit bull, who has been named Rambo, was in an area that is a known dumping ground for fighting dogs because Lawrence discovered other dog carcasses close to where Rambo was found. Lawrence immediately called Every Life Matters Animal Rescue in Rock Hill. Staff members of the rescue took the dog to Baxter Veterinary Clinic in Fort Mill for medical attention. The veterinarians at the clinic immediately noticed that Rambo was a bait dog because of his severe gashes and bite wounds. Bait dogs are used to make fighting dogs meaner than they already are. These dogs frequently don’t live a very long life, unfortunately. Also, bait dogs are normally abandoned wherever once they are no longer useful to their owner.
Rambo is expected to make a full recovery, but sadly he did have to have parts of his back legs amputated. Rambo was very close to death when he was discovered and now has a chance at a normal life, as all dogs should have. He currently uses a harness with back wheels to move around until he can walk normally again.
Rock Hill Police Department along with the York County Animal Control are currently investigating the case of Rambo.
Every Life Matters Animal Rescue started a YouCaring fundraiser page to help with Rambo’s medical expenses. They posted a goal of $20,000, which as of today has been exceeded with 598 people donating $20,405. It is just totally amazing how many people in the world care about the life of animals.
Rambo is currently under the care of the Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency (CARE). They post plenty of inspiring updates about Rambo on their Facebook page if you’d like to keep up with his progress.
Have you been following the story of Rambo and his recovery? Do you have any other inspirational rescue stories to share? Tell us in the comments!
Deanna is a passionate animal lover and freelance writer. She lives with her Chi dog and a ragdoll cat. When she’s not writing, Deanna loves listening to country music or watching Dancing With The Stars.
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