13 of The Cutest Puppy Naps You’ll See All Day



Ashley P
Picture of Ashley P

Ashley P


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Get ready for 13 of the cutest puppy naps you’ll see all day! Don’t you just want to curl right up with them and bury your face in that soft fur! Check them out!

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Need a strong dose of cute dog pictures after a long day? We’ve got you covered! There is nothing like a sleeping puppy. While it’s fun to play with them while they’re awake, a sleeping puppy is a calm puppy! Plus, napping pups are super cute. From their little snores to their moving paws when they’re dreaming, there’s nothing that isn’t adorable about a puppy drifting off to sleep. Here are 13 of the cutest puppy naps you’ll see all day.

Related: 12 of The Cutest Dog Photobombs

13 Insanely Cute Dog Pictures of Puppy Naps

1. Some puppies can fall asleep anywhere…


2. …but others prefer the comfort of their own warm bed.


3. Drifting away in a cloud of blankets.


4. This pup knows you always fall asleep with your favorite toy!


5. Or with too many toys!


6. This is the face of a pup that’s had a long day of playing.


7. A nap in the sun is the perfect way to catch some Zs.


8. The picture perfect snooze.


9. Napping is always better when you’re with a friend.


10. Naps are even better when your human is nearby.


11. Back sleeping is the best!



12. This pup agrees.

13. Car ride naps mean you get there sooner.



Do you have any cute dog pictures showing off darling puppy naps? Tell us all about it, or join our Dog Lovers Facebook group and show us!



Picture of Ashley P

Ashley P


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