In this installment of Pitbull Puppy Training Tips, I’m going to go into alpha dynamics a little more.
I recently came across a post in the forums that made me laugh.
A woman posted that the only person her dog listened to was her son.
Today in Pitbull Puppy Training Tips, we’re going to talk about how to be the alpha.
Pitbull Puppy Training Tips for Being the Alpha
In the case of the woman who posted in the forums, her son had somehow become the alpha. She didn’t go into great detail about the family dynamics of the house, but I suspect that the son spent the bulk of his time with the dog, creating a strong bond.
Pitbull Puppy Training Tips Pro Tip: A strong bond is key to being the alpha.
Related: Pitbull Puppy Training Tips – The Alpha Concept
A Strong Bond
The alpha role is about more than making your Pitbull puppy listen to you, although that’s part of it. Being the alpha means that your Pit trusts you and looks to you for guidance. One of the key components to being the alpha is developing a strong bond with your Pitbull puppy. If you want it to listen to you, you need to be the one implementing the Pitbull puppy training tips I’ve listed in previous articles. You also need to spend lots of play time with your pup. A strong bond leads to a well-behaved dog.
That’s not to say that no one else in the house should train and play with your Pitbull. Far from it. What I’m getting at is that you can’t just send your Pitbull puppy off to a trainer and expect it to come back and listen to you and the family. Another important thing to remember in my Pitbull puppy training tips is this: Pitbulls are people oriented, and they will listen to their family if enough time is put in by any family member. So all family members need to be attentive, playful, and participate in training.
A Firm Approach
A firm approach doesn’t mean over-correction or being mean. Recall that I’ve previously referenced the fact that while Pitbulls can sometimes be stubborn, overall, they’re eager to please. You just have to be consistent as well as firm. When you are having training time, keep your Pitbull puppy on task.
Related: Pitbull Puppy Training Tips – Pitbull Puppy 101
A Loving Spirit
Pitbull Puppy Training Tips Pro Tip: Pits love to be loved.
Remember that. A firm approach to training coupled with a ton of praise and a loving demeanor equals a Pitbull that is eager to please the family and follow the lead of any member.
Pitbull Puppy Training Tips to Keep You in Charge
If you follow these Pitbull puppy training tips that I’ve laid out, you and your family will be the ones that your Pitbull looks to for guidance. Proper training, a no-nonsense approach, and tons of love are all you need to for your Pitbull to recognize anyone in the family as having alpha status.
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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