Wondering which are the least hypoallergenic dogs? Let me start by saying that just because a dog sheds doesn’t mean it’s not hypoallergenic. Likewise, just because it never sheds doesn’t mean it is. I have a lab/collie/mystery dog that hardly ever sheds a hair. Whatever the “mystery” breed is in him causes him to have this amazing coat that just doesn’t shed. He’s still not a hypoallergenic dog by a long shot. I know this because I have family with allergies and Cooper still makes them sneeze like crazy.
It’s also important to note that you may not actually be allergic to dog hair. Chances are, you’re allergic to the dander that’s found on the hair. You may also be allergic to dog saliva, which makes any post about shedding completely useless because you’re in a whole different ballgame.
Hypoallergenic dog breed selector
That said, there are some breeds that shed like crazy and are best avoided by people with allergies. If you have major dog allergies and you’re going to be visiting a friend with one of these dogs, take your allergy meds before you go! Or consider meeting outside her home. As someone who has two dogs that DO shed a lot, even if your friend offers to put them in another room, you cannot avoid their hair.
Least hypoallergenic dogs: top shedders
Akita: While the lists vary a bit in ranking the least hypoallergenic dogs that shed the most, the Akita tops every single one of them. This insanely gorgeous dog lets loose an insane amount of fur. When I lived in Japan, these cuties were everywhere. They’re considered a national treasure to the Japanese, but not so much to those with dog allergies. Even though he kind of looks like a big teddy bear, don’t give this sweet pea a hug unless you want to take home a bunch of his fur…and a case of the major sniffles.
Chow Chow: Holy cute bundle of fur, right? Well, that bundle of fur ends up becoming a major bundle on your floor, sofa, clothes and pretty much everywhere else. Still, you have to admit, he’s pretty darn cute!
Alaskan Malamute: Oh how I love and want one of these beautiful treasures of the North with their sweet singing voices! If you have allergies though, you DON’T one one of these least hypoallergenic dogs. They shed like beasts. Siberian Huskies, which are kind of like cousins to them (and often mistaken for them) are also big shedders.
Shepherds: My son’s father’s parents had the most beautiful Australian Shepherd named Nutmeg. She was sweet and gentle, loved peanut butter sandwiches. While my son and I absolutely adored her, Nutmeg’s breed does make it onto the list of least hypoallergenic dogs that shed the most. I have a German Shepherd who isn’t too much further down that list.
Shetland Sheepdog: Also called Shelties, the Shetland Sheepdog looks like an itty-bitty Lassie dog, a Collie. Like it’s larger version- along with Border Collies- the Sheltie is a major shedder.
When it comes to the least hypoallergenic dogs that shed the most, there’s really nothing you can do to make it any better. Regular brushing helps a bit, but honestly, they’re still going to shed. I once brushed my German Shepherd for an hour straight. I ended up with enough hair to make a whole second dog and she STILL shed on the sofa that night. So if you’re incredibly allergic, your best bet is to avoid houses that have these dogs. It kind of stinks if your bff is having a party and you can’t go, but you can’t really expect your friends to give up their pooches for you and they can’t expect you to suffer in discomfort. Find others ways to get together.
Do you think there are other least hypoallergenic dogs that shed the most that should be added to this list? Tell us in the comments!
Hi there! I'm Nicole, the editor-in-chief and one of the writers here at DogVills. I've been a dog owner for most of my adult life and a dog lover for much longer than that. I grew up with a wonderful German Shepherd named Jake, who I loved SO much that I named my son after him. When I'm not writing for DogVills or my own site, Pretty Opinionated, I love spending time with my teenager (when he actually lets me) and my Pharaoh Hound, Freya. I'm also an avid reader AND a total TV fanatic.
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