You have come here because you are looking for the best hypoallergenic dog for your family. You might be wondering if there is some test or quiz you can take to narrow it down. Yes! There is! Code From James has a 16 question quiz called “What’s My Perfect Dog?” The first question wants you to choose 3-4 qualities such as independent, strong, adaptable, stubborn, you get the idea. Some other questions they want you to answer are in regards to size (both height and weight), texture preference on coat, how much exercise you can provide, do you have shedding preferences (do you want to vacuum daily?), are there kids present and how do you want the dog to act towards others. You can always answer ‘not important’ to any question.
How to Use the Hypoallergenic Dog Breed Test
Once you answer all the questions regarding your preferences, they will give you a list of your top 10 choices and what percentage they are compatible to you. My list didn’t included only hypoallergenic dogs because I didn’t say I have allergies. After taking the test, my top 10 are as follows:
#1 Doberman Pinscher: Med to large sized, they are considered working dogs, as well as a personal protection dog who is fearless and willing to defend its owner, however, obedient on command (meaning if he feels he needs to protect you, and you give a command to back down, he will). They make great police dogs, war dogs (in the case that you have to go to war I am assuming, you know, like with your neighbor?) and personal defense dogs. While they hold a high rank for most likely to show aggression, they are not most likely to act.
Least Hypoallergenic Dogs: Which Dogs Shed the Most?
#2 Rottweiler: This beautiful dog was originally used to herd livestock, now they are used in search and rescue and guide dogs for the blind (how cool is that? He is considered part of the ‘bully breed’ yet he a great guide dog!) Studies show they are average in aggressiveness, meaning bites or bite attempts, contrary to popular belief. They are prone to hip displaysia, but are otherwise a healthy dog!
#10 Boxer: The Boxer is a very calm and instinctive guardian by nature. He is not aggressive and become attached to his owners. He tends to be ok with other dogs, even patient.
Some of the other breeds selected for me in order of compatibility were the following: Border Terrier, Maltese, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Poodle, Bichon Frise, Cairn Terrier, Bearded Collie and tied for 10th place were the Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Schnauzer (which is a hypoallergenic dog).
This was a fun test to take and I was surprised by my number one being a Doberman. Maybe I shouldn’t be, I did select that I would like my dog to be able to protect me, and a Doberman will do just that! I do love that he will stop on command, you must have seen him do that in movies. He is often behind a chain link fence ready to attack an intruder (and often does!)
Be sure to do your research when it comes to choosing the best dog for family. Do not go by what society says or your friends and family. Want a quick example? We got our American Staffordshire Terrier (pitbull) when I was 5 months pregnant with our daughter, you know how many people told me that was not smart (not because I was pregnant, but because I would have a ‘bully dog’ around my infant). They have grown up together and I wouldn’t change a thing.
What are you looking for in a dog? What have you found to be compatible for your living situation and your family? What did the hypoallergenic dog breed test above tell you? Share with us!
Tabatha started her freelance content writing career well over a decade ago, years before joining the DogVills team. She loves writing about dogs (currently a beautiful Shepherd and a newly rescued pit bull) and sharing her experience with new owners. Tabatha also owns her own boudoir photography business and works as a school nurse. In her downtime, she loves hanging out with her children and husband in their Florida home.
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