I’ve had dogs for years, and during that time, I’ve learned how to get rid of dog smell in the house. I learned everything the hard, stinky, trial and error way. It wasn’t fun! That’s why I thought it might be nice for all of you dog owners out there to read about my 5 must have tools to help you de-stink your house. =D
How to Get Rid of Dog Smell – 5 Tools to Help you get the Stink Out
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- 1: A Steam Cleaner: The importance of a good steam cleaner for any carpeted home with a dog or dogs cannot be overstated. No matter how clean you try to keep your pet after taking it outside, it’s never enough. I have a dog, and I thoroughly – or as thoroughly as I can – wipe his paws down every time we come into the house. Even with constant paw wipe downs, our carpet still has a dark streak where he walks into the living room. The steam cleaner gets it out. If you have carpet, you NEED a steam cleaner. Don’t forget to use the attachments to clean your furniture, too!
- 2: A Steam Mop: Second on my how to get rid of dog smell top 5 is a steam mop. Just like a steam cleaner deep cleans carpets, a steam mop gets all the dirt and microscopic grunge that you can’t see out of your tile, grout, and hardwood floors. Just remember to go easy on the hardwood. You want to CLEAN your hardwood floors, not RUIN them.
- 3: Your Washing Machine: You may or my not have seen that one coming. This makes my list of how to get rid of dog smell because we all have one or have access to one. You cannot beat a good washing to get rid of dog stink on your linens and pillows. The thing to remember is never to wash them in hot water. Hot water sets in any stains that might be on your linens. Another tip to remember is to always include your white – and any light colored fabrics that can handle it – in a bleach cycle. That goes for pillows, too. Bleach is king when it comes to blasting our dog stank.
- 4: Dog Shampoo: If you want to know how to get rid of dog smell in your house, here’s one of the best tips of all. Bathe your pooch. I am being 100% UNsarcastic right now. Yes, I know it’s not a real word. =D Believe it or not, I didn’t catch on to this one for quite a while. We were constantly steam cleaning and washing linens. Then one day, I looked at my dog, and I thought to myself, “Self. What if you just gave Buster a bath?” Genius, I know. He wasn’t really dirty. I mean the water didn’t turn gray when it hit him or anything, but it was a big help. Just remember to rinse your dog thoroughly when you wash it, and always use dog shampoo. Human shampoo isn’t good for their skin, and even dog shampoo is an irritant if you leave any residue.
- 5: A Spot Cleaner: Because sometimes the entire carpet doesn’t need a deep clean. I highly recommend a spot cleaner in case of accidents or when your dog accidentally tracks in a little dirt. It’s much easier to spot clean a few spots than it is to clean the entire carpet. It also makes you much less prone to a complete meltdown when you JUST cleaned the carpet the day before. 😉
That’s it. This list of the 5 best tools to get rid of dog smell is all you need to keep your home clean and free of man’s best friend’s best stink. If you stay on top of things, you’ll be fine. Just remember a few tips. Wipe down your dog’s feet every time it comes inside to reduce the amount of tracked in dirt. Bathe it once a week to keep the bad smells at bay. Wash any fabrics that your dog lays on weekly. Last, but not least, clean up any obvious signs of dirt or accidents IMMEDIATELY. If you follow these guidelines, you’ll be in the know on how to get rid of dog smell!
Do you have any other favorite tips on how to get rid of dog smell? Share in the comments!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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