Do you know how much to feed a dog per day by weight? Feeding your dog properly is probably one of the most important things you can do for your dog’s health. After all, your pooch’s overall health begins with what goes into his body. It’s all about quality food and the correct quantity of that food. An overfed dog gets fat, and fat dogs are prone to all sorts of health issues. At the same time, an underfed dog can suffer from malnutrition, weakness, and an impaired immune system. Today, we’re going to talk about the amount of food you should be feeding your dog for good health.
Feeding Your Dog the Right Amount of Food
Feeding your dog properly may be the most important thing you can do for your dog’s healthy, but it’s also the easiest… IF you don’t over complicate it. I see many people post in forums with questions about how much to feed their dogs or what ingredients to look for. I’ve covered the ingredient angle fairly thoroughly, so today we’re going to touch on how much to feed your dog. And good news! It’s actually really easy.
Start with the Bag
Your dog food bag will have feeding guidelines somewhere on it. There, you can find the recommended amount of food to feed your dog for his body weight. Start with this first and see how it goes. The keyword in this one is “guideline”. It’s not a set in stone amount, it’s only a starting point.
Consider Your Dog’s Energy Needs
Consider your dog’s breed and energy needs while you feed him the recommended amount on the bag. All dogs are created differently, and they all need different amounts of food to fuel them. For example, a low energy breed like an English Bulldog or Mastiff may not need as much food as is recommended for his body weight on the bag. Conversely, a highly active or high energy dog like a retriever may need more food that the recommended amount.
Watch Their Waistline
When you first feed a dog, start with the recommended food amount. Don’t be surprised when you have to change it. You should be able to tell if your dog is eating the proper amount of food in a relatively short amount of time. You’ll want to watch for a thickening waist and a softer look to the ribcage. This is an indicator that your dog is eating too much food. Conversely, if the ribs become more prominent, your dog isn’t getting enough calories.
Feeding Your Dog the Right Amount is Easy
See? I told you it was easy. Just start with the recommended feeding amount for your dog’s weight, and keep an eye on his physique. If he starts getting soft, back the food down a bit. If he starts looking too thin, boost up his food a bit. While doing this, always remember to take into account your dog’s energy and activity level. Not to sound overly scientific, but you’re just eyeballing it. 😉
Does this help you with knowing how much to feed a dog? Share any questions or tips you have below!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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