How Do I Entertain My Dog While I’m at Work?



Kate Curran
Picture of Kate Curran

Kate Curran


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Looking for ways to keep your dog busy while you're at work? Check out our training tips and games!

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A question on every working pet parent’s mind is often “how do I entertain my dog while I’m at work?”

Being the parent of a dog is a bigger commitment than parenting most other self-sufficient pets.

Since we do love our dogs so much, even going to work and leaving them home can be stressful.

Aside from them getting lonely, they may get into mischief – I can’t count the number of things my younger dog has chewed up while I’m away.

To prevent your pooch from being naughty while you’re away, keeping them entertained is key.

Give these ideas a try; you’ll come home to a happier dog and avoid having to replace another pair of shoes!


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How Do I Entertain My Dog While I’m at Work?

1- Give options

Looking for the best toys for low energy dogs? We're sharing some of our favorite interactive dog toys that will motivate your couch potato to get a bit more active!

Our kids have toy bins, right? They like to choose what to play with, and so do our dogs!

Get a small wire bin for your dog’s toys and put it on the floor. That way she can pick which toy or toys she wants to play with while you’re away.

2- Teach him the right things to chew.

chew toys

Stock up on natural wood chews, Greenies, and other tug toys he can chew.

If chewing has been a big issue for you in the past, put a small amount cayenne pepper on the item your dog has been chewing (chair legs, for example), and fill the water bowl. Pretty quickly, he will figure out that’s not what he should be doing.

3- Provide a playmate.

Obedience training for dogs

We decided to get our second dog when our first was 8, and I was worried it wouldn’t go well. Gracie, our older, has her moments, but by and large, she seems to like having Lucy around. We saw an increase in her energy level, too!

4- Give a kid a job.

If school lets out a couple hours before you typically get home from work, ask a trusted neighbor if their child might like to earn a little money to come over and play with your dog when she gets home from school.

Your dog will be happy to see you when you get home, but he’ll also be tired out from playing!

5- Provide background noise.

When we leave for an extended period of time, my husband turns on the radio or the TV so our dogs feel like they have company (if it’s the TV, he likes to turn on the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet!).

I’m not entirely convinced the dogs care, but we don’t find things destroyed when we get home – so there’s that.

6- Hire a dog walker.


Turn to, a local Facebook group, or other dog parents to find a trusted dog walker who can stop in once during the day while you’re gone. Giving your dog some exercise during the day will help you come home to a happier dog.

7- Engage his mind.

There are some pretty fantastic toys on the market now that your dog has to “figure out.” Giving your dog a puzzle will decrease boredom until you get home.

Keeping your dog happy while you’re away is important, but don’t forget to give her lots of attention when you get home. You are her family, so giving her plenty of snuggles when you are there will help fill her tank for when you’re gone.

What are some of your favorite ways to entertain your four-legged kid when you’re not home? Share in the comments!



Picture of Kate Curran

Kate Curran


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