If you have a nervous dog, Halloween can be a nightmare for them. These Halloween safety tips can help you keep them calm and safe when the trick or treating gets into full swing.
Trick or treating is a time of unbridled joy for kids. They get to dress up, they get candy, and they’re usually screaming. As adult humans, we know that this is all just a good time. To a nervous dog, it’s the attack of the killer mutant monster brigade. That’s why these Halloween safety tips for dogs can be so helpful.
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Halloween Safety Tips for a Fidgety Fido
So Halloween has arrived, and your dog is a barky, hyper alert mess on a good day. What can you do to keep them safe and calm while the door is being knocked on every five minutes by squealy, giggly kids? I have some ideas.
Keep Your Dog in a Separate Space
If your dog is a nervous wreck or overly protective of your house, move them to a different room. Preferably well away from the action. Use a baby gate or closed door to keep your dog sheltered from the trick or treating action as much as possible. This lessens the noise level for your dog, and can prevent potential escape or biting of other people.
A kitchen or bathroom is best for two reasons. There are no draperies or bedding for your freaked out pooch to destroy, and the tile makes for easy clean up if your dog really freaks out and makes a potty mess. If your dog is crate trained, so much the better.
Thunder Shirt
A thunder shirt is always a good Halloween safety tip for an anxious dog. Thunder shirts give your dog’s body gentle compression. This can make an anxiety-ridden dog feel more secure. Use the Thunder shirt in conjunction with all the other tips in this article for added soothing relief of intense anxiety this Halloween.
Related: Does the Thunder Shirt Really Alleviate Anxiety in Dogs?
Time for a Play Date
If you frequently take your dog to a friend or family members house for play dates, and that house gets few if any trick or treaters, perhaps a play date is in order for your pooch. The best approach to Halloween safety tips is preventing the stress in the first place. If they’ll allow it, have your dog stay at that house while your house is being inundated by trick or treaters.
Forego Trick or Treating
This is the nuclear option. If you dog is the highest strung dog in existence, think about skipping on the trick or treating handouts. There are plenty of other houses in the neighborhood for the kids to get their sugar fix, and it will save your dog so much grief. For a dog with extremely high anxiety, this can be this absolute only option in all of my Halloween safety tips. One less house on the trick or treating train is a small price to pay for your dog’s emotional well-being.
Halloween Safety Tips for a Happy Dog
With these Halloween safety tips, you can keep your dog happy – or at least less freaked out – during Halloween. Give all of these tips a try. Hopefully one of them will work for you. In fact, if you use a combination – like the thunder shirt while crating – you could have great success. If not, then it might be best to simply not hand out candy. It could be the only option your high-strung pooch can handle.
Do you have any other Halloween safety tips for nervous dogs? Share in the comments!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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