175+ Spooktacular Halloween-Inspired Dog Names



Picture of Nicole



Hi there! I’m Nicole, the editor-in-chief and one of the writers here at DogVills. I’ve been a dog owner for most of my adult life and a dog lover for much longer than that. I grew up with a wonderful German Shepherd named Jake, who I loved SO much that I named my son after him. When I’m not writing for DogVills or my own site, Pretty Opinionated, I love spending time with my teenager (when he actually lets me) and my Pharaoh Hound, Freya. I’m also an avid reader AND a total TV fanatic.

Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Halloween Dog Names

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If you’re looking for Halloween-inspired dog names, we have a treat for you (pun intended)!

Below, we’ve rounded up a ton of cute, clever, and spooky ideas that are just perfect for your new puppy.

With plenty each for males and females, it won’t be tricky at all to find the right one!

Okay, enough with the puns, let’s check them out!

Halloween Dog Names

Top 50 Halloween-Inspired Dog Names For Males

We love finding inspiration in scary movies, different languages, and common spooky words.

Take a look at what we came up with for the boys!

  1. Bat – After the bird, or the man, you choose!
  2. Bogey a frightening name for any dog!
  3. Bones – as in skeleton bones.
  4. Bruxas- part of the Portuguese phrase for Halloween (dia das Bruxas)
  5. Cackles – for the funniest dog out there!
  6. Calan– Calan Gaeaf means Halloween in Welsh
  7. Carver – as in pumpkin-carver.
  8. Castiel – from the Supernatural series.
  9. Cauldron – for a pup who has a spell prepared!
  10. Cobweb – can’t miss the Halloween fun with this name!
  11. Creeper – after the frightening Minecraft mobs!
  12. Dracula – one of the most important Halloween figures.
  13. Eerie – for a strange, yet wonderful dog!
  14. Fangs – this can also be the perfect costume!
  15. Fantazmë – means “ghost” in Albanian
  16. Fog – it’s spooky, it’s cute, it’s perfect!
  17. Frankenstein – after Dr. Frankenstein.
  18. Frankenweenie – after Frankenstein’s first experiment!
  19. Fright – for an easy-to-scare pup.
  20. Gaeaf – the other part of the Welsh word for Halloween is great, too!
  21. Gargoyle -Love this name for a French Bulldog!
  22. Geest– means ghost in Dutch.
  23. Ghost – a perfect name for a white pup!
  24. Goblin – for a mischievous pup!
  25. Gremlin – Gremlins are still very frightening.
  26. Halloween – you can’t lose with a classic!
  27. Halovīni – means Halloween in Latvian.
  28. Haunt – cute name for a pup who follows you anywhere you go.
  29. Hocus – name his brother Pocus and it’s the best combo!
  30. Howler – this name goes without saying!
  31. Jack – after Jack-o-Lantern or Jack Skellington, you choose!
  32. Monster – an adorable name for a gentle giant.
  33. Nightmare – perfect Halloween dog name!
  34. Pocus – Hocus’ brother.
  35. Poltergeist – a mischievous ghost.
  36. Prank – for a little trickster
  37. Pumpkin – you can’t miss with this one!
  38. Reaper – a dog named Reaper is never scary!
  39. Roho-Swahili for ghost
  40. Skeleton – imagine how happy your dog would be to meet a skeleton.
  41. Skellington – from ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas.’
  42. Spider – for a black pup!
  43. Specter– a ghost
  44. Spooky – can be spooky in a very cute way!
  45. Spookley -from the children’s movie Spookley, the Square Pumpkin
  46. Trick – perfect name combo if your other one is named ‘Treat.!
  47. Werewolf – one of the scariest dog names!
  48. Zero – after Jack Skellington’s ghostly dog in ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas.’
  49. Zombie – probably the scariest thing in the world!
  50. Xus– Hmong for Halloween
male Halloween dog names

Boy Dog Names Inspired by Horror Movies

  1. AdamSaw (2004)
  2. Arnie Christine (1983)
  3. Ash The Evil Dead (1981)
  4. BenNight of the Living Dead (1968)
  5. Billy Scream (1996)
  6. CandymanCandyman (1992)
  7. ChuckyChild’s Play (1988)
  8. Count DraculaDracula (1931)
  9. CujoCujo (1983)
  10. Damien The Omen (1976)
  11. DavidAn American Werewolf in London (1981)
  12. David DraytonThe Mist (2007)
  13. Dr. LoomisHalloween (1978)
  14. Ed WarrenThe Conjuring (2013)
  15. Father KarrasThe Exorcist (1973)
  16. Father Lucas The Rite (2011)
  17. Father MerrinThe Exorcist (1973)
  18. Francis Red Dragon (2002)
  19. Frank Hellraiser (1987)
  20. Freddy KruegerA Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
  21. Hannibal LecterThe Silence of the Lambs (1991)
  22. Henry Eraserhead (1977)
  23. Herbert Re-Animator (1985)
  24. Jack The Shining (1980)
  25. Jason Friday the 13th (1980)
  26. Jerry Fright Night (1985)
  27. Jigsaw Saw (2004)
  28. LeatherfaceThe Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
  29. Louis Pet Sematary (1989)
  30. Martin Jaws (1975)
  31. Max Cape Fear (1991)
  32. Michael MyersHalloween (1978)
  33. Mikael The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
  34. Norman BatesPsycho (1960)
  35. OskarLet the Right One In (2008)
  36. Patrick American Psycho (2000)
  37. Paul Misery (1990)
  38. PeterDawn of the Dead (1978)
  39. PinheadHellraiser (1987)
  40. QuintJaws (1975)
  41. R.J. MacReadyThe Thing (1982)
  42. SamTrick ‘r Treat (2007)
  43. Seth The Fly (1986)
  44. Stu Scream (1996)
  45. Tommy Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
  46. VenkmanGhostbusters (1984)
  47. Victor FrankensteinFrankenstein (1931)

Top 50 Halloween Dog Names For Females

We took inspiration from iconic horror movies that we watch on Halloween beautiful ways of saying common spooky words, and more.

female Halloween dog names
  1. Aave– Finnish for ghost.
  2. Autumn – after the Halloween season.
  3. Blade – after the Vampire Hunter
  4. Blair– after the Blair Witch Project
  5. Bonbon– “candy” in French.
  6. Buffy – after the Vampire Slayer
  7. Candy – for the cutest pup around!
  8. Clarice– from Silence of the Lambs.
  9. Crow – one of the coolest Halloween names.
  10. Crystal – after a witch’s favorite stone!
  11. Dynia– Polish for pumpkin.
  12. Eleven – after the Stranger Things character.
  13. Elvira – after the mistress of the Dark.
  14. Fantasma– Italian for ghost.
  15. Huntress – a very cool Halloween name.
  16. Janet– from The Rocky Horror Picture Show, of course.
  17. Jynx – who wouldn’t want to be Jynx on Halloween?
  18. Kohe– Estonian for “spooky”
  19. Luna – in Latin, this name means ‘moon.’
  20. Magic – because your pup is magic!
  21. Mamua – Basque for “ghost”
  22. MatoatoaMalagasy for ghost.
  23. Morrigan– the Goddess of Samhain.
  24. Morticia – from the Addam’s Family
  25. Naranja – Spanish word for ‘orange.’
  26. Night – Such a cute name for a black pup!
  27. Noir – in French, it means ‘black.’
  28. Nuku– Maori for October
  29. October– the month of Halloween makes a beautiful name!
  30. Omen – your dog can be a good omen!
  31. Potion – think about the most delicious potion!
  32. Puca– Irish for ghost.
  33. Pwmpen– Welsh for pumpkin.
  34. Raven – after the spooky bird.
  35. Rosemary– after the classic horror film, Rosemary’s Baby
  36. Sabrina – from the classic show.
  37. Salem – after the legends about this place.
  38. Sally – from ‘The Night Before Christmas’
  39. Scarecrow – a popular Halloween prop.
  40. Shadow – great name for a grey or black pup!
  41. Sookie– from the HBO show, True Blood.
  42. Spirit – the name that’s spooky just on Halloween!
  43. Tabitha– a witch’s name in many movies and shows!
  44. Tarot – for a truly magic pup!
  45. Tikva– Bosnian for pumpkin.
  46. Treat – she can be ‘Trick’s’ sister!
  47. Twilight – after the iconic movie!
  48. Vanessa – from Penny Dreadful
  49. Wednesday – after the Addam’s family daughter!
  50. Winifred– from Hocus Pocus, the iconic Halloween movie.

Girl Dog Names Inspired by Horror Movies

Halloween dog names from horror movies
  1. Alice HardyFriday the 13th (1980)
  2. AmeliaThe Babadook (2014)
  3. Annie Hereditary (2018)
  4. Annie Misery (1990)
  5. BarbaraNight of the Living Dead (1968)
  6. Carrie Carrie (1976)
  7. Cecilia The Invisible Man (2020)
  8. Christine Drag Me to Hell (2009)
  9. Clarice The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
  10. Dani Midsommar (2019)
  11. Elise Insidious (2010)
  12. Ginger Ginger Snaps (2000)
  13. Grace The Others (2001)
  14. Jay It Follows (2014)
  15. Jess Black Christmas (1974)
  16. Julia Hellraiser (1987)
  17. Kathy The Amityville Horror (1979)
  18. Kimberly Final Destination 2 (2003)
  19. Laurie Halloween (1978)
  20. Lena Beautiful Creatures (2013)
  21. Lisa Silent Hill (2006)
  22. Maddie YoungHush (2016)
  23. Madison Malignant (2021)
  24. MalloryBird Box (2018)
  25. Margaret Carrie (1976)
  26. Marion Psycho (1960)
  27. MartaThe Others (2001)
  28. Marybeth Hatchet (2006)
  29. Melanie The Birds (1963)
  30. Mia Evil Dead (2013)
  31. Nancy A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
  32. Regan The Exorcist (1973)
  33. RipleyAlien (1979)
  34. Rosemary Rosemary’s Baby (1968)
  35. Sally The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
  36. Samara The Ring (2002)
  37. Sarah  The Descent (2005)
  38. Sidney Scream (1996)
  39. Sophie The Night Listener (2006)
  40. Susie Suspiria (1977)
  41. Tess Barbarian (2022)
  42. Tiffany ValentineBride of Chucky (1998)
  43. Vera Dead Alive (1992)
  44. Wendy The Shining (1980)

See, no tricks! Just plenty of fun Halloween-inspired dog names!

We love the names that from different languages. They make common Halloween words like “ghost” and “candy” sound so much more interesting.

Which will you choose? Tell us below, what are your favorite Halloween-inspired dog names!


  • Hi there! I'm Nicole, the editor-in-chief and one of the writers here at DogVills. I've been a dog owner for most of my adult life and a dog lover for much longer than that. I grew up with a wonderful German Shepherd named Jake, who I loved SO much that I named my son after him. When I'm not writing for DogVills or my own site, Pretty Opinionated, I love spending time with my teenager (when he actually lets me) and my Pharaoh Hound, Freya. I'm also an avid reader AND a total TV fanatic.

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Picture of Nicole



Hi there! I’m Nicole, the editor-in-chief and one of the writers here at DogVills. I’ve been a dog owner for most of my adult life and a dog lover for much longer than that. I grew up with a wonderful German Shepherd named Jake, who I loved SO much that I named my son after him. When I’m not writing for DogVills or my own site, Pretty Opinionated, I love spending time with my teenager (when he actually lets me) and my Pharaoh Hound, Freya. I’m also an avid reader AND a total TV fanatic.
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