When it comes to funny talking dog videos, Pitbull dogs are one of my favorite breeds to watch! These guys always have the biggest smiles that brighten up my day, and when they “talk,” it’s just hilarious! I spend way too much time on YouTube looking at these chatty pups! If you love pits as much as I do, I bet you’ll love these five adorable clips! Check them out!
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Funny Talking Dog Videos: Pitbull Edition
Pitbulls are one of the most misunderstood breeds of dog. Many people see these dogs as mean and cruel, but the fact is that most of these dogs are affectionate and loving. Pit bulls reach an average height of 18-22 inches, an average weight of 30-60 pounds with an average lifespan of 12 years. The most common types of pit bulls in North America are the Staffordshire Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the American Bully. Check out our favorite funny talking dog videos featuring pitbulls!
My Funny and Cute Pit Bull Dog Talking– This funny video was posted by YouTube user TeamCZR on April 5, 2013, and has received 385,050 views to date. Czr, pronounced Caesar, is trained to respond to yes or no questions by nodding and shaking his head. He responds to questions like “Did you eat dinner?” and “Do you want a cookie?” He also gives high-fives and kisses. Czr is now an 8-year-old American Pit Bull Terrier.
Pitbull Says I Love You– This hilarious video was posted by YouTube user 86Bizzo on September 29, 2011 and has received 61,475 views to date. This now 11-year-old dog is half blue/half red nose pit bull who loves to say “I love you” to his owner.
Talking Pit Bull in Montana– This amusing video was posted by YouTube user Reebs on April 3, 2009, and has received 27,937 views to date. It is Montana in April, and this cute pit bull is not impressed with the snow.
Mugen the Pit Bull Arguing with Owners– This entertaining video was posted by YouTube user Mugen the Pit Bull on November 25, 2010, and has received 898,817 views to date. Mugen is an American Pit Bull Terrier that was born on February 18, 2009. She decided to wake up her owners on Thanksgiving morning at 6:00 am, dragging her favorite bone in tow. They tried to get her to go back to her own bed, by taking her bone away, but Mugen didn’t have it, and an argument ensued.
Talking Pit Bull Silvio– This humorous video was posted by YouTube user Cassandra Jayne on February 24, 2011, and has received 4,068 views to date. Silvio Dante Ferrari was an American Pit Bull Terrier, born on May 3, 2008. His favorite thing to do was talk and tell stories. According to his Facebook page, he was diagnosed with bone cancer in March of 2011 and sadly lost his battle with cancer at the age of 3 on May 18, 2011.
Do you have any funny talking dog videos featuring pitbulls? Share in the comments!
Deanna is a passionate animal lover and freelance writer. She lives with her Chi dog and a ragdoll cat. When she’s not writing, Deanna loves listening to country music or watching Dancing With The Stars.
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