Funny Dog Videos: Dogs & Babies



Meagen Brosius
Picture of Meagen Brosius

Meagen Brosius


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Love funny dog videos? How about dogs & babies? These 5 videos will have you ROTFL in no time! Check them out!

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Occasionally it’s fun to just sit and watch funny dog videos, don’t you agree? Everyone needs a little extra funny in their day sometimes, myself included. Dogs are cute. Babies are cute. Dogs doing funny things with babies: cuteness overload! Here we have a bunch of videos of dogs and babies talking to each other, dogs hanging out with babies, cuteness and hilarity all over the place. Maybe they have a secret language that they just can’t tell us about; in any case, they’re adorable!

Related: Funny Dog Failing Videos

Funny Dog Videos: Dogs and Babies

This is one very well behaved pup. He waits and waits and waits for his tiny human to give up that bone! Talk about patience! This adorable baby just does not want to give up that interesting dog bone, but dad tricks her with the old ‘high five over here’ and doggy gets his treat after all!


These dogs all seem to have a special connection to the babies in their homes. Babies and dogs are both having tons of fun in this video of dogs talking to babies. It’s adorable to see them go back and forth as if they’re having entire conversations only they can understand. There are plenty of giggles and tail wagging in this funny compilation.


You can tell these pups love their tiny humans! They’re willing to put up with a lot of pestering, horseback rides, ear tugging, and slobber from these babies. Most kids put their dogs through a lot over the years; adorable moments like this make it all worthwhile.


This next one is all kinds of cute. Dogs doing all sorts of things with their baby best buds. Who doesn’t love a good nap, playing in the bathtub, snuggling on the couch, playing tug of war, having a good laugh, or talking back to dad once in a while?


What is more fun on a hot day than playing outside with the garden hose? Whoever thought of giving a baby and a dog the hose was a genius. These babies playing with their puppies and the garden hose are a riot! So much fun had by all.


Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed these funny dog videos as much as I have! I hope they brought a little extra laughter into your day!

What fun things does your dog’s love doing with your children?



Picture of Meagen Brosius

Meagen Brosius


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