On the hunt for some fun training videos for you and your German Shepherd? We’ve got them right here! The internet makes it so easy for so many people to showcase their training they do with their dogs, you don’t always have to turn to a professional, or doggie school. Training, in general, is pretty simple. Using the same command for an action, giving many treats and lots of praise along the way and keeping training sessions short, no longer than 20 minutes at a time (depending on the age of your dog). Check out these fun training videos for you and your German Shepherd.
Related: German Shepherd Dog Training: What You Need to Know
Fun Training Videos for You and Your German Shepherd
8 week old German Shepherd training: This puppy is so cute! You will notice lots of treats being given to this little guy as he does what he is asked to do. Rewarding is super important when training your German Shepherd. You can check out more of Canine Ambassador videos when you subscribe to them on YouTube!
1 year old with aggression issues: This poor little girl had so many issues to begin with. You can see when you first watch that she tries to get out of the kennel door and keeps jumping. She was not very good on a leash or off. She reacts to everything in her environment, cars, other dogs, a leaf passing by. You can see the amazing transformation from the guys at Off-Leash K9 Training!
German Shepherd Training Tips: You need the right trainer, whether you are learning from them together or learning from afar (like via video). These are some great tips about owning a dog in general. He talks about being the alpha when it comes to your dog. Dogs have a tendency to be the alpha, but not in your house.
Mastering the Art of Attention in 1 week: The beginning of the video makes me a little dizzy! The cameraman must have a GoPro attached to his head, and he is walking around in circles with the dog. Interestingly, this guy does not use treats to get his attention. It is a must watch!
Early training: She goes deep into some great early training in this video. Many of these tips I never knew about. Getting your dog used to noise and light, so he isn’t startled makes tons of sense! Right up there with getting him used to water for bathing. Not to mention these little guys are so adorable to watch!
Some amazing tricks: These are some amazing tricks! I have never seen a dog limp on 3 legs on command. You get to see the tricks, but you do have to click on a link within the video if you want a breakdown on how to teach that specific skill. Training time is fun! For both of you, your dog just wants to make you happy, be sure to reward him with treats, praise and lots of love!
Leash Training: This may be one of the most important things you’ll teach your German Shepherd! They are super strong, so if you don’t train them to walk nice on a leash, they’ll be the ones walking you! Cesar is pretty much the master of walking a dog.
Training your German Shepherd is such a fun and vital thing to do. A well behaved and mannered German Shepherd is going to add such quality of life to you and your family’s lives, you might start to wonder what you ever did before bringing him home. Life was pretty dull! (Unless you have kids, and then it is never boring, they like to keep you on your toes). The point is, German Shepherds make great family dogs!
Do you have any fun training videos for you and your German Shepherd that you use? Share with us in the comment section below!
Tabatha started her freelance content writing career well over a decade ago, years before joining the DogVills team. She loves writing about dogs (currently a beautiful Shepherd and a newly rescued pit bull) and sharing her experience with new owners. Tabatha also owns her own boudoir photography business and works as a school nurse. In her downtime, she loves hanging out with her children and husband in their Florida home.
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