Do you love dogs? Do you love a cute factor of 1 million? Do you have allergies? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then read on for my personal top 5 cutest hypoallergenic dogs. These dogs are light on allergies and heavy on cute.
Hypoallergenic Dogs That Will Make you say, “Awwwwww”.
I love dogs. I mean, I love them. I’ve been rescuing them for 15 years. At one time, our home was filled with 15 dogs, all either abandoned, neglected, or special needs. In all my years of rescuing animals and working at a vet, I’ve come across some uber adorable hypoallergenic dogs that deserve to be recognized for their incredible contributions to the cute community.
Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu, nature’s teddy bear, takes the number one spot in my top five cutest hypoallergenic dogs. Who can say no to them? They are an extremely loving, devoted breed, and they absolutely love their people. In addition to that, they are equally happy to run around and play or just sack out on the couch. Also, who doesn’t love a dog that looks like a living, breathing teddy bear – or a Mugwai or Ewok depending on your outlook.
Whatever you think they look like, the bottom line is that they are cuteness made flesh. One of the best hypoallergenic dogs I’ve ever had in my life was Lucy. She was a Shih Tzu, and she was the greatest. She looked EXACTLY like an Ewok, and she had this way of just melting your heart whenever she looked at you.
This is another breed I’ve owned. The Maltese deserves pride of place in the cute hypoallergenic dog hall of fame. These guys. I mean, they just scream cute. From their fuzzy coats as puppies to their energy to their complete desire to be glued to you at all times, the Maltese takes cute into the stratosphere.
I’ve had several Maltese, and they’ve all been great. Beefy, Baby, and Odie were all dancers. Whenever they wanted to be held, they would literally dance on their hind legs. Before Odie got too old to do it anymore, we actually timed him. He hopped around the living room for a full five minutes! When you add their looks to their intense need to be on you at all times, you’ve got a recipe for utter adorableness.
The Cockapoo is another winner on my top five cutest hypoallergenic dogs. This breed combines the smarts of a poodle and the friendliness of a Cocker Spaniel and wraps them up into a super soft, cuddly package. These dogs are loving to the point of doting, and they always want to be in eye shot of their people.
Again, this is a breed that I’ve owned. Pepper Pot – also known as Potty because we couldn’t get him to stop marking up the house – was by far the most loving dog I have ever owned. Even at the end when his cancer had metastasized to his lungs, and he could barely breath, he still hung in just to be with us. He was a stalwart companion who wanted nothing more than to be with us at all times, and that’s classic of the breed.
Giant Schnauzer
At this point, it should come as no surprise to you that I’ve owned a Giant Schnauzer. =D This breed makes my top five cutest hypoallergenic dogs because of its look from head to do. It has a gorgeous curly coat, a wonderful personality, and huge, deep eyes that just bare its soul to you.
As an example of how friendly this gigantic ball of cuteness is, I’ll tell you a story. The Giant Schnauzer I owned was a stray. When I was a kid in Alabama a Giant Schnauzer literally landed in my lap. My dad and I had just come back from fishing. He went into the house and I stayed in the passenger seat of the truck fiddling with something – I can’t remember what anymore.
Suddenly this GINORMOUS Giant Schnauzer comes galloping from behind the house straight towards the truck. I was too shocked to close the door. My last thought before he landed in my lap was, “I’m going to die!” Happily, this breed is as friendly as it is adorable. Rather than ripping off my face, it licked me to death.
Bichon Frise
Believe it or not, I have never owned a Bichon. However, working at the vet I crossed paths with them all the time. They are one of the cutest hypoallergenic dogs both inside and out. The beauty of their soft, fluffy coats and happy faces are rivaled only by their intensely friendly personalities.
It was always a joy for me when one of our many Bichon patients came into the vet for their checkups. They were always so friendly, and there’s nothing like the coat of a Bichon for sheer fuzzy wonderfulness.
All of these dogs made my top five cutest hypoallergenic dogs based on their looks and their personalities. These breeds all have wonderful personalities and adorable faces and coats. They really are the cutest dogs in the history of cute, in my opinion, and they’re all hypoallergenic. Bonus!
If you’re interested in any of these breeds, I highly encourage you to visit your local shelter or an online rescue site first. Remember, make adoption your first option when looking for a pet.
Which of these hypoallergenic dogs do you think is the cutest? Share in the comments!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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