Too Cute to Miss: Dog Shows Off Baby Bump



Olfa Turki
Picture of Olfa Turki

Olfa Turki


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Check out this adorable pregnant mama baby bump! What a sweet idea!

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Check out this adorable pregnant mama baby bump! What a sweet idea!
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It is too cute to miss! Don’t we love pictures of pregnant mamas? You are in a treat with these baby bump pictures of this beautiful dog Lilica the 4-year-old pinscher mix.

A Brazilian photographer Ana Paula Grillo recently did a maternity photo shoot with her neighbor’s dog Lilica, a 4-year-old pinscher mix.

These pictures of a pregnant dog are too cute to miss. We are not the only ones admiring them because these pictures got hundreds of shares on Facebook.

catraca livre ♥obrg!

Posted by Anna Fotografia on Saturday, March 19, 2016

Ai meu coração! ♡serio mesmo, obrg a todos os likes, comentarios e compartilhamentos, jamais imaginaria que seria esse “aue” todo!gente eu to em lagrimas! ♡♡♡#encontro

Posted by Anna Fotografia on Tuesday, March 15, 2016

According to Fox 25 news, Lilica has given birth to five puppies, all of which have already been adopted. What a sweet story!!

Have you ever thought of doing baby bump pictures with your dog? Tell us in the comments!



Picture of Olfa Turki

Olfa Turki


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