96 Brilliant Dog Names For Runners



Andreea Juganaru
Picture of Andreea Juganaru

Andreea Juganaru


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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If your favorite activity is jogging, then you can choose one of these 96 dog names for runners for your pup! Check them out!

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Looking for some great dog names for runners that perfectly capture your active lifestyle?

You’ll love our list with 96 ideas!

While many are actually unisex, we broke them down into male and female ideas for you.

Take a look!

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Dog Names For Male Runners

If your favorite activity is jogging, then you can choose one of these 96 dog names for runners for your pup! Check them out!
  1. Bandit – the one who runs without registering for a race.
  2. Bannister – the one who ran the first track mile in under 4 minutes.
  3. Benoit – after one of America’s greatest marathon runners
  4. Bo – Israeli name meaning strong and fast.
  5. Bolt – after Disney’s fastest dog.
  6. Bryce – Celtic name meaning swift.
  7. Bullet – perfect name for a dog who runs fast.
  8. Cheetah – name your dog after the fastest runner on the planet!
  9. Chipper – for a happy and upbeat pup
  10. Dart – to spring forward swiftly
  11. Dash – just in case your dog is a fan of fast but short sprints.
  12. Evin – Irish name which means swift and fast.
  13. Fizz – for a dog with a bubbly and effervescent personality.
  14. Flip – for a dog who reacts to everything around him.
  15. Frisky – for a lively, frolicsome and playful pup.
  16. Guerrouj – a record holding Moroccan runner.
  17. Henbeddestr – Celtic name meaning ‘the fastest man.’
  18. Hicham – one of history’s best middle distance runners.
  19. Jogger – for your favorite jogging buddy.
  20. Jurek – the one who held significant streaks and records in the sport.
  21. Khalid – after Khalid Khannouchi, a marathon world record holder.
  22. Kipsang –  world record-holding Kenyan marathoner.
  23. Lauf – German word which means to run.
  24. Lemmy – Hebrew name meaning swift satire.
  25. Lewis –  10 world championship medals and 10 Olympic medals.
  26. Linford – after the most successful male runner in British history.
  27. Marathon – simply the 26 mile foot race.
  28. Miles -you can name your dog after all the ground he will cover running.
  29. Owens – a record-setting runner and strong equal rights supporter.
  30. Radcliffe – after Paula Radcliffe, an esteemed and record-holding marathoner
  31. Rennen – Dutch word for runner.
  32. Runner – for the one who runs
  33. Rush – for a very fast pup.
  34. Ryker – English name meaning fast strider.
  35. Saiid – after Saiid Aouita.
  36. Salazar – after the one who won the New York Marathon three years in a row.
  37. Samuelson – after Joan Benoit Samuelson.
  38. Sherwin – English name which means to run swiftly
  39. Skeeter – for a very fast and rapid dog.
  40. Sprint – perfect name for the fastest pup out there.
  41. Streaker – for a runner who’s always winning.
  42. Swift – English name which doesn’t need an explanation.
  43. Tempo – or the paced rhythm of a runner.
  44. Trail – for that unconventional pup out there.
  45. Tyson – the next fastest short distance runner to Usain Bolt.
  46. Usain – after the fastest man in history.
  47. Zatopek – after Czech runner Emil Zatopek, mid-20th century legend
  48. Zippity – from the Oscar winning song from Disney’s Song of the South.

Dog Names For Female Runners

If your favorite activity is jogging, then you can choose one of these 96 dog names for runners for your pup! Check them out!
  1. Abebe – after Abebe Bikila, a gold-medalist runner.
  2. Alerga – Romanian word for run.
  3. Ara – Armenian name meaning speedy and swift.
  4. Ardelia – beautiful name meaning true to all, swift and speedy.
  5. Asafa – set numerous records in short distance.
  6. Bee – perfect for a furball who is always buzzing around.
  7. Bib – sign that displays the runner’s racer number.
  8. Bikila – known for winning medals without shoes.
  9. Cadence – the pace which you fall into while running.
  10. Coe – who dominated numerous events in the late 70s and early 80s.
  11. Daytona – American name which means speedy.
  12. Deena – national titleholder and Olympic medalist.
  13. Dianna – Greek goddess of swiftness and braveness
  14. Farah – one of only seven to score under 3:30 in the 1500 meter 0 Racer One who races.
  15. Fleta – English name meaning swift.
  16. Florence – known as the fastest woman in history.
  17. Gale – high speed wind.
  18. Gijima – this name means a swift runner.
  19. Glide – to move smoothly with little effort.
  20. Haile – Olympic gold medalist and world record-setting runner.
  21. Haley – after Haley’s comet.
  22. Ivory –  holds the sprinting world record.
  23. Karnazes –  one of the world’s best ultra-marathoners.
  24. Kastor – after esteemed Olympian, Deena Kastor.
  25. Katherine – first woman to run a marathon.
  26. Kenenisa – world record holding runner.
  27. Kenya – the home to some of the world’s fastest runners.
  28. Lane – great name for a runner.
  29. Maira – for the pup who is light and swift.
  30. Mehira – name meaning speedy or quick.
  31. Merlene – bird who is swiftly flying.
  32. Mutai – the Kenyan who ran the fastest marathon in history
  33. Namir – Afghan name meaning fast.
  34. Ndereba – one of the best and most accomplished female marathoners.
  35. Nike– Greek goddess of victory.
  36. Nurmi – the most decorated distance runner ever.
  37. Paavo –  who won an insane 453 career races.
  38. Pantera – fast, sleek sports car.
  39. Paula – women’s marathon record holder.
  40. Prefontaine – who set American records in 7 events.
  41. Rice – the key to healing running-related injuries.
  42. Saluki – very fast dog breed.
  43. Sayua – one who is swift and fast like an arrow.
  44. Snappy – means to do something in a hurry.
  45. Stride – is the distance between steps.
  46. Sugar – for the sweet and swift pup in your life.
  47. Switzer – after the first woman to compete in the Boston Marathon.
  48. Tergat – a highly-successful Kenyan runner and Olympic medalist.

If your favorite activity is jogging, then you can choose one of these dog names for runners for your pup!

Heck, they’re great even if you’re more of a couch potato with lofty dreams of a more active lifestyle.

What are your favorite dog names for runners from our list? Share below!



Picture of Andreea Juganaru

Andreea Juganaru


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