Many people with dogs want to know what the best choice is in dog gates for stairs. A lot of houses have more than one floor, and many times, dog owners don’t want their little buddies on a certain level of the house. The question becomes what are the best dog gates for stairs. In my opinion, there’s only one choice – the mounted gate.
Dog Gates for Stairs – Safety vs. Segregation
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There’s no getting around the need for dog gates. There are a wide variety of gates out there. I’m going to go over why the only good choice in dog gates for stairs is a hardware mounted gate.
Pressure mounted gates are a great choice if you need to section off a portion of the house beyond a doorway or a hallway. This is because you have to step over the gate, and when moving through a hallway or a threshold, you’re stepping from one height to another uniform height. The problem with a pressure mounted gate on stairs is that you have to step over the gate AND down to the step. That is a disaster waiting to happen, especially if you have children in the house who have to navigate the gate. So pressure mounted gates are definitely a no-no when it comes to dog gates for stairs.
Free Standing Gates
Free standing gates are meant to be used as stand alone enclosures for pets. Many of these models are modular, so they can be taken apart. It might be tempting to just snag a piece of your stand alone gate and lean it against the top of your stairway. This is a super bad idea. Just like the pressure mounted gate, you have to step over and down. In addition you have the added threat of complete instability, because your barrier is just leaning. So this another exceedingly bad idea when looking for dog gates for stairs.
Hardware Mounted Gates
When considering dog gates for stairs, hardware mounted gates are the only safe and secure answer. These gates aren’t difficult to install. They only require a few screws to mount the plates and locking bracket to your walls, and they are extremely safe. Hardware mounted gates take the danger out of the dog gates for stairs equation. They keep you and your family save while securely segregating your dog from the portion of the house you want to stay dog free. It takes away the danger of stepping over and down, a scenario that can lead to severe injury.
So when considering dog gates for stairs, the only thing to really worry about is the style and color of a hardware mounted gate. Mounted gates are really the only safe option for stairs. You can find them in several styles and varieties at your local pet supply store or online.
Have you tried any of these dog gates for stairs? What is your favorite brand?
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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