Have you heard of the adorable Chiweenie? These spirited little guys make a fantastic addition to any family! You might also hear them referred to as a choxie, weeniehuahua (that seems like a mouthful!), a Mexican hot dog or even a German taco!?! This relatively new designer breed is loyal, spunky and fun! They are always looking to please but have a streak of confidence in them too! Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about them!
Hey there! I’m Stacey! A writer here and, obviously, a dog lover! We rescued our Westie Mix in 2015 and he is the absolute perfect addition to our family! We are a tiny-living-fulltime-RV family! Our pup has actually been to 46 states! I love Disney, travel, camping, simple living and, my favorite part, sharing all of that with my fantastic husband, our spunky daughter and our beloved pup, Kubota!
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