3 Helpful Books On Combating Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety



Tabatha H
Picture of Tabatha H

Tabatha H


Tabatha started her freelance content writing career well over a decade ago, years before joining the DogVills team. She loves writing about dogs (currently a beautiful Shepherd and a newly rescued pit bull) and sharing her experience with new owners. Tabatha also owns her own boudoir photography business and works as a school nurse. In her downtime, she loves hanging out with her children and husband in their Florida home.

Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Looking for great books on helping your dog cope with separation anxiety? Check out a few of our favorites!

There are so many great books out there, but are there any helpful books on combating your dog’s separation anxiety?  Of course, there are!  If you come home from work in the evening and find last night’s dinner strewn about your house, your dog might have separation anxiety.  If you start getting angry calls from your neighbors saying your dog just won’t stop barking when you leave, your dog might have separation anxiety.  Check out these helpful books to help combat your dog’s separation anxiety.

Books for Dealing with Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety

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Don’t Leave Me: Step-By-Step Help For Your Dog’s Separation Anxiety

Written by Nicole Wilde, and a DWAA nominee for Best Training and Behaviour Book, this is an excellent place to start.  She will teach you about nutrition and exercise and how those might play a role in your dog’s separation anxiety.  Ever find that your house looks like a tornado has been through it after a long day at work? Finding landmines everywhere? Getting calls from your neighbors complaining of the howling coming from your house when you leave? Wilde and her step-by-step instructions should help to get his anxiety under control.  Check it out here

Separation Anxiety in Dogs: Discover How To Help Your Dog Overcome Separation Anxiety

Viola Richards will help you to decide if it is separation anxiety or some other problem.  Your dog doesn’t understand the concept of time and doesn’t understand that when you leave to go food shopping that you will be returning (most likely with some treats for him).  When he sees you walk out the door, his world is walking out the door.  Maybe he has experienced being left before and his master not returning.  That can be so traumatizing!  Richards helps you to understand your dog’s anxiety and gives you helpful rules of thumb to follow.  She also talks about counterconditioning and desensitization.  You can pick up the ebook at Amazon

Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Written by Malena Demartini-Price in 2014, she keeps it real and letting you know that treating separation anxiety in dogs is not easy and will not happen overnight, but you can do it!  Consistency and commitment are two key elements in helping to break your dog’s behavior when you leave him alone.  She likes to incorporate technology into her approach by using webcams and remote feeding devices.  Webcams will give you good access to what he is doing while you are gone!  Check it out on Amazon here!

Related: Tips To Prevent Separation Anxiety In Your Puppy

Separation anxiety is a real thing for anyone, dogs included.  Before you decide that you and your family can not ‘handle a dog,’ learn more about his behavior, and help him to feel better about you leaving.  There tried and true ways will help your dog to overcome his separation anxiety!


Do you have any great books you have come across to help your dog with his separation anxiety?  Share with us in the comment section below!


  • Tabatha started her freelance content writing career well over a decade ago, years before joining the DogVills team. She loves writing about dogs (currently a beautiful Shepherd and a newly rescued pit bull) and sharing her experience with new owners. Tabatha also owns her own boudoir photography business and works as a school nurse. In her downtime, she loves hanging out with her children and husband in their Florida home.

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Picture of Tabatha H

Tabatha H


Tabatha started her freelance content writing career well over a decade ago, years before joining the DogVills team. She loves writing about dogs (currently a beautiful Shepherd and a newly rescued pit bull) and sharing her experience with new owners. Tabatha also owns her own boudoir photography business and works as a school nurse. In her downtime, she loves hanging out with her children and husband in their Florida home.
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