Dog obedience commands can range from essential to just for fun.
In the past, we’ve gone over safety commands and a few different training posts on how to teach those commands.
Today, we’re going to look at all sorts of commands and why you would teach them to your dog.
I bet you’ll find at least a few new training ideas below!
You might want to start here ►►► Dog Training Tips: The Very, Very Basics of It
Great Big List of Dog Obedience Commands
There won’t be any in-depth training advice here, as I’ve already covered that two or three times.
Instead, it’s just all about the commands today. However, I am including some great videos to watch and articles to check out if you need help with the command!
Maybe you’ll find some new ones to try in my Great Big List of Dog Obedience Commands.
That being said, a few things to remember when you start training your dog to do any of these commands.
- Be patient.
- Train daily.
- Use a quiet space.
- Keep training sessions short.
- Never punish your dog. Only reinforce positive progress.
- Keep lots of training treats on hand.
Now, let’s get to the commands!
Dog Obedience Commands by Type
I’m going to break up my list of commands into types today. The first group will be essential commands. These are the commands that every dog should know.
Knowing these commands helps keep your dog safe, keep people safe, and help remedy any misunderstandings before they get out of control and turn into full-blown issues. Let’s take a look.
Safety Commands
1. Watch Me
This command is a must for all other commands. When you use the “watch me” command, your dog should immediately look to you and wait for further instructions.
2. Sit
This is an excellent command for keeping your dog stationary in a public or crowded space. This helps prevent any roughhousing with other dogs or jumping up on strangers.
3. Down
Down is an excellent command for keeping your dog out of trouble. Used in conjunction with sit, it can help avoid potential problems before they become actual problems.
►►Check out this guide on How to Train a Dog to Settle Down!
4. Stay
Another must command, “stay” help your dog remain in control of himself.
When given the “stay” command, your dog should remain seated with his rump firmly on the ground until you release him from the sitting position.
5. Heel
“Heel” is a must for walks. Rather than fighting with your dog to keep him out of the road and from darting into yards while on-leash, teaching “heel” lets your dog know that he needs to remain right by your side.
6. Wait
Another excellent command for avoiding incidents, “wait” is best used when company comes over or you and your dog are in a crowded space.
Using “wait”, you can prevent your dog from charging new guests with an overabundance of friendliness or approaching another dog who might not be as friendly as your pooch would like.
7. Come
“Come” should be in every dog’s list of known commands.
This command is necessary for calling your dog back should he charge after a new two or four-legged friend or chase after an interesting looking object in a yard or in the road.
8. Off
An excellent command for your dog to know, particularly if he is mouthy, jumpy, or both.
This command lets your dog know to get off of furniture, people, other animals, or to drop something in his mouth that he shouldn’t have.
9. Take It and Drop It
“Take It” is a command that is mainly for funsies, but it is a critical one to know so that you can teach your dog the more important “drop it” command.
“Take it” is used when you want your dog to pick something up.
However, the “drop it” command is vital because it’s used to tell your dog to put something down, especially something he shouldn’t have in his mouth.
10. Out
Much like “drop it”, “out” is used to get your dog to spit out any object in his mouth that you don’t want in his mouth.
11. Leave It
“Leave it” is a command used to keep your dog from getting into things he shouldn’t.
This command can be used if he starts to root around in garbage, sticks his head in an animal hole, or tries to steal another dog or child’s toy.
12. Place, Bed, Crate, Etc.
This command tells your dog to go to his own special place and stay there. You can use any name as long as your dog understands what it means.
►►Follow these crate training tips to help your dog learn this command.
13. Stand
“Stand” is a great command for vet visits. Telling your dog to stand puts him in an excellent position for the vet to examine him.
14. No
“No” should be on everyone’s dog obedience commands list.
It’s a blanket command to keep your dog from running off, rooting around where he should, stealing food – just anything you don’t want him to do.
15. Settle Down
“Settle Down” is used to let your dog know it’s time to calm down and remain in place. When given this command, your dog should lay down and wait to be released from the command.
Fun Commands
These commands are given to dogs just for fun. These are the commands that allow playful interaction with your dog and make for cute videos, so they’re great to have in your repertoire.
16. Take It
“Take it” makes the list twice. It’s an important command for using as a base for “Drop it”, and it’s also just plain fun to send your dog off to grab something on the other side of the room.
17. Fetch
We all know this one! It’s the old standby of play commands. I love it because, when done outdoors with plenty of running involved, it’s a great way to tire out a puppy!
Many owners also use the phrase “get it” in place of “fetch.”
18. Play Dead
This is a fun one to teach your dog, especially if he’s a breed with flair like a Husky.
One particularly popular variation of this is the “bang” command wherein, you “shoot” your dog with your finger, and then he plays dead.
19. Roll Over
A highly entertaining trick that’s not difficult to teach and is a lot of fun for both owner and dog, “roll over” is another popular command just for fun.
20. Shake
Another standby, “shake” is one everyone likes to do with dogs.
21. High Five
A variation of shake, wherein the dog raises his paw to be “high-fived” rather than “shaking hands.”
22. Dance
“Dance” is a fun command. With this command, your dog rises up on his hind legs, puts his forelegs in your hands or on your shoulders – depending on his size – and then “dances” with you.
23. Kiss
This is one that no owner should have trouble teacher their dog. After all, dogs are practically hardwired to slobber all over us anyway!
24. Spin
“Spin” can be taught relatively easy, and if your dog is the energetic type, makes a fun, blurry trick to show off to friends and family.
Dog Obedience Commands are Essential for Safety and Fun
There you have it. The great big list of dog obedience commands. This list of commands features ones that promote safety and silliness, and I highly recommend teaching all of them to your dog. Dogs are super smart creatures, so you should have no trouble getting through the list. When you do, you’ll have a dog who stays out of trouble and gets to be goofy in equal measure.
Do you have anything to add to this list of dog obedience commands? Please share them in the comments.
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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