What are the best dog breeds for anxiety and depression?
You might be wondering about that if you want to adopt a service dog to help you or your kid with anxiety.
That’s why today we’re going to talk about the best breeds that will help you get through a rough patch.
Let’s check them out!
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20 Best Dog Breeds for Anxiety & Depression
Nothing calms you better when you’re upset than petting your dog or cat. Just ask any pet parent!
What’s more, pets are good for depression and anxiety because they give you unconditional love and make you feel useful.
However, some dogs do a better job than others. Are you ready to find out?
# 1 Bulldogs
Some people often have the wrong impressions about Bulldogs. They are not as ferocious as you think.
In fact, they are kind, affectionate, friendly, and playful. What more do you need when you have the blues?
Moreover, Bulldogs are not very active, so you can count on them to snuggle with you on the couch when you feel sad.
In addition to this, they are low-maintenance dogs, which make them perfect for fighting depression.
#2 Lhasa Apso
The Lhasa Apso originates from Tibet. For centuries, these dogs have been bred to be guardians of monasteries, palaces, and temples.
That’s why they take the job of protecting you and your family so seriously.
The Lhasa Apso is also smart, independent, and mischievous. In comparison to other dogs, it’s not very active, so you don’t have to worry much about exercises.
The Lhasa loves to sit in your lap and follow you wherever you go, so you’ll always have someone to keep you company.
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# 3 Golden Retriever
You don’t think I’ve forgotten about Golden Retriever, do you? As you know, they are the most widely used therapy dogs due to their gentle nature and sweet disposition.
Moreover, they are playful, kind, loyal, and sensitive to their owner’s needs.
They are one of the best dogs to provide emotional support due to their calm and friendly temperament.
# 4 Maltese
Sometimes when you feel that the world is cruel and unfair, you need a little bit of love to keep you going.
There is no better choice in such circumstances than a small dog like the Maltese to snuggle with you on the bed.
These playful dogs remind you that everything is going to be all right.
#5 Greyhound
You might think that getting a big dog like the Greyhound is a mistake when you have anxiety. You couldn’t be more wrong.
These dogs are natural couch potatoes and love napping. What’s more, they are affectionate, docile, and curious.
They do need regular exercise, but they don’t need much grooming, so they won’t be difficult to look after.
Moreover, Greyhounds are sensitive and will come running to soothe you when you need a little extra love and comfort.
#6 Saint Bernard
I’m in love with the Saint Bernard ever since I watched Beethoven. If you have seen that movie, you would know that these dogs are gentle giants – playful, smart, and very affectionate.
They are a joy to have around the house despite their large size. Moreover, they don’t demand as much attention as other breeds but will love to cuddle with you when you feel like it.
#7 Poodles
My first dog was a Poodle so I can say that these are very affectionate and loyal dogs. They want nothing more than to please you, and they love to be around you and keep you company.
Poodles are also highly intelligent and sensitive to their owner’s moods, which makes them one of the best service dog breeds for anxiety and depression.
What’s more, they are easy to train and won’t give you much trouble around the house. And they are perfect for kids with Autism.
#8 Bernese Mountain Dogs
What makes the Bernese Mountain Dog an excellent choice for people with anxiety is its sweet nature and calm disposition.
The breed originally was created to herd cattle, so they are highly intelligent and easy to train.
They are also full of energy, which can be a good thing on the days when you wonder if it’s worth getting up from the bed.
#9 Great Pyrenees
You’re looking for a dog breed that gives unconditional love you can’t find a better one than the Great Pyrenees.
These gentle giants are affectionate and friendly, and they have a magnificent coat which you won’t be able to resist petting all day long.
What’s more, they do exceptionally well with children so they could be an excellent choice for children with anxiety disorders.
#10 Newfoundland
Anxiety makes you want to crawl inside your home and never go out. Well, the Newfoundland can help you find the strength to go out and have some fun.
This dog is a great swimmer and can be the perfect companion for beach or pool trips.
What’s more, this large dog loves to be around his family and doesn’t do well on his own. Think about him as giant teddy bear you can cuddle when you’re feeling worse for wear.
#11 Great Dane
There is no denying that Great Danes are very big dogs. But despite their intimidating size, they are a big softy on the inside.
They are affectionate, docile, obedient, and trustworthy. In addition to this, they are very gentle with children and make excellent companions when you don’t want other people to bother you.
#12 Pembroke Welsh Corgi
The Pembroke Welsh Corgi not only looks stunning, but it forms a close bond with its owner. Moreover, they love to learn tricks and you’ll never be bored with one in the house.
Not to mention that they are not overly demanding for attention and will let you have space when you need it.
#13 Yorkshire Terrier
If you’re feeling lonely, there is no better dog for you than the Yorkshire Terrier.
This little pooch loves to be around you and will turn into your shadow if you allow him. They are very friendly, affectionate, and energetic. And they love to cuddle.
You could also call the Yorkshire terrier “hypoallergenic” because it doesn’t shed much. So it’s also suitable for people with allergies.
#14 Bichon Frise
Another magnificent dog that can help you deal with anxiety is Bichon Frise. They are adorable and can make anyone laugh with their stunts.
They are the perfect size for cuddling, and no one can resist petting that fluffy coat.
#15 Pug
If you need something to laugh about, you should get a Pug. These dogs love to show a sense of humor and entertain their owner. And Pugs are very good with children, too.
So, if you don’t mind someone snoring or drooling on you, a Pug will be an excellent companion to relieve boredom and stress.
#16 Labrador Retrievers
Friendly to everyone they meet, the Labrador Retrievers are definitely one of the best dog breeds for anxiety!
They are affectionate, playful, goofy at times, and sensitive to your mood. If you’re not feeling like playing, a Labrador Retriever will sit quietly near you providing comfort.
#17 Havanese
The Havanese is one of those dogs that love to follow you around, sit in your lap and observe your every move.
You’ll never feel alone with this fellow around the house, and you can watch for hours while the Havanese plays.
#18 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an intuitive breed that gets on well with everybody they meet as long as they’re carrying treats.
The Cavalier loves to sit in your lap so that you’ll get plenty of love and understanding from him. Sometimes that’s all you need to fight depression.
# 19 Boxers
A Boxer might seem like an inappropriate choice for a stress-relieving dog.
However, its natural protective instincts might come in handy when you feel uncomfortable around other people and need some breathing room.
What’s more, the Boxer is devoted to its owner and always will great you with enthusiasm when you come home.
No matter how hard your day is, you can count that someone is waiting for you back at the house.
#20 German Shepherd
Last, but not least, the German Shepherd is also an excellent breed for people with anxiety. It’s very intelligent, calm, and highly training, which explains why they do so well in police work.
What’s more, the German Shepherd is devoted, courageous and capable of performing many tasks including guiding and assisting people with disabilities.
So, that’s my list of the best dog breeds for anxiety and depression.
If you feel that you’re ready to adopt any of these dogs, I can almost guarantee that they won’t disappoint you and that they will make you feel better in time.
What do you think about these service dog breeds for anxiety and depression? Have you got any others to add to the list? Tell us your suggestions in the comment section.
I’ve grown up surrounded by animals – dogs, cats, cows, goats, sheep, and horses and that has shaped me into what I am today – a crazy cat lady who always has a place for one more cat (or a dog). I’ve got two female cats – Kitty and Roni, and two tomcats – Blacky and Shaggy, but I also feed my neighbors’ cats when they come for a visit. I just can’t say no to them.
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