You have an apartment, and you want a furry friend to share it with. The question is: what are the best dog breeds for apartments? If you have allergies, you have to ask yourself what breed will work for your apartment and your allergies. You’re in luck, because there are a few breeds out there which are great for both apartments and people who suffer from allergies.
The Best Dog Breeds for Apartments
All of the following breeds make great apartment dogs, and they’re all hypoallergenic. Be aware that a hypoallergenic dog is not completely free of everything that affects allergies. You still have to think about their saliva, so if you’re highly allergic, limit the licking. These are, however, the best dog breeds for apartments as well as those with allergies.
The Maltese is one of the best dog breeds for apartments. They rarely exceed 10 pounds, and they are one of the most hypoallergenic dogs out there. The Maltese is a lap dog. And I do mean lap. They want to be stuck to your side 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So be aware that if you tend to go out a lot, you’ll want to get them used to your comings and goings while they are still young and impressionable. If you don’t, you’ll have a dog with extreme separation anxiety on your hands.
Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu is another of the best dog breeds for apartments. These compact dogs are the perfect companion for any apartment dweller. They are smart, and they are just as happy to snuggle on the couch as they are to go on walks. Because of their intelligence, they can sometimes be difficult to train. They get an idea into their heads, and they think that idea is better than yours! Once you train them, however, they will stick to it. This breed is also hypoallergenic, so you only really need to worry about limiting the licking to keep your allergies at bay.
Toy Poodle
The toy poodle has all of the qualities that standard poodles are known for in a pint sized package. In fact, the AKC information page features pictures of toy poodles with their standard poodles, because they’re really just a tiny version of the big guys. This is another breed that is perfect for apartment dwellers because it is easy to train and eager to please. Toy poodles are highly intelligent, affectionate, and hypoallergenic. In addition, while they are extremely loving, the tend to have less separation anxiety than other small breeds, because they are not actually a lap dog.
Bichon Frise
Last, but not least, on my list of the best dog breeds for apartments and those with allergies is the Bichon Frise. The Bichon is a lap dog, so just like the Maltese, you’re going to want to teach this breed that you go out and you come back. If you can get that into their heads, you’ve got a winner on your hands. Like all of these breeds, the Bichon is a wonderful companion for apartment dwellers, those with allergies, and those with families. Bichons love to be part of a family unit, and they generally get along well with children and other animals as well.
The breeds I just listed are the absolute best dog breeds for apartments out there. All of these breeds are highly affectionate, hypoallergenic and small. Unlike a big dog, which requires long walks and a fenced yard, a brisk workout for all of these breeds is a 10 – 15 minute walk. They love their people, and they love to please.
My final word on the best dog breeds for apartments is this: Please adopt whenever you can. You’d be surprised at the number of lap dogs and toy breeds at your local animal shelter. I’ve adopted all of my dogs, and I can say that they make the best companions. It’s a win, win. You get a great dog, and they get a great home.
Do you have any of these great hypoallergenic dog breeds for apartments? Which is your favorite?
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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