If you’re travelling a lot, but you want a big dog, you need to know the best big dogs for road trips. If you take a large dog that isn’t equipped to handle the stresses of a long drive on a road trip, chances are you’re going to end up with a very huge mess in your car. At the very least, your dog will be a lunatic for the entire trip.
Large Dogs that Make Great Travelers
If you can fit them into your vehicle, there are several big dogs that make great travel companions. These dogs are generally even tempered, which allows them to adapt to new situations. These situations can be anything from actually riding in your car to meeting new people and animals on routine pit stops.
The Mastiff
If you recall my article, Best Big Dogs for Apartments, I talked about what a great apartment dog the Mastiff is. The same even-keeled temperment makes him a great large breed dog for travel, as well. This is a protective breed, so you’ll need to socialize it well as a puppy. If you do that, the Mastiff is quite open to travel as well as meeting new people and animals.
The Newfoundland
Also known as the “Newfie”, this another of the big dogs that makes a great traveler. Newfies have a stable temperment coupled with an exuberance that makes them wonderful travel companions. They love looking out of car windows, and they are always happy to meet new people and animals. No matter where you go, the Newfie is always happy to be there.
The English Bulldog
As I’ve said in other articles, the English Bulldog isn’t tall, but it is massive. This breed is almost as wide as it is tall, and it loves to be wherever its people are. This breed has a mellow nature and is quite friendly to people in general. However, because of its protective nature, it’s important to socialize it as a puppy so it knows that it’s okay for other animals to be in the vicinity of its people.
The Great Dane
The Mastiff is one of the breeds used to make the Great Dane. Consequently, the Great Dane is a wonderful family dog that loves to be wherever its family is. This breed can be a bit of a goof ball, but its generally calm, friendly demeanor makes it a great travel companion IF you have a vehicle big enough to accommodate its height and weight.
If you love big dogs, and you love to travel then this list of the best big dogs for road trips should help you make a decision on which breed is right for you. All of these dogs are calm, easy going, and generally friendly, and they love to be with their owners. If you’re looking for a great travel companion then these are the best big dogs for you!
Which of these big dogs would you love to take on your next road trip?
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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