The Beagle is a fantastic small dog for kids. Its high energy, couple with its loving nature and intelligence make it a wonderful companion for the entire family, especially kids. This small dog loves children, and it loves to play, making it a great companion for energetic kids.
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The Beagle – A Small Dog with Big Energy
The Beagle is an active breed which is merry and fun loving. Their high energy level makes them an especially good companion for children, who we all know have equally high energy. The Beagle is perfectly suited to playing all day in the back yard with its kids, frolicking and reveling in the pure joy of running and playing.
The Beagle is a loving, inquisitive, active, and intelligent breed that loves to get out and about with its people. Its high intelligence can lead to a stubborn streak which can make it difficult to train at first. However, once the Beagle gets something, its gotten forever. Which means that with patience and consistency, this breed is extremely trainable.
The Beagle is a hound with both high energy, and a high prey drive, so you’ll need a fenced in yard for your kids and this small dog dynamo to play safely. With a fenced in yard, your kids and your Beagle can be free to romp to their hearts’ content without you worrying about your small dog tearing after the first fuzzy thing it sees.
While Beagles aren’t yappers, they do vocalize. Beagles are talkers, so be ready for that. When you have a Beagle you’ll have kids that talk your ear off and a small dog that talks your ear off, as well. And although that might make you cringe at first, if you think about it, it’s quite a nice vision of family life. =D
The Beagle is an exceptionally hardy small dog, with very few health problems. With a life span of 15 to 18 years, this breed is the perfect companion for any child. Its long life and general healthiness means you won’t have to deal with the loss of your child’s best four legged friend for many years.
Activity Level
This is where the Beagle shines as a small dog for kids. This dog is absolutely filled to busting with energy. It is perfectly happy to romp and play for hours and hours. In fact, your kids might tire out before your Beagle does! Because the Beagle is so filled with energy, a fenced backyard is the perfect answer. Your kids and your Beagle can tire each other out and have fun doing it. It’s a best friend match made in Heaven of your child and their small dog.
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Small Dogs with Big Hearts
One last thing about the Beagle. The absolute winning reason that this breed is a great small dog for kids is its heart. It is an absolutely loving adoring dog that will be the entire family’s best friend. The Beagle is one of those dogs that falls just as much in love with its people as its people do with it, making it one of the very best small dogs for kids.
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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