If you’re on the hunt for a cute name for your new pup, look no further than this list of autumn dog names inspired by all things fall. As the leaves change color and the air gets a little crispier, it’s time to start thinking about all the things that make autumn great – like picking out the perfect pumpkin at the farm or going for a long walk in the crunchy leaves. And what better way to enjoy the season than with a furry friend by your side, named after the best season of the year!
One quick note before we dive in. Although I divided this list up by gender, many (most, actually) of these names are very gender-neutral. So be sure to read the whole post and choose the name that resonates with you regardless of whether it’s on the “male” or “female” list.

Autumn Dog Names for Female Pups
- Acacia
- Acorn
- Amber
- Annona
- Apple
- Ashlynn (cute girly version of Ash)
- Aspen
- Aurelia
- Autumn
- Bella
- Berry
- Betony
- Bisky
- Bootsie
- Branch
- Brandy
- Breezy
- Buffy
- Calabaza
- Candy
- Celty
- Chestnut
- Cider
- Cidy
- Cinnamon
- Cinny
- Coco
- Coolie
- Coral
- Coraline
- Crysanthemum
- Cypress
- Daisy
- Dulce
- Dusk
- Elvira
- Espresso
- Fennel
- Fern
- Fira
- Fruity
- Ginger
- Goldie
- Harvest
- Hazel
- Hershey
- Honey
- Ivy
- Jora
- Juniper
- Kauri
- Kiona
- Latte
- Laurel
- Leaf
- Libra
- Maize
- Maple
- Margot
- Marigold
- Mauve
- Mocha
- Moon
- Morticia
- Nova
- November
- Nutmeg
- Nutmy (a cute shortened version of Nutmeg)
- Nyx
- Octavia
- October
- Opal
- Orla
- Penny
- Pumpkin
- Raven
- Ripley
- Robin
- Rosemary
- Roux
- Ruby
- Russet
- Saffron
- Sage
- Sage
- Samhain
- Sapphire
- Scarlet
- Scorpia (feminine version of Scorpio)
- Sienna
- Sienna
- Solstice
- Sorell
- Sparrow
- Spice
- Storm
- Topaz
- Twilight
- Wednesday
- Willow
- Windy
My favorite female fall dog names
It’s so hard to choose just one favorite, especially since there’s just so much to love about the season. As far as fall food names go, I adore Mocha (both the name and the hot drink). If you’re looking for the perfect Autumn name for a red dog, you can’t go wrong with Scarlet. Wednesday (from The Addams Family) is my favorite, though, as far as Halloween names go.
Now let’s check out some cute boy fall dog names!

50 Male Autumn Dog Names
- Adam
- Antho
- Archer
- Ash
- Auctu
- Augustus
- Autumno
- Avery
- Barric
- Berg
- Birch
- Biscuit
- Blaze
- Boogey
- Bram
- Bruno
- Burton
- Caramel
- Carmine
- Casper
- Clay
- Copper
- Count
- Cranberry
- Crispin
- Demetro
- Ember
- Equinox
- Fallson (like “Son of Fall”)
- Flake
- Forest
- Frankie
- Gable
- Gingero
- Grace
- Gravy
- Green
- Griffin
- Harvey
- Heath
- Helsing
- Hickory
- Honor
- Hugs
- Hunter
- Ichabod
- Jack
- Kalevan
- Lugh
- Mac
- Maple
- March
- Marshmallow
- Miller
- Muffin
- Naaman
- Norheim
- Nover
- Nox
- Nutter
- Oak
- Oakley
- October
- Omri
- Peanut
- Pecan
- Pepper
- Phoenix
- Poe
- Pori
- Potato
- Pugsley
- Pumpy
- Quator
- Radley
- Rebirth
- Red
- Reese
- River
- Ros
- Roteno
- Rowan
- Russell
- Rust
- Rusty
- Salem
- Sawyer
- Septer
- Shadow
- Silas
- Smokey
- Spicy
- Spider
- Sumter
- Toddy
- Truffles
- Turkey
- Wolf
- Woody
- Yam
- Zucchini
My favorite male dog names inspired by fall
Okay, Turkey is definitely a hilarious dog name, but as far as food goes I definitely love Truffles (the chocolate kind, though, not the really expensive fungus). I think Rusty is adorable if you’re looking for a color-themed name. For a Halloween one, Spider is my favorite!
I hope you enjoyed reading through this list of cute autumn dog names. Fall is such a fun time of year, and it’s the perfect time to get a new puppy or rescue dog. If you’re still on the hunt for the perfect name for your furry friend, be sure to check out our other lists of dog names for more inspiration. And if you have any suggestions for cute autumn dog names we missed, feel free to share them with us in the comments below!
What are your favorite autumn dog names? Tell me below!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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