Apartment living with a Great Dane is so easy; it’s almost unbelievable.
Even though Great Danes are a giant breed, they are extremely laid back and docile – at least once they’re out of the puppy phase.
This means that apartment living with a Great Dane is exceedingly easy, provided you have enough space for your Dane to walk around.
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Apartment Living with a Dane – Size is Your Only Obstacle
Great Danes are giant breeds. In fact, they can easily grow to 3 feet tall at the shoulder, and they can weigh upwards of 170 pounds. Find out How Long Do Great Danes Live
The great thing about Danes, however, is that they are a super laid back breed. The hallmark of the Great Dane is his reserved, quiet, and loving nature. This dog wants nothing more than to lay around and chillax. This is, of course, after you get through the puppy phase.
Great Danes have a slow metabolism, which is why they have lower energy and lower exercise requirements. This is also why they make perfect apartment dogs. If you have enough room in your apartment for your Dane to move comfortably around in, and you have time for a couple of short, brisk walks, you have everything you need for your Dane.
But like the heading says, the Great Dane’s size may be an obstacle – not for day to day living, but for actually finding an apartment. Most apartment complexes have size limitations for dogs, and the Great Dane is 100% likely to exceed those limitations.
However, if you can come to an agreement with your landlord, you’ll have a fantastic dog for apartment living. They are so laid back; you have next to nothing to worry about with this gentle giant living in your apartment.
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Great Dane Apartment Living 101
First things first.
You’ll have to find an apartment that allows a breed this massive. That is going to be your biggest and toughest hurdle due to the weight and size restrictions usually found in apartment complexes. Once you find an apartment that allows dogs as big as the Dane, you’ll want to think about how to train him best.
If you have a Great Dane puppy, crate training is your friend. Although Great Danes are known for being fairly docile, a puppy is a puppy. And a Great Dane puppy can mean big time destruction. Get a crate big enough to accommodate your ginormous pooch and begin the process of making it his favorite place to be. Until he’s old enough to be trusted not to destroy everything in the house or make a Dane-sized potty mess in the living room, the crate should be his hangout when you’re not at home.
After you get through the puppy phase, apartment living with a Great Dane should be super smooth sailing. With a breed like the Great Dane, all you need is a couch big enough for both of you, a couple of brisk walks, and enough space for him to turn around, and you should be good to go.
Easy as 1, 2, 3 Feet Tall and 170-ish Pounds
The Great Dane is a behemoth, to be sure, but he is a gentle giant who has no problem lazying around with you while you binge watch your latest Netflix show. With a laid back temperament and a slow metabolism, the Great Dane is tailor made for apartment living – IF you can find a compound that allows them. If you do find a complex that allows this massive cuddle bug, apartment living will be smooth sailing for you and your Great Dane.
Have you ever lived in an apartment with a Great Dane or another giant breed dog? Tell us your experiences below!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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