I have often been asked if dogs should have allergy tests. Is it worth the money? Does it really help? Are allergy tests for dogs more than just a seemingly new way for specialty vets to make money. The short answer to these questions is: Yes. Allergy tests are a legitimate thing, and they can be an important weapon in the allergy fighting arsenal.
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Why Allergy Tests for Dogs are Important
Just like people, dogs can have allergies. And just like people, a dog might be allergic to the planet or to only a few things. That’s where allergy tests come into play. Just as with people, allergy tests are the best way to figure out exactly what things your dog is allergic to, so you and your vet can better determine how to treat your pooch.
Talk to Your Vet
Here we are. The old tried and true first things first. Talk to your vet. Allergy tests are great for figuring out what environmental allergies your dog may have, but you have to determine if your dog HAS environmental allergies first. That’s where talking to your vet comes in. The symptoms of allergies can also be the symptoms of other issues as well, so your vet will need to help you determine if your dog has environmental allergies before you go having an expensive test done.
Get the Test
If your dog is deemed to have environmental allergies, getting an allergy test will drastically improve your ability to treat your dog. Allergy tests aren’t cheap, but if you’ve ever had extremely itchy skin, you know how uncomfortable it is. It’s important to remember that absolutely massive level of discomfort your dog might be feeling due to its allergies when weight the cost of allergy tests. In my opinion, it’s worth it.
Get the Results
Allergy tests are your single best weapon against your dog’s allergies, because allergy tests will tell you exactly what your dog is allergic to. Armed with this knowledge, you can combat your dogs allergies with a combination of medicine and routine changes to limit its exposure to the allergens that are causing your pooch problems.
Get Ready to Fight Allergies
One of the best ways to proceed after having your dog tested for allergies is to put it on allergy shots. One of the best things about allergy tests is there accuracy, so you can treat exactly what’s causing your dog problems without using something like systemic corticosteroids.
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Rather than giving your dog a pill every day that will lead to long term side effects, you can order allergy shots – which you can give at home – to combat the exact allergens causing your dog discomfort. This allows you to address your dog’s allergies rather than just address its symptoms with a steroid that can cause annoying short term issues like excessive drinking and urination and worrisome long term issues like obesity and an increased risk of diabetes.
Allergy Tests Can Help Win the Fight Against Allergens
Allergy tests allow you to find out exactly what’s causing your dog discomfort and address the cause of that discomfort rather than just the symptoms. If you think your dog may have environmental allergies, get them to the vet and talk with them about allergy tests. They could be the answer you’re looking for.
Have you ever done allergy tests for dogs? Do you have any tips to share with other readers?
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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