60 Stunning Alaskan Dog Names for Male & Female Pups



Jess Lin
Picture of Jess Lin

Jess Lin


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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If you're in love with the idea of Alaskan dog names but don't know where to start, we're here for you! Check out 60 stunning ideas for male & female pups!

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If you’re in love with the idea of Alaskan dog names but don’t know where to start, we’re here for you!

Whether you have one of the top winter dog breeds or just really like America’s “Last Frontier,” you’ll adore our list!

We have 30 each for boys and girls!

By the way, you may also love these 100 Wonderful Winter Dog Names

Best Alaskan Dog Names

When you think of Alaska, dog racing, dog sledding and other such sports come to mind.

A lot of us may associate Alaska with the Inuit people and their spiritual beliefs.

Those with Arctic and winter breeds could really benefit from this list.

What you can expect from this list of Alaskan dog names is just that.

We have tried to seek out the best and most meaningful Alaskan dog names we could think of. Take a look!

Curious about dogs that shed the most? If you fancy making a sweater out of your pup’s tumbleweeds, check out these heavy shedding breeds!

70 Male Alaskan Dog Names

Let’s start with our favorite boy dog names inspired by Alaska. We took inspiration from nature, local language, and even from some really neat -sounding geography!

  1. Aatag – Father, if you hope your dog will one day father you a litter of cute puppies.
  2. Akiak – Brave. A lot of Arctic dogs are brave creatures, it’s almost as if it’s ingrained in them.
  3. Amak – For the playful little boy fur babies.
  4. Amaqjuaq – Strong one. With so many huskies doing the impossible.
  5. Amaruq – This is quite a common one, it means gray wolf. Those with Sibe puppies know.
  6. Aput – Snow. Pure white huskies are rare, but if you have a Samoyed or American Eskimo, this is fitting.
  7. Aspen – A tree
  8. Atenuq – For the king of dogs.
  9. Balto – Do we even have to explain why? One of the amazing and brave sled dogs that saved Nome from the Alaskan Black Death.
  10. Baranof
  11. Barrow
  12. Chefornak
  13. Chevak
  14. Craig
  15. Dalton 
  16. Denali
  17. Dillingham
  18. Egegik
  19. Eklutna Lake
  20. Emmonak
  21. Fairbanks
  22. Foraker
  23. Golovin
  24. Gustavus
  25. Haines
  26. Harding
  27. Hatcher
  28. Homer
  29. Hooper
  30. Juneau – It could be a unisex name, it’s the capital of Alaska.
  31. Kake
  32. Kaktovik
  33. Kallik – Lightning. For the fierce dogs that can weather any storm.
  34. Kaskae – It’s got quite a nice ring to it. Meaning “chief”.
  35. Kenai
  36. Ketchikan
  37. Kipnuk
  38. Kodiak
  39. Kodiak
  40. McKinley
  41. Mendenhall 
  42. Nanuq – Polar bear. Little white Samoyed puppies sure look like little polar bears.
  43. Nanurjuk – For the shining star in your life.
  44. Ninilchik
  45. Noatak
  46. Nome
  47. Norton Sound
  48. Nunam Iqua
  49. Nushagak River
  50. Palmer
  51. Petersburg
  52. Prince William 
  53. Savoonga
  54. Seward
  55. Shadow – This is just too cool to pass up. If we had our way, it would make every single of our lists.
  56. Siku – Ice. If you have more than one white fur baby, snow and ice could be a great fit.
  57. Sitka
  58. Spruce – Another evergreen tree
  59. St. Elias
  60. Suluk – Some puppy fur can be as soft as a feather.
  61. Teller
  62. Togo – Togo ran the hardest leg of the Great Race of Mercy and the Serum Run.
  63. Tok
  64. Tonrar – Puppies, especially Arctic dogs like the Siberian Husky can have so much energy it’s like they have the devil in them.
  65. Tulok – One of our favorites, it means “warrior of the stars”.
  66. Tuntutuliak
  67. Tununak
  68. Wales
  69. Wrangell
  70. Yukon 

A lot of the options were tree names since we feel like Alaskan names should be spiritual as well as natural.

Which one did you like? We already told you one of our favorites. Oh, we can’t forget White Fang!

70 Female Alaskan Dog Names

  1. Admiralty (for Admiralty Island)
  2. Akna – An Inuit goddess.
  3. Alaska – Why not? It’s a beautiful name.
  4. Amka – If you want your dog to have a friendly spirit.
  5. Anaktuvuk (Anaktuvuk Pass)
  6. Anchorage
  7. Aniakchak 
  8. Anjij 
  9. Arctic 
  10. Asiaq – Another Inuit goddess.
  11. Aurora – the Northern Lights that can be seen from Alaska.
  12. Bering 
  13. Bethel
  14. Bristol 
  15. Chena 
  16. Chilkoot 
  17. Chinook – We know a dog of this name, it means a warm breeze.
  18. Chitina 
  19. Cordova
  20. Delta 
  21. Denali
  22. Eagle (as in Eagle River)
  23. Eklutna Lake
  24. Eska – A creek in Alaska
  25. Fairbanks
  26. Glacier
  27. Haida – A native tribe.
  28. Icy 
  29. Izembek 
  30. Juneau
  31. Kachemak 
  32. Kaktovik
  33. Katmai 
  34. Kenai
  35. Ketchikan
  36. Kima – If your dog is as sweet as candy.
  37. Kobuk 
  38. Kodiak
  39. Laika – The first dog in space! She was a mixed husky breed.
  40. Lynn Canal
  41. Mauja – Not only is it another name for snow, but it means soft and deep snow. Great for fluffy fur babies.
  42. McKinley
  43. Miki – Meaning “little”. Hopefully, your dog will always stay the hopeful little pup she is.
  44. Miska – Little bear. A lot of poofy dogs resemble little bears. Have you seen a baby Alaskan Malamute?
  45. Nabesna River
  46. Naknek River
  47. Nanook – For the cute little dogs (all dogs).
  48. Ninilchik
  49. Noatak 
  50. Nome
  51. Nukka – For the younger sister of two dogs.
  52. Pakak – the meaning behind it is quite accurate for small dogs. It means “one who gets into everything”.
  53. Panik – Meaning daughter, which is what your dog is to you.
  54. Shila – Flame. For on cold winter nights, your dog’s body heat will keep you warm like a flame.
  55. Sitka
  56. Soldotna
  57. Storm
  58. Suka – Have you ever chased after a puppy? They are super fast, which brings us to the reasoning behind this name.
  59. Sura – New life. No truer words have been said for a dog coming into your life.
  60. Talkeetna
  61. Tanana 
  62. Tazlina 
  63. Tikaani – I love this one. It means “wolf”.
  64. Tundra
  65. Tustumena 
  66. Wasilla
  67. Willow
  68. Yuka – A bright star.
  69. Yukon Delta
  70. Yura – Beautiful one.

Can you guess our favorites? A lot of the female names we chose had more meaning compared to the male names.

 With names like Tundra and Storm, we really feel the power of Mother Nature surging through our pup. Hopefully, they can grow up to be as big and strong as their names suggest.

For Alaskan boy names, we liked Tulok, Shadow, Amaruq, and Sakari. We could go on but we draw the line at four.

For female names, Haida, Tikaani, Laika, Shila and Denali really spoke to us.

Which Alaskan dog names made your list? Let us know below!



Picture of Jess Lin

Jess Lin


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