As I referenced in the Cairn Terrier small hypoallergenic dog article, there are some breeds of hypoallergenic dogs that love to get dirty. Not all small hypoallergenic dogs were bred to be full-time lap dogs. The miniature poodle is one of the most active active small hypoallergenic dogs, making him perfect for families who love to get out and move. He also happens to be one of the messiest little fellows!
Active Small Hypoallergenic Dogs are Dirty Dogs
The Miniature Poodle fits this bill perfectly. The Miniature Poodle is just a tiny version of its standard size counterpart, and these hypoallergenic dogs are messy guys. The Poodle was bred in Germany as a ground dog and water retriever in much the same way as Labradors are today. Because of this breeding, the Poodle – both standard and miniature varieties – loves to get out and get dirty.
These active small hypoallergenic dogs love to track new scents, they love the water, and they have no qualms about getting messy. Miniature Poodles are one of those small hypoallergenic dogs that require a decent amount of exercise and that still have that ingrained drive to hunt and hit the water. All of that means that you’re looking at a lot of bathing. That’s okay. You just need to be prepared for it.
Related:Shower Heads to Help You Bathe Your Dog Without Breaking Your Back
It’s a fair trade off, though. Miniature Poodles are one of the most long lived active small hypoallergenic dogs around. If they don’t develop any diseases, which they rarely do, a Miniature Poodle can live well over 20 years. When I worked at the vet, we finally had to put our resident Minature Poodle, Mignon, to sleep due to senility, not an actual sickness. She was 24 years old!
You’ll Bathe This Breed. Just Know That
The Miniature Poodle will require you to bathe is quite frequently, especially if you give it free run of the back yard. And you should. Just like any other dog, the Miniature Poodle needs to be bathed with a quality shampoo. I recommend an Aloe and Oatmeal shampoo to get their coats nice and clean without drying out their skin. It only takes a few minutes, and all you have to do is follow the directions on the shampoo bottle. As I mentioned when I talked about Cairn Terriers, the biggest thing to remember is to keep the water out of your Miniature Poodle’s ears and rinse thoroughly.
If you’re willing to put up with frequent bathing, the Miniature Poodle is one of the best active small hypoallergenic dogs to have as a pet. It’s an incredibly long lived breed, and it’s super smart. That means that its one of the most easily trainable of all small hypoallergenic dogs. I highly encourage you to check out this breed if you love being outdoors, but you don’t want a large dog.
As always, make adoption your first option. Always check shelters and online rescue sites before purchasing a dog. There are many active small hypoallergenic dog out there that need forever homes.
Do you have any questions about Miniature Poodles and their care? Want to know about other types of active small hypoallergenic dogs? Ask away!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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