5 Dogs That Take Loyalty to Whole New Levels



Olfa Turki
Picture of Olfa Turki

Olfa Turki


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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All dogs are loyal, but some have a reputation for going above and beyond to care for their people. Check out our picks for the most loyal dog breeds!

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Boy, let me tell you, this list of the most loyal dog breeds has to be one of the hardest we’ve ever written on DogVills! Honestly, every single dog is loyal in its own way. From the itty bitty teacup poodle to the giant mastiff, they all want to protect their families and return the love that we give them. So what makes these dogs more loyal than other breeds?

When we created this list, we were looking at more than just dogs who love and protect. These particular dogs are especially attached to their people. They go above and beyond. Some of these dogs are often used as service dogs, search and rescue dogs or therapy dogs. Others are trusted with the family’s livestock and livelihood. Are they the only loyal dogs out there? Not by a long shot. But they are, in our opinion, the most loyal dog breeds.

Related: Top 5 Guard Dogs for Kids

Most Loyal Dog Breeds

Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdogs are affectionate, adaptable, social, intelligent and active. They are also very loyal dogs and love to be around people. They are shy and reserved dogs but will eventually become more social as they are around people often. These dogs, like their larger counterparts (the collie) are working dogs. They’re often trusted with important tasks, like (as their name implies) herding sheep.

German Shepherd

A German Shepherd has been around for thousands of years and is considered to be the national dog breed of Germany. These dogs are very active and are smart, watchful and agile. He’s also playful, affectionate and completely faithful when it comes to their human family. German Shepherds have a long history of loyalty, so much so that they’re trusted by police officers and military personnel around the world to keep them safe.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard dogs are massive in size but they are considered to be one of the most loyal dog breeds. They are thought to be ancestors of Tibetan Mastiffs. These dogs don’t bark very much, are devoted to their human family and are great with kids and strange people. They’re often used as search and rescue dogs.

American Staffordshire Terrier

The dog breed of American Staffordshire are brave, energetic, attentive, dominant and loyal, all wrapped up in one dog. These dogs are great with children and are totally devoted to their human family. They tend to be aggressive with other animals that are of the same sex as they are but get along great with members of the opposite sex.  They’re so loyal to the children in their family that they were called “nanny dogs!”


A Mastiff dog is large in size yet very stubborn at the same time. They are very loyal to their human family and will act in the event danger threatens them. These dogs are very social dogs and very well-behaved. Being protective of their family is in the nature of the breed. The Mastiff breed are typically quiet dogs but they will let you know if someone approaches the door.

These are just five breeds that have a reputation of being the most loyal dog breeds. Again, all dogs are loyal when they live with loving families and are properly trained.

Do you have any of these most loyal dog breeds? Have another breed that you think should be on this list? Tell us in the comments!



Picture of Olfa Turki

Olfa Turki


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