Choosing the best dog bones for pit bulls is a must!
If you are a pit bull owner you probably already know that they can be aggressive chewers.
Like most medium and large breed dogs they can do some damage if their chewing needs are not met with toys and chews.
It’s important when looking for the best dog bones for pit bulls to remember a few things.
Keep in mind that they need sturdy toys, exercise, boundaries, and healthy chewing alternatives.
If you meet their physical and mental needs, there is no reason your pit bull needs to have any issues with chewing problems!
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Best Dog Bones for Pit Bulls
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Before we get into a few of my favorite dog bones for aggressive chewers and pits, let’s take a quick moment to go over some guidelines for choosing the right bone.
You want something that is safe, strong and sturdy. They need bones that are capable of holding up to some very strong chewing!
Pits can chew through cheap or flimsy bones and chews in seconds flat, making them a complete waste of money in the best scenario, and potentially dangerous in the worst.
If you are not careful they can end up choking on smaller pieces, so it’s important to pick bones that are made for larger dogs.
Bone vs. Chew vs. Chew Toy
Another thing I want to talk about quickly: the difference between a bone versus a “toy bone” versus a chew.
These aren’t really “industry-wide” definitions, just something that I use for myself when picking a bone for my pit.
Okay, this is obvious, but to me, bones are bones. Milk-Bones are not bones. Biscuits are not bones. Dental treats
are not bones.
Bones come from the skeleton of an actual animal. Usually a cow, but sometimes pigs and other animals used for meat.
Antlers are also considered bones. I wasn’t sure, so I looked it up and Yellowstone confirmed.
One of the benefits of antlers: they shed naturally, so theoretically it’s possible to give your dog one that came from a live animal.
Of course, typically, they come from an animal that was slaughtered for meat, but in theory, you could walk through the woods and pick up antlers, and no animal would be harmed in the process.
Just don’t try it in a national park! It’s illegal to remove anything from these parks.
To me, a chew is different from a bone.
They’re often made from some part of an animal other than the skeleton.
Sometimes, they’re made from the “hide” or skin, as with rawhide.
Other times, they come from animal byproduct. Himalayan chews, for example, are typically made with yak milk.
Bully sticks would be a good example of what I consider a chew, as are things like ears, BetterBone, and such.
When you’re shopping for the best chews for pit bulls, you’ll want to look for something that is completely digestible (rawhide is not).
Chew Toy (aka Toy Bone)
While bones and chews both come from some part of an animal, chew toys typically do not.
They’re often made of strong nylon, rubber, or other materials, and can last longer than your average chew or bone.
While you should supervise your dog when he’s chewing on a bone or chew, it’s especially important to do so with chew toys, as they’re not digestible.
That doesn’t make them a substandard choice by a long shot! My dogs have chew toys that they adore. We take them out during TV time so that we can keep an eye on them as they gnaw.
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Now that you have a pretty good idea of how I break bones vs. chews. vs. toys up into different categories, let’s take a look at the best choices for pit bulls!
Our Top 5 Favorite Toys, Chews & Dog Bones for Pit Bulls
A few of our favorite dog bones for pit bulls include:
1. Nylabone Big Chew Durable Toy Bone for Large Breeds

Nylabone is always my top pick in the “chew toy” category. The XL bone is made for aggressive chewers over 50 lbs.
2. BeneBone Wishbone Dog Toy

Another example of a chew toy, I love BeneBone because it’s made in the USA and uses real bacon to entice dogs to chew on it.
3. Pawstruck Thick Bully Sticks

While my dogs love bully sticks, if I’m talking best bones for pit bulls, I’m almost inclined to leave them off this list.
My dogs can chew through most of them in minutes flat.
These Pawstruck thick bully sticks, though, are a bit different. As the name implies, they’re thicker than the sticks you find in most bulk bags, and last a lot longer.
4. Lilly’s Choice Dog Bones for Aggressive Chewers

While I usually buy dog bones from my local feed store, sometimes I just want to hop on Amazon and order something quickly. These are a great choice for aggressive chewers!
5. Hooves

Of all the dog bones and chews that I’ve given my girls over the years, hooves last the longest hands-down.
My pit LOVES them and chews on them almost every day, yet I still have some that have been in the “bone box” for a year!
Another major benefit: they are CHEAP! As in they cost very little, not cheaply made.
I buy mine one-by-one from the pet supply store for about $1.50 each, but you can grab 25 of them on Amazon for a little less than that (each).
I’m thinking about buying the big bag so I have them on hand.
More Training Tips for an Active Chewer
Are you looking for the best dog bones for pit bulls because you can’t stop your dog from chewing on your stuff? All dogs need to have a proper amount of exercise.
The best dog bones in the world will do you no good if your pit bull is chewing because they are bored or anxious.
Do some research and find out how much exercise your dog needs. For active pit bulls that can mean between 2 and 5 miles walking per day to keep them from acting out.
Many pit bulls will jump on people, chew aggressively, and otherwise misbehave because they do not get enough exercise.
If you have a large enclosed yard you can also engage them with games like fetch and Frisbee. Increasing their exercise on a daily basis will strengthen your bond and keep your dog happy and healthy.
Boundaries are important for dogs just like they are for children. If you buy your pit bull the best dog bones, you still need to teach them that they are allowed to chew only on those bones.
Pit bulls are smart dogs.
They learn very quickly so long as they have a strong leader and healthy boundaries.
Just like a child if you let them run wild and free that is how they will act! Make sure you establish firmly for their safety and yours that their bones are for chewing.
Furniture, shoes, clothing, and other household items are not safe for dogs to chew on.
Even if it does not bother you or they do not ruin the item, it can still be unhealthy for your dog. Teach your dog from a young age what is appropriate to chew on and what is not. This will keep you both happy and safe.
Provide your pit bull with a variety of the best bones for pit bulls. You will be able to tell which kind they prefer after a short time.
Keep plenty of their favorites on hand so that you never have to worry about them chewing on items that can make them sick.
The best dog bones for pit bulls are sturdy and made of natural materials.
Pit bulls can be prone to allergies so natural edible materials are the safest to avoid any kind of reaction.
can try antler chews that are large or rawhide for edible natural dog bones.
Even though these are sturdy types of chews you still need to supervise your pet while they chew. They could still break off small pieces and these should be taken to avoid choking.