The Bolognese dog is a hypoallergenic dog breed known for its friendly demeanor and outgoing personality. It’s also know for being a stubborn, crafty little dog, so only take on a Bolognese dog if you’re ready for a challenge and you have a deep well of patience.
The Bolognese dog is a small breed related to the Bichon. Its name refers to the region of Italy where it has its origins. These hypoallergenic little guys are the perfect family companion for anyone with a home oriented lifestyle and/or allergies. Just be sure you can handle the rigors of training this stubborn little thing!
Related: Complete List of Small Hypoallergenic Dogs: Toy Breeds
Bolognese Dog – A Little White Puffball that Loves to Love
Like any relative of the Bichon, the Bolognese dog loves to love, and it makes a great house pet, especially for those looking for a hypoallergenic dog.
The Bolognese dog is a comical, curious breed of extremely high intelligence. It’s a doting companion that loves to be with its people at all times. It’s no surprise that this adorable little breed is also known as the Bichon Bolognese. Like the Bichon and other Bichon derived breeds, the Bolognese hypoallergenic dog is attached to its family at the hip, and while it can tolerate some amount of alone time, it doesn’t love it.
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One thing to note is that in addition to all of the love and devotion the Bolognese has, it also has an extremely strong stubborn streak. It excels at manipulating its people to get its way, and many times its way isn’t the way its owners might want. Because of this, it can be difficult to house train the Bolognese dog. It also means you’ll have to be extra vigilant about ensuring that you retain your place as the leader of the pack, as it were. It’s important to know that before deciding on this breed.
If you can get past the initial training phase, the overall excellent health of the Bolognese dog is a huge selling point. This breed is exceedingly healthy as a rule, and isn’t prone to any breed specific ailments of any type. As with all small breeds, you’ll want to keep an eye out for luxating patellas and heart murmurs.
The Bolognese dog is an excellent choice for a less active family. This little pooch isn’t interested in long hikes or miles of running. In fact, it’s too little for any of that. When it comes to the Bolognese dog, all you need is a fenced back yard and a rigorous game of fetch or chase to get your pooch all the exercise it requires.
The Bolognese Dog – A Great Companion if You Have the Patience
Overall, the Bolognese dog makes an excellent family companion if you have the patience to get through the training days and the tenacity to make sure your pooch always recognizes that you’re the leader. The Bolognese is an exceedingly loving dog with a penchant for adorable antics. So if you’re into a goof ball with a strong personality, the Bolognese dog is going to be a strong contender.
As always, make adoption your first option. There are so many breed-specific rescues out there. You should have no problem finding the exact breed you want to adopt. Adopted dogs are some of the most loving you’ll ever find!
Do you own this sweet little hypoallergenic dog? What do you love about the Bolognese?
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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