Looking for the best small dogs for families with kids & cats? Check out our top picks for breeds that are great with both and will steal your heart! It is a myth that dogs and cats are mortal enemies. If you have a cat and kids, it is ok, you can still get a dog. Don’t misunderstand me, it will take some getting used to, for both animals, but it is doable. I did the opposite, I had a dog and brought home a kitten. It took them a few days to finally be able to stand each other, and by that I mean the kitten not thinking the dog was going to eat him, and the dog not thinking her face would be scratched off by the kitten (or her own personal play toy, as she thought he was). The list below includes the best small dogs for families with both kids and cats, because I am sure you have some of those small humans running around your house too.
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Best Small Dogs for Families with Kids & Cats
Pomeranian: He is a pretty cocky dog! Therefore he is great with cats, always wanting to play and possibly taunt your cat. It is best if they are raised together, from a pup, although they will get along just fine. Well, I am speaking for the Pom, not your cat. You might read that Poms are not good for homes with kids. This is simply people being scared your kid will drop the precious little pup. Just teach your kids to be gentle and not pick up the dog, and you, your small humans and the dog will be just fine.
Shih Tzu: These little guys are not as prissy as they might look. Just because she has a bow, doesn’t mean she isn’t sturdy and can hold her own. Get the kids involved in the training and handling of the little ball of fur. The more the small humans are involved in the rearing of the pup, the more the pup will know they are in charge as well, and that she is not above the kids in the family totem pole. As far as cats go, they will learn their place with them as well.
Chihuahua: I love my Lola! When I brought my daughter to see her before she was ready to come home with us, she fit in my hand. Once she was home, I taught my daughter that she was not a toy, she was a dog, a rather tiny one, but an animal, with tiny bones, and she needed to be careful. Some may think Chihuahua’s are not a good choice for kids, I beg to differ. I will say they are notoriously difficult to housebreak. Puppy pads may be a new item on your shopping list. We also had 2 cats at the time I brought her home. They didn’t know what to think of her, but she seemed to like them!
West Highland White Terrier: Affectionately referred to as a ‘Westie’, some might disagree with her being on this list of the best small dogs for families with cats and kids. Truth be told, I know first hand Westies are ok with cats and kids alike. Remember by story from the intro? That was my Westie. All she wanted to do was play with kitten and groom him. She does need to be groomed on a regular basis, and brushed at home, so she doesn’t get to look like a tangled mess. A Westie will do just fine in apartment living, be sure to take her for daily walks. She loves to learn and wants to please her family, so get the kiddos involved in the training!
In all honesty, if you have a cat and want to bring home a pup, any dog will be just fine with your cat as long as you get a pup and he can grow up with your cat. He won’t really know any different right? He is not aware of the rumor going around that he is supposed to not like cats. You watch, they will be best buds!
What best small dogs for families have you owned that got along with cats and kids? Share your dog loves cat stories below!
Tabatha started her freelance content writing career well over a decade ago, years before joining the DogVills team. She loves writing about dogs (currently a beautiful Shepherd and a newly rescued pit bull) and sharing her experience with new owners. Tabatha also owns her own boudoir photography business and works as a school nurse. In her downtime, she loves hanging out with her children and husband in their Florida home.
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