Welcome to DogVills. Celebrating Canine Companionship

Dive into a world where dogs are family – guidance, tips, and
tales for every stage of your furry friend’s life.

Our Mission

DogVills.com was created as a way to share our love for all things canine with the world. From choosing your first puppy to find the best food for your older dog, we aim to give you the tools you need to give your dogs the best care throughout their entire lives. Dogs are more than just pets; they’re part of the family. They bring us joy, protect us from danger and teach our children about respecting other living beings.


Our diverse team comes from all different backgrounds, “walks of life,” and even different continents, but we all have one very important thing in common: WE LOVE DOGS. Each and every author here is 100% dedicated to helping both new and seasoned dog owners lead the BEST lives possible with their beloved canine companions.

Meet the DogVills team

With decades of combined experience, a forward-thinking approach, and a focus on quality and safety, our team is dedicated to turning challenges into opportunities, ensuring that every project we undertake exceeds expectations. 

Gary Nealon

Owner and Writer

Gary is a serial entrepreneur, who built up an e-commerce company in the home improvement space up to $40+ million a year in sales before exiting 3 years ago. Since then he has been coaching other e-commerce companies on how to scale from 6 figures up to 7 and 8 figures using the processes and systems he used in his own business. He also owns a virtual assistant company in the Philippines which helps with the pet brands. Visit GaryNealon.com to learn more!

Ryan Reed

Owner and Writer

Ryan has been an entrepreneur since 2008, right out of college. He started a successful Digital Marketing agency where he worked with Gary to help scale his home improvement company. Ryan also started a lifestyle brand with his wife in 2017, Lifebyher LLC, which provides lifestyle content for women. He and his wife Ashley have built the following to 700,000 followers and growing.

Nicole Etolen

Editor & Writer

Nicole is the editor-in-chief of DogVills, as well as one of the writers. She is incredibly passionate about dogs. Over the years, her “pack” included a German Shepherd (Tasha), a Lab/Collie mix (Maia), and a mystery mix (Cooper). After Tasha and Maia passed away (they were both almost 15), a family friend gifted her with a smart & sassy Pharoah Hound (Freya). Nicole has been writing most of her life and is thrilled to combine that with her love of dogs.