1000+ Magnificent & Unique Male Dog Names



Kevin Campbell
Picture of Kevin Campbell

Kevin Campbell


Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Cute male dog names

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Choosing the perfect name for your new puppy can be as challenging as it is fun. Whether you’re looking for something unique, traditional, or downright adorable, finding a name that fits your furry friend’s personality is key. To help you out, we’ve compiled a list of 1000 cute male dog names that will make your heart melt and your pup’s tail wag.

From classic names like Max and Buddy to more playful options like Ziggy and Bubbles, we’ve got something for every kind of pup. Let’s dive into the cutest, most charming dog names that will make you fall in love all over again!

Cute male dog names

 Classic Names for Boy Dogs

  1. Max
  2. Buddy
  3. Charlie
  4. Cooper
  5. Rocky
  6. Duke
  7. Bear
  8. Jack
  9. Toby
  10. Oliver
  11. Tucker
  12. Jasper
  13. Cody
  14. Buster
  15. Bruno
  16. Hunter
  17. Bailey
  18. Shadow
  19. Sam
  20. Gus
  21. Louie
  22. Teddy
  23. Harley
  24. Rudy
  25. Finn
  26. George
  27. Henry
  28. Leo
  29. Murphy
  30. Oscar
  31. Winston
  32. Zeus
  33. Benny
  34. Joey
  35. Ralph
  36. Archie
  37. Milo
  38. Otis
  39. Rex
  40. Samson
  41. Simon
  42. Thor
  43. Ace
  44. Apollo
  45. Bo
  46. Brody
  47. Chance
  48. Dallas
  49. Eddie
  50. Frank

Nature-Inspired Male Dog Names

  1. River
  2. Rocky
  3. Forest
  4. Cliff
  5. Canyon
  6. Cedar
  7. Flint
  8. Sky
  9. Storm
  10. Timber
  11. Blaze
  12. Brook
  13. Clay
  14. Coal
  15. Cove
  16. Dale
  17. Dusty
  18. Falcon
  19. Fox
  20. Hawk
  21. Jasper
  22. Lark
  23. Leaf
  24. Leo (Lion)
  25. Lynx
  26. Moss
  27. Oak
  28. Ocean
  29. Pike
  30. Pine
  31. Reed
  32. Ridge
  33. River
  34. Sage
  35. Slate
  36. Stone
  37. Summit
  38. Thorn
  39. Tide
  40. Wolf
  41. Woody
  42. Zephyr
  43. Ash
  44. Birch
  45. Elm
  46. Falcon
  47. Orion
  48. Phoenix
  49. Sequoia
  50. Wolf

Check out our list of 159 Charming Nature Dog Names for more ideas!

Celebrity-Inspired Names for Boy Dogs

  1. Beckham
  2. Bowie
  3. Elvis
  4. Lennon
  5. Hendrix
  6. Jagger
  7. Kanye
  8. Marley
  9. Monroe
  10. Presley
  11. Quincy
  12. Ringo
  13. Sinatra
  14. Snoop
  15. Tupac
  16. Zeppelin
  17. Brando
  18. Capone
  19. Denzel
  20. Eastwood
  21. Ford
  22. Gatsby
  23. Hanks
  24. Indiana (Jones)
  25. Jordan
  26. Kobe
  27. Leo (DiCaprio)
  28. Maverick
  29. Newman
  30. Orlando
  31. Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix)
  32. Rocky
  33. Sandler
  34. Tarantino
  35. Usher
  36. Vito
  37. Wayne
  38. Yoda
  39. Zorro
  40. Depp
  41. Clooney
  42. Bardot
  43. Chaplin
  44. Drake
  45. Elton
  46. Figo
  47. Gandhi
  48. Hemingway
  49. Idris
  50. Jobs

Food-Inspired Male Dog Names

  1. Bagel
  2. Biscuit
  3. Brownie
  4. Burger
  5. Butter
  6. Caramel
  7. Cheddar
  8. Cheesecake
  9. Chip
  10. Cocoa
  11. Cookie
  12. Crumble
  13. Cupcake
  14. Espresso
  15. Fudge
  16. Gelato
  17. Hershey
  18. Jalapeno
  19. Kale
  20. Kiwi
  21. Latte
  22. Muffin
  23. Nacho
  24. Olive
  25. Oreo
  26. Pancake
  27. Parmesan
  28. Peanut
  29. Pepper
  30. Pickle
  31. Pudding
  32. Pumpkin
  33. Quiche
  34. Ravioli
  35. Saffron
  36. Sage
  37. Sushi
  38. Taco
  39. Tofu
  40. Truffle
  41. Vanilla
  42. Waffle
  43. Wasabi
  44. Yogurt
  45. Ziti
  46. Barley
  47. Caesar (salad)
  48. Dumpling
  49. Frito
  50. Gumbo

Can’t find the perfect idea above? Don’t miss our massive list of 340+ Adorable Food Names for Dogs!

Sports-Inspired Boy Names for Dogs

  1. Ace
  2. Ali (Muhammad Ali)
  3. Beckham
  4. Brady
  5. Bryant
  6. Champ
  7. Coach
  8. Derby
  9. Duncan
  10. Elway
  11. Fenway
  12. Fisher
  13. Gretzky
  14. Jeter
  15. Jordan
  16. Kobe
  17. LeBron
  18. Magic (Magic Johnson)
  19. Manning
  20. Marino
  21. Messi
  22. Nash
  23. Navratilova
  24. Neymar
  25. Olympia
  26. Packer
  27. Palmer
  28. Pele
  29. Phelps
  30. Pippen
  31. Racer
  32. Rodman
  33. Rondo
  34. Rose (Derrick Rose)
  35. Rugby
  36. Shaq
  37. Slinger
  38. Spike
  39. Striker
  40. Tiger (Tiger Woods)
  41. Tyson
  42. Usain (Usain Bolt)
  43. Venus (Venus Williams)
  44. Wade (Dwyane Wade)
  45. Wicket
  46. Xavi
  47. Yogi (Yogi Berra)
  48. Zidane
  49. Zoom
  50. Zlatan

Mythology-Inspired Male Dog Names

  1. Achilles
  2. Adonis
  3. Aeneas
  4. Apollo
  5. Ares
  6. Atlas
  7. Bacchus
  8. Balder
  9. Castor
  10. Cerberus
  11. Cronus
  12. Cupid
  13. Damon
  14. Dionysus
  15. Eros
  16. Fenrir
  17. Freyr
  18. Hades
  19. Hermes
  20. Horus
  21. Janus
  22. Jove
  23. Jupiter
  24. Kronos
  25. Loki
  26. Mars
  27. Mercury
  28. Midas
  29. Neptune
  30. Odin
  31. Osiris
  32. Pan
  33. Perseus
  34. Pluto
  35. Poseidon
  36. Ra
  37. Saturn
  38. Set
  39. Thor
  40. Titan
  41. Triton
  42. Vulcan
  43. Zeus
  44. Zephyr
  45. Anubis
  46. Hermes
  47. Orpheus
  48. Prometheus
  49. Sylvanus
  50. Thanatos

For more ideas, check out our list of 270 Epic Roman & Greek Female Dog Names!

Unique & Unusual Names for Male Dogs

  1. Alaric
  2. Baxter
  3. Caspian
  4. Dax
  5. Echo
  6. Fable
  7. Gulliver
  8. Huxley
  9. Ignatius
  10. Jinx
  11. Kipling
  12. Ludo
  13. Miko
  14. Nimbus
  15. Orion
  16. Pax
  17. Quixote
  18. Rafferty
  19. Saxon
  20. Thaddeus
  21. Ulysses
  22. Vex
  23. Whimsy
  24. Xander
  25. Yarrow
  26. Zephyr
  27. Quasar
  28. Onyx
  29. Marlowe
  30. Lux
  31. Isambard
  32. Helix
  33. Griffin
  34. Finch
  35. Eldridge
  36. Draco
  37. Cosmo
  38. Binx
  39. Ansel
  40. Alden
  41. Zane
  42. Wyndham
  43. Voss
  44. Tiberius
  45. Sterling
  46. Rune
  47. Quest
  48. Puck
  49. Novak
  50. Morrow

Male Dog Names Based on Colors

  1. Ash
  2. Azure
  3. Black
  4. Blue
  5. Bronze
  6. Brown
  7. Burgundy
  8. Cerulean
  9. Charcoal
  10. Chestnut
  11. Chocolate
  12. Cinnamon
  13. Cobalt
  14. Copper
  15. Coral
  16. Cream
  17. Crimson
  18. Ebony
  19. Emerald
  20. Gold
  21. Gray
  22. Green
  23. Hazel
  24. Indigo
  25. Ivory
  26. Jade
  27. Jet
  28. Lavender
  29. Lemon
  30. Lilac
  31. Lime
  32. Mahogany
  33. Maroon
  34. Mauve
  35. Navy
  36. Olive
  37. Orange
  38. Peach
  39. Pearl
  40. Pink
  41. Plum
  42. Ruby
  43. Rust
  44. Sapphire
  45. Scarlet
  46. Silver
  47. Tan
  48. Teal
  49. Turquoise
  50. Violet

Literary-Inspired Male Dog Names

Cute male dog names
  1. Atticus (from “To Kill a Mockingbird”)
  2. Gatsby (from “The Great Gatsby”)
  3. Holden (from “The Catcher in the Rye”)
  4. Rhett (from “Gone with the Wind”)
  5. Darcy (from “Pride and Prejudice”)
  6. Heathcliff (from “Wuthering Heights”)
  7. Sherlock (from “Sherlock Holmes”)
  8. Watson (from “Sherlock Holmes”)
  9. Gandalf (from “The Lord of the Rings”)
  10. Frodo (from “The Lord of the Rings”)
  11. Sawyer (from “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”)
  12. Finn (from “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”)
  13. Gulliver (from “Gulliver’s Travels”)
  14. Hamlet (from “Hamlet”)
  15. Horatio (from “Hamlet”)
  16. Lancelot (from Arthurian legends)
  17. Merlin (from Arthurian legends)
  18. Pip (from “Great Expectations”)
  19. Rochester (from “Jane Eyre”)
  20. Ahab (from “Moby-Dick”)
  21. Ishmael (from “Moby-Dick”)
  22. Beowulf (from “Beowulf”)
  23. Chaucer (after Geoffrey Chaucer)
  24. Dante (after Dante Alighieri)
  25. Hugo (after Victor Hugo)
  26. Orwell (after George Orwell)
  27. Tolstoy (after Leo Tolstoy)
  28. Homer (after Homer)
  29. Fitz (from “The Great Gatsby”, short for Fitzgerald)
  30. Dobby (from “Harry Potter”)
  31. Sirius (from “Harry Potter”)
  32. Aslan (from “The Chronicles of Narnia”)
  33. Caspian (from “The Chronicles of Narnia”)
  34. Quixote (from “Don Quixote”)
  35. Samsa (from “The Metamorphosis”)
  36. Kafka (after Franz Kafka)
  37. Marlowe (from “Heart of Darkness”)
  38. Algernon (from “Flowers for Algernon”)
  39. Karamazov (from “The Brothers Karamazov”)
  40. Zorba (from “Zorba the Greek”)
  41. Dracula (from “Dracula”)
  42. Hyde (from “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”)
  43. Valjean (from “Les Misérables”)
  44. Javert (from “Les Misérables”)
  45. Dante (from “The Divine Comedy”)
  46. Gilgamesh (from “Epic of Gilgamesh”)
  47. Othello (from “Othello”)
  48. Iago (from “Othello”)
  49. Falstaff (from “Henry IV”)
  50. Lear (from “King Lear”)

Global-Inspired Names for Boy Dogs

  1. Diego (Spanish)
  2. Enzo (Italian)
  3. Koji (Japanese)
  4. Lars (Scandinavian)
  5. Mateo (Spanish)
  6. Niko (Greek)
  7. Oleg (Russian)
  8. Pablo (Spanish)
  9. Quan (Vietnamese)
  10. Raj (Indian)
  11. Samir (Arabic)
  12. Tariq (Arabic)
  13. Uri (Hebrew)
  14. Vito (Italian)
  15. Wojtek (Polish)
  16. Xiang (Chinese)
  17. Youssef (Arabic)
  18. Zane (Arabic)
  19. Akira (Japanese)
  20. Boris (Russian)
  21. Carlos (Spanish)
  22. Dmitri (Russian)
  23. Eduardo (Portuguese/Spanish)
  24. Faisal (Arabic)
  25. Giorgio (Italian)
  26. Hiro (Japanese)
  27. Igor (Russian)
  28. Jamal (Arabic)
  29. Kenji (Japanese)
  30. Leon (German)
  31. Marco (Italian)
  32. Nils (Scandinavian)
  33. Omar (Arabic)
  34. Pierre (French)
  35. Qasim (Arabic)
  36. Raul (Spanish)
  37. Sven (Scandinavian)
  38. Taro (Japanese)
  39. Umar (Arabic)
  40. Vlad (Slavic)
  41. Wilhelm (German)
  42. Xiao (Chinese)
  43. Yasin (Arabic)
  44. Zoltan (Hungarian)
  45. Aarav (Indian)
  46. Bjorn (Scandinavian)
  47. Cem (Turkish)
  48. Dmitriy (Russian)
  49. Emilio (Italian)
  50. Fausto (Italian)

Adventure & Travel Inspired Dog Names

  1. Atlas
  2. Marco (after Marco Polo)
  3. Nile
  4. Everest
  5. Rio
  6. Salem
  7. Dakota
  8. Orlando
  9. Memphis
  10. Denver
  11. Phoenix
  12. Cairo
  13. Sydney
  14. Hudson
  15. Indiana
  16. Yukon
  17. Zion
  18. Maverick
  19. Ranger
  20. Scout
  21. Quest
  22. Voyager
  23. Nomad
  24. Jet
  25. Skip
  26. Trail
  27. West
  28. Easton
  29. North
  30. South
  31. Canyon
  32. Rocky
  33. Cliff
  34. Summit
  35. Ridge
  36. Valley
  37. Ocean
  38. River
  39. Lake
  40. Bay
  41. Harbor
  42. Delta
  43. Island
  44. Cove
  45. Beach
  46. Forest
  47. Park
  48. Field
  49. Prairie
  50. Mesa

Tech-Inspired Male Dog Names

  1. Pixel
  2. Byte
  3. Linux
  4. Java
  5. Cisco
  6. Apple
  7. Tesla
  8. Oracle
  9. Neo
  10. Echo
  11. Siri
  12. Bot
  13. Cache
  14. Code
  15. Crypto
  16. Data
  17. Dot
  18. Gig
  19. Halo
  20. Icon
  21. Link
  22. Nano
  23. Onyx
  24. Pixel
  25. Quest
  26. Ruby
  27. Siri
  28. Tesla
  29. Unix
  30. Vector
  31. Widget
  32. Xenon
  33. Yahoo
  34. Zip
  35. Azure
  36. Binary
  37. Cipher
  38. Digital
  39. Ethernet
  40. Fiber
  41. Google
  42. Hacker
  43. Intel
  44. Jpeg
  45. Kernel
  46. Logic
  47. Modem
  48. Norton
  49. Opcode
  50. Python

Anime Dog Names for Boys

  1. Goku (from “Dragon Ball”)
  2. Naruto (from “Naruto”)
  3. Luffy (from “One Piece”)
  4. Eren (from “Attack on Titan”)
  5. Sasuke (from “Naruto”)
  6. Totoro (from “My Neighbor Totoro”)
  7. Ash (from “Pokémon”)
  8. Levi (from “Attack on Titan”)
  9. Tanjiro (from “Demon Slayer”)
  10. Zoro (from “One Piece”)
  11. Deku (from “My Hero Academia”)
  12. Spike (from “Cowboy Bebop”)
  13. Alucard (from “Hellsing”)
  14. Kirito (from “Sword Art Online”)
  15. Guts (from “Berserk”)
  16. Kenshin (from “Rurouni Kenshin”)
  17. Light (from “Death Note”)
  18. Inuyasha (from “Inuyasha”)
  19. Jojo (from “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure”)
  20. Kaneki (from “Tokyo Ghoul”)
  21. Natsu (from “Fairy Tail”)
  22. Edward (from “Fullmetal Alchemist”)
  23. Gon (from “Hunter x Hunter”)
  24. Killua (from “Hunter x Hunter”)
  25. Kyo (from “Fruits Basket”)
  26. Mob (from “Mob Psycho 100”)
  27. Saitama (from “One Punch Man”)
  28. Shiro (from “No Game No Life”)
  29. Vash (from “Trigun”)
  30. Yato (from “Noragami”)
  31. Ace (from “One Piece”)
  32. Ban (from “The Seven Deadly Sins”)
  33. Conan (from “Detective Conan”)
  34. Dazai (from “Bungou Stray Dogs”)
  35. Erwin (from “Attack on Titan”)
  36. Ginko (from “Mushishi”)
  37. Hei (from “Darker than Black”)
  38. Itachi (from “Naruto”)
  39. Jiraiya (from “Naruto”)
  40. Kakashi (from “Naruto”)
  41. L (from “Death Note”)
  42. Meliodas (from “The Seven Deadly Sins”)
  43. Noctis (from “Final Fantasy XV” and related anime)
  44. Okabe (from “Steins;Gate”)
  45. Pikachu (from “Pokémon”)
  46. Quatre (from “Mobile Suit Gundam Wing”)
  47. Ryuk (from “Death Note”)
  48. Simon (from “Gurren Lagann”)
  49. Tetsuo (from “Akira”)
  50. Usopp (from “One Piece”)

You may also love: 300+ Cute Anime Names for Dogs

Water-Inspired Names for Dogs

These names all have a unique connection to water, perfect for a dog with a love for swimming, the beach, or even just a cool, water-inspired name.

  1. River
  2. Marlin
  3. Cove
  4. Delta
  5. Kai (Hawaiian for “sea”)
  6. Lagoon
  7. Brooks
  8. Caspian (after the Caspian Sea)
  9. Huron (after Lake Huron)
  10. Moby (as in Moby Dick)
  11. Nemo (from Latin for “nobody,” also the famous fish)
  12. Ocean
  13. Poseidon (Greek god of the sea)
  14. Rain
  15. Thames (after the River Thames)
  16. Triton (a sea god in Greek mythology)
  17. Wade
  18. Zale (Greek for “sea strength”)
  19. Aqua
  20. Bay
  21. Cliff (as in sea cliff)
  22. Drift
  23. Eddy (a circular movement of water)
  24. Ford (a shallow place in a river or stream)
  25. Gully (a water-worn ravine)
  26. Harbor
  27. Ice (for the polar pups)
  28. Jetty
  29. Kelp (seaweed)
  30. Loch (Scottish for “lake”)
  31. Marina
  32. Nile (after the river)
  33. Orinoco (after the river in South America)
  34. Puddle
  35. Quay (pronounced “kee”, a stone-built wharf)
  36. Reef
  37. Shoal (a shallow place in the sea)
  38. Tarn (a mountain lake)
  39. Umi (Japanese for “sea”)
  40. Vortex (a whirling mass of water)
  41. Wharf
  42. Yara (Brazilian river goddess, also means “water lady”)
  43. Stream
  44. Brooks
  45. Fjord (a long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between high cliffs)
  46. Galilee (after the Sea of Galilee)
  47. Hali (Greek for “sea”)
  48. Indus (after the river)
  49. Jökull (Icelandic for “glacier”)
  50. Kraken (legendary sea monster)

Tough Dog Names

  1. Axel
  2. Blade
  3. Bolt
  4. Brutus
  5. Caesar
  6. Chief
  7. Diesel
  8. Drake
  9. Fang
  10. Gage
  11. Hawk
  12. Hunter
  13. Igor
  14. Jax
  15. Knox
  16. Laser
  17. Mack
  18. Nero
  19. Onyx
  20. Pike
  21. Quartz
  22. Racer
  23. Sarge
  24. Tank
  25. Thor
  26. Viper
  27. Warden
  28. Xerxes
  29. York
  30. Zeus
  31. Apollo
  32. Bandit
  33. Clash
  34. Dexter
  35. Echo
  36. Flint
  37. Goliath
  38. Hades
  39. Iron
  40. Justice
  41. Koda
  42. Lancer
  43. Magnum
  44. Nitro
  45. Orion
  46. Phantom
  47. Rex
  48. Spartan
  49. Titan
  50. Vulcan

Star Wars Dog Names

  1. Anakin
  2. Boba
  3. Chewie
  4. Dooku
  5. Endor
  6. Fett
  7. Greedo
  8. Hoth
  9. IG-88
  10. Jango
  11. Kenobi
  12. Lando
  13. Mace
  14. Nien (as in Nien Nunb)
  15. Obi (as in Obi-Wan)
  16. Plo (as in Plo Koon)
  17. Qui-Gon
  18. Rex (Captain Rex)
  19. Solo
  20. Tarkin
  21. Ulic (Ulic Qel-Droma from the Expanded Universe)
  22. Vader
  23. Wicket (the Ewok)
  24. Xizor (Prince Xizor from the Expanded Universe)
  25. Yoda
  26. Zeb (from “Rebels”)
  27. Krennic (Director Krennic)
  28. Thrawn (Grand Admiral Thrawn)
  29. Saber (as in lightsaber)
  30. Cal (Cal Kestis from “Jedi: Fallen Order”)
  31. Ezra (from “Rebels”)
  32. Finn
  33. Grogu (The Child, Baby Yoda)
  34. Hux (General Hux)
  35. Iden (Iden Versio from “Battlefront II”)
  36. Jinn (Qui-Gon Jinn)
  37. Kanan (from “Rebels”)
  38. Luke
  39. Moff (as in Moff Gideon)
  40. Nihilus (Darth Nihilus from the Expanded Universe)
  41. Ordo (Canderous Ordo from “Knights of the Old Republic”)
  42. Poe (Poe Dameron)
  43. Quiil (from “The Mandalorian”)
  44. Revan (Darth Revan from the Expanded Universe)
  45. Starkiller (Galen Marek’s codename from “The Force Unleashed”)
  46. Tyranus (Darth Tyranus)
  47. Veers (General Veers)
  48. Wedge (Wedge Antilles)
  49. Xanatos (from the “Jedi Apprentice” series)
  50. Yaddle

You may also love: 200 Stellar Star Wars Dog Names for Your Intergalactic Pooch

Western Dog Names

  1. Tex
  2. Wyatt
  3. Dallas
  4. Carson
  5. Colt
  6. Austin
  7. Boone
  8. Cassidy (Butch Cassidy)
  9. Dodge
  10. Earp (Wyatt Earp)
  11. Ford
  12. Garrett (Pat Garrett)
  13. Houston
  14. Jesse (Jesse James)
  15. Kid (Billy the Kid)
  16. Laramie
  17. Maverick
  18. Nash
  19. Oakley (Annie Oakley)
  20. Prescott
  21. Quigley
  22. Reno
  23. Sawyer
  24. Travis (William B. Travis)
  25. Ulysses
  26. Vance
  27. Wade
  28. Xander
  29. Yates
  30. Zane (Zane Grey)
  31. Bandit
  32. Chance
  33. Denver
  34. Eastwood (Clint Eastwood)
  35. Flint
  36. Granger
  37. Hawk
  38. Indy
  39. Jett
  40. Kip
  41. Logan
  42. Marshal
  43. Ned (Ned Kelly)
  44. Outlaw
  45. Poncho
  46. Quincy
  47. Ranger
  48. Shane
  49. Tucker
  50. Virgil (Virgil Earp)

Check out 200 Western Dog Names for Your Wild, Wild Pup for more ideas!

Viking Dog Names for Males

Viking Dog Names for Males
  1. Ragnar (A legendary Viking warrior)
  2. Thor (Norse god of thunder)
  3. Loki (Norse god of mischief)
  4. Bjorn (Means “bear”)
  5. Leif (Famous Viking explorer)
  6. Ivar (A legendary Viking leader)
  7. Erik (As in Erik the Red, a famous Viking explorer)
  8. Sigurd (A legendary hero of Norse mythology)
  9. Frey (Norse god of fertility)
  10. Gunnar (Means “warrior”)
  11. Haldor (Means “Thor’s rock”)
  12. Jormungandr (The Midgard serpent in Norse mythology)
  13. Kjetil (Means “kettle” or “helmet”)
  14. Magnus (Means “great”)
  15. Njord (Norse god of the sea and winds)
  16. Odin (The chief of the Norse gods)
  17. Pål (Norse form of Paul)
  18. Quin (Derived from a Scandinavian surname meaning “descendant of Conn”)
  19. Rollo (A Viking who became the first ruler of Normandy)
  20. Sven (Means “young warrior”)
  21. Tyr (Norse god of war)
  22. Ulf (Means “wolf”)
  23. Vidar (A Norse god associated with vengeance)
  24. Wulfgar (Means “wolf spear”)
  25. Yngvi (Another name for the god Freyr)
  26. Zephyr (Not traditionally Viking, but its meaning of a gentle breeze could suit a swift or gentle dog)
  27. Skoll (A wolf that chases the sun in Norse mythology)
  28. Hati (A wolf that chases the moon in Norse mythology)
  29. Fenrir (A monstrous wolf in Norse mythology)
  30. Balder (The Norse god of light and purity)
  31. Thorvald (Means “Thor’s ruler”)
  32. Sigbjørn (Means “victory bear”)
  33. Harald (A common name among Viking kings)
  34. Ingvar (Means “warrior of Ing”, Ing being a Norse god)
  35. Jarl (Means “nobleman” or “chief”)
  36. Knut (A Viking king known for his conquests)
  37. Orm (Means “dragon” or “snake”)
  38. Ragnarok (The Norse apocalypse)
  39. Stig (Means “wanderer”)
  40. Tormod (Means “mind” or “courage”)
  41. Ulrik (Means “noble ruler”)
  42. Varg (Means “wolf”)
  43. Asbjørn (Means “bear of the gods”)
  44. Bård (Means “battle against peace”)
  45. Cnut (Another form of Knut)
  46. Dagr (Means “day” in Old Norse)
  47. Einar (Means “lone warrior”)
  48. Frode (Means “wise” or “learned”)
  49. Gorm (Means “he who worships god”)
  50. Helge (Means “holy”, “blessed”)

Space-Inspired Male Dog Names

  1. Apollo
  2. Astro
  3. Atlas
  4. Buzz
  5. Comet
  6. Cosmo
  7. Draco
  8. Eclipse
  9. Galileo
  10. Hubble
  11. Jett
  12. Jupiter
  13. Kepler
  14. Leo
  15. Mars
  16. Mercury
  17. Meteor
  18. Neptune
  19. Nova
  20. Oberon
  21. Orion
  22. Pluto
  23. Quasar
  24. Rocket
  25. Saturn
  26. Sirius
  27. Sol
  28. Spock
  29. Star
  30. Stellar
  31. Titan
  32. Ursa
  33. Vega
  34. Vulcan
  35. Zenith
  36. Zenith
  37. Zephyr
  38. Halo
  39. Nebula
  40. Pulsar
  41. Rigel
  42. Polaris
  43. Rhea
  44. Callisto
  45. Cygnus
  46. Lyra
  47. Perseus
  48. Phoenix
  49. Thalassa
  50. Triton

Finding the perfect name for your new pup can feel overwhelming with so many choices, but hopefully, our list of 1000 cute male dog names has made the process a bit easier and a lot more fun. From timeless classics to quirky and unique options, there’s a name here to suit every kind of canine personality. Remember, the right name is one that you love and that your dog responds to, so take your time and enjoy the journey of discovering the perfect fit.



Picture of Kevin Campbell

Kevin Campbell


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