Finding a Reputable Pitbull Puppy Breeder



Ben B.
Picture of Ben B.

Ben B.


A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.

Fact checked by Nicole Etolen

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Adoption is always best, but if you want to choose your own puppy, then it's important to find a reputable pitbull puppy breeder. Check out our tips to get a healthy pup!

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If you’re in the market for a Pitbull puppy, it’s important that you find a good breeder.

If you’ve read any of my articles, you know that I advocate adoption.

However, I know some people want to choose the exact puppy that they want.

Today, I’m going to talk about the importance of finding a reputable Pitbull puppy breeder if you’re going to buy a puppy.

Pitbull Puppy Breeder 101

There are a few things to look for when searching for a reputable Pitbull puppy breeder. You’ll want to get a look at where they keep their dogs, any medical paperwork for the parents of the puppy you could potentially be bringing home, and a look at the actual parents. The more research you do, the better to ensure you get a healthy Pitbull puppy.

Related: Caring for a Young Pitbull Puppy

Tour the Residence

Most dog breeders that you’ll see raise their pups at home, so be sure to ask the Pitbull puppy breeder you’re vetting if you can take a look at their breeding setup. If the breeder won’t allow this, walk away immediately. If a breeder won’t let you see where they keep their dogs, chances are they are running a puppy mill, and they don’t want you to see the horrible conditions that their dogs are living in.

Related: How to Avoid Buying from a Puppy Mill

If they do allow you to look at where they keep their dogs and puppies, check to see if the conditions are clean and that the animals are comfortable with plenty of room to move and play. If you see more than one dirty cage, several dogs in cages, or dogs that look scraggly or generally look like they haven’t been cared for properly, walk the other way. There’s no need to financially contribute to a breeder who doesn’t properly care for his or her dogs, and chances are you’ll get a puppy that has physical defects.

Take a Look at the Parents

If you can, take a look at the parents that will be bred for your Pitbull puppy. Again, any reputable breeder will allow this. Check to make sure they are healthy. Be aware of their gait and their demeanor. If the dogs that will be used to breed your puppy give you a bad vibe, don’t purchase from that breeder. Pitbulls are powerful animals, so you want to make sure you’re getting a puppy with the best demeanor possible. It just makes things easier.

Take a Look at Medical Records

If the breeder you’re interested in will allow it, take a look at the parents’ medical records. Check the records for any mention of aggressive behavior while at the vet as well as any physical defects or problems. Aside from aggression, you’ll want to look for things like a history of skin problems as well as any joint problems. While they breeder can, of course, leave out pages, it will serve to bolster your case should have to take legal action for a Pitbull puppy that is poorly bred.

How to Find a Pitbull Puppy Breeder

There are several ways you can find a Pitbull puppy breeder. All of these methods will give you several breeder options to choose from. Just remember to do your homework.

Search the Internet

The internet has everything, including Pitbull puppy breeders. Search for Pitbull puppy breeders in and around your area, and you’re bound to come up with several options. You can find breeder sites that offer all kinds of information on the breeder and his or her dogs. One place I highly suggest you stay away from is Craig’s List. Although you can find puppies for sale on the site, it’s generally a terrible place to look for them.

Look at Your Paper

You can generally find puppies for sale in your local paper, whether it’s online or in print. Reputable Pitbull puppy breeders still use the paper to advertise, so don’t be afraid to put some of your time and effort into checking out possible leads from this source.

Ask Your Vet

Many, many animals come through your local vet, so chances are they know someone who’s gotten a Pitbull puppy from a breeder. Because of all the dogs they see, vets can generally tell you which breeders are good and which are bad. At our vet, for example, there was a certain breeder who had a terrible reputation at our practice. This kind of information is invaluable when looking for a Pitbull puppy breeder.

Do Your Homework to Find a Good Pitbull Puppy Breeder

It pays to do your homework and find a good Pitbull puppy breeder if you’re looking to buy a puppy. If you buy from a questionable breeder, you could be financially contributing to ongoing animal abuse at best. At worst, you’ll be contributing to that abuse as well as end up with a Pitbull puppy with either aggression issues, physical issues, or both. So always do the necessary research to ensure that you fine the best Pitbull puppy breeder possible.

Have you ever bought a pitbull puppy from a breeder? What did you look for to make sure you were getting the best pup?


  • A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.

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Picture of Ben B.

Ben B.


A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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