Can dogs eat bird seed? Many of us dog owners are also bird lovers and enjoy giving local birds somewhere to commune and eat in our backyards. But we don’t want to compromise our dogs’ health! Read on to find out if your backyard bird feeder is dangerous to your pup!
What is actually in bird seed?
Before we get into whether it’s safe for dogs, let’s just quickly go over what you’ll actually find in birdseed. Of course, the ingredient lists varies by brand.
Inexpensive birdseed typically contains milo and millet, as well as cracked corn, seeds, and grains like wheat, all of which are harmless to dogs. However, more expensive mixes can contain things like raisins or walnuts, which are toxic to dogs.
So, check the ingredients of your birdseed carefully before buying it if you’re going to be spreading it in a place that your dog has access to.
Can dogs eat bird seed?
Whether or not your dog can eat bird seed depends on what is in it. So long as it is dog-safe and fresh, it shouldn’t hurt them if they eat a little off of the ground. However, we wouldn’t recommend encouraging your dog to eat it, especially if Fido has a sensitive stomach, as it can upset their tummy if they eat too much of it.
What bird seed is safe for dogs?
Bird feeds containing the following are safe for dogs:
- Sunflower seeds
- Safflower seeds
- Sesame seeds
- Flax seeds
- Chia seeds
- Pumpkin seeds
- Shelled peanuts (unless your dog has peanut allergies)
What bird seed isn’t safe for dogs?
Bird feeds containing the following are not safe for dogs:
- Grapes
- Raisins
- Macadamia nuts
- Walnuts
- Cashew nuts
- Pistachio nuts
Why does my dog eat bird seed?
Dogs eat bird seed for the same reason they eat just about anything…because it’s there! Seriously, though, many dogs enjoy eating bird seed because seeds are crunchy and tasty. It can even have some nutritional value, including vitamins, fibers, and healthy fats, so long as its contents is dog-safe.
Can bird seed hurt dogs?
Ingredients aside, while birdseed is too small to pose a choking hazard for most dogs, puppies and small breeds could still choke on it. Seeds in particular can also pose an intestinal blockage hazard. But the worst danger surrounding birdseed is when it gets old or damp from being out in the rain.
Is bird seed toxic to dogs?
Seeds that have gone moldy can breed aflatoxin. This is very dangerous for dogs to consume and can cause liver damage, and in severe cases, death. Signs to look out for include:
- sluggishness
- loss of appetite
- vomiting
- jaundice
- unexplained bruising or bleeding
- diarrhea
Side note, aflatoxins is also toxic to humans and may even cause cancer. So it’s best to throw away any moldy-looking seed, not just for your dog’s health but for yours as well.
What to do if my dog eats bad bird seed?
If your dog displays signs of ingesting moldy bird seed as listed above, you should take them to the vet right away. Even a small amount of aflatoxins can cause symptoms of poisoning. The sooner you have Fido checked out, the better.
How to stop dogs from eating bird seed
The best way to prevent dogs from eating bird seed is to put it somewhere your dog can’t reach or access, such as in a blocked-off area of the backyard or on a high-up bird feeder. If you have an invisible fence collar (like the Halo Collar 3 or SpotOn), you can even create “no go zones” to prevent Fido from accessing those areas.
Alternatively, you should supervise them when they’re in the backyard around the birdseed and make sure they know the “leave it” command.
Is bird seed bad for puppies?
You should not let your puppy eat bird seed as they have such tiny, sensitive stomachs that it will likely cause an upset. However, if they do accidentally eat some, it’s not the end of the world, so long as there is no toxic ingredients within it.
Can dogs be allergic to bird seed?
Dogs can be allergic to almost anything, including any of the ingredients in bird seed. Signs of food allergies in dogs include changes in energy, coat, smell, and stomach upsets.
Are bird feeders safe for dogs?
Bird feeders themselves are not an issue, but the bird poop that gathers around them can be a health hazard to your dog. If they accidentally consume bird poop, they can get salmonella poisoning.
Like in humans, symptoms of this include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and loss of appetite. If symptoms of salmonella arise, keep your dog hydrated and contact your vet for advice.
Most bird seed will not hurt dogs, but caution is advised! If you’re going to use bird seed around your dog, make sure it is dog-safe, or make your own, and if you don’t want them to get their paws on it, place it somewhere out of reach!
Laura is an experienced pet writer & dog lover with a degree in animal media creation, as well as years of practical hands-on experience with dogs. She has owned Border Collies all throughout her life and has worked and volunteered with dogs of all kinds.
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