In this installment of Pitbull Puppy Training Tips, we’ll be talking about potty training.
More specifically, we’ll be talking about how to potty train a Pitbull fast.
While there’s no magic bullet to make potty training quick and painless, there are things you can do to make it go more smoothly and quickly.
Pitbull Potty Training Dos and Don’ts
There’s no way to magically potty train your pup overnight and without any accidents. However, there are some tips you can follow to make it go faster and more smoothly. Let’s go over some Pitbull puppy training tips dos and don’ts for potty training.
- Attempt to potty train your puppy without a crate. You can do it, but it’s a hassle.
- Feed your puppy free choice. You need to keep your pup on a schedule for potty training.
- Ever leave your puppy unattended. You’ve got to spot the signals so you can get your puppy outside to do its business.
- Use puppy pads unless you are absolutely unable to attend to your puppy. If you must use them, make sure to use the scented pads.
- Get angry over accidents.
- Push your pup’s nose in its accident. That is a myth, and it doesn’t work.
Related: Pitbull Puppy Training Videos – Informative and Adorable
- Crate train. Crate training helps prevent accidents overnights or when you have to leave your puppy for any length of time.
- Feed your puppy on a schedule. Your puppy needs to eat at the same time everyday. This gets its body used to a routine and it lets you make sure you’re getting your pup outside to do its business.
- Keep an eye on your pup at all times and watch for the signs of needing to go. Spinning and excessive sniffing are two signs. You’ll learn your pup’s other signals.
- Take your pup out hourly, immediately after it eats, and immediately before bed.
- Reward profusely with praise and treats.
- Follow my Pitbull Puppy training tips. =D
In addition to the dos and don’ts in this potty training installment of my Pitbull puppy training tips series, there’s one more major thing to remember.
No Food or Water Prior to Bed Time
No food or water for two hours prior to bed time. It might sound horrible, but you won’t starve your pup, and you won’t dehydrate it. What you will do is limit the possibility of an accident and keep it comfortable until it does its business in the morning.
While there’s really no way to make potty training a light speed endeavor, if you follow the tips in this potty training installment of the Pitbull puppy training tips series, you should have a relatively painless go of it. Follow the dos and don’ts, and you should be fine. Potty training a puppy is all about patience and putting in the time. If you do the things laid out here, you’ll be golden.
Do you have any questions about pitbull puppy training that you’d like me to answer? Ask in the comments!
A former Veterinary Assistant at Southwest Animal Care Hospital, Ben is an animal lover, blogger, and all-around geek. Along with writing for DogVills, Ben runs his own virtual assistant company, BizzyBim.
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